Flowers Name in Hindi and English
We have the world’s most unique flower names in Hindi and English with pictures to make them easy for you to understand in your native language.
When someone feels bored or tired he or surely thought of a place to freshen his mind or he/she needs to relax his/her mind and start trying to find a heaven on earth to get a wonderful day.
Flowers Name in Hindi With Pictures List
Everyone thinks that it’s impossible to have heaven on earth, Yes you are right but a place sounded with buds is nothing but small heaven on earth, and everyone loves to spend hours and hours even all their free time with the smell of blooms.
This article is essential for those who love blooms and wanted to learn their names and as well as for the students to complete their home tasks given to them in their respective schools and colleges to write down 100+ beautiful flower names in Hindi and English.
All Flowers Name in Hindi and English With Images
Here below we have put together a list of all flower’s names in Hindi and English language with their scientific names and pictures
English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Rose | गुलाब | Rosa |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Lotus | कमल का फूल | Nelumbo nucifera |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Golden Shower Flower | अमलतास | Cassia fistula |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Crossandra | अबोली | Crossandra |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Jasmine | चमेली | Jasminum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Daisy | गुलबहार | Bellis perennis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Tulip | कन्द पुष्प | Tulipa |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Sunflower | सूरजमुखी | Helianthus |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Balsam | गुल मेहँदी | Impatiens |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Butterfly Pea | अपराजिता | Clitoria ternatea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Magnolia | चम्पा | Magnolia grandiflora |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Flax | पटसन | Linum usitatissimum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Lavender | लैवेंडर | Lavandula |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Forest Ghost | आँकुरी बाँकुरी | Aeginetia indica |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Zombi Pea | जंगली मूंग | Vigna vexillata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Night Blooming Jasmine | रात की रानी | Cestrum nocturnum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Yellow Marigold | गेंदे का फूल | Tagetes |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Hibiscus | गुड़हल का फूल | rosa-sinensis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Peacock Flower | गुलेतूरा फूल | Caesalpinia pulcherrima |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Primrose | बसन्ती गुलाब | Primula vulgaris |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Chandramallika | चंद्रमल्लिका | Chrysanthemum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Cobra Saffron | नाग चम्पा | mesua ferrea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Scarlet Milkweed | काकतुण्डी | Asclepias curassavica |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Chamomile | बबुने का फुल | Matricaria chamomilla |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Black Turmeric | काली हल्दी | Curcuma caesia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Yellow Oleander | पीला कनेर | Cascabela thevetia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Periwinkle | सदाबहार | Catharanthus roseus |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Lady’s slipper orchid | आर्किड फूल | Orchidaceae |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Pandanus | केवड़ा | Pandanus tectorius |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Aloe Vera Flower | घृत कुमारी | Aloe barbadensis miller |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Delonix Regia | गुलमोहर | royal poinciana |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Blue Water Lily | नीलकमल | Nymphaea caerulea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Hiptage | माधवी पुष्प | benghalensis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Blue Geranium | ब्लू जीरेनियम | Pelargonium |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Puncture Vine | गोखरू | Tribulus terrestris |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Poppy Flower | खसखस | Papaver |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Murraya | कामिनी | Murraya paniculata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Narcissus | नर्गिस | Pseudonarcissus |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Sweet Violet | बनफशा का फूल | Viola odorata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Bluestar Flower | असोनिया | Amsonia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Hollyhock | गुलखैरा | Alcea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Stramonium | सफ़ेद धतुरा | Datura stramonium |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Foxtail Orchid | द्रौपदी माला | Rhynchostylis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Pansy | बनफूल | Viola tricolor var. hortensis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Dahlia | डेहलिया | Alcea rosea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Orange Tiger Lily | टाइगर लिली | Lilium bulbiferum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Orchid | ऑर्किड | Orchidaceae |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Erythrina | परिजात | Erythrina variegata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Ashok Flower | सीता अशोक | Saraca asoca |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Common Crape Myrtle | सावनी | Lagerstroemia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Canna Lily | सर्वज्जय | Canna |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Showy Rattlepod | सन्नी | Crotalaria spectabilis Roth |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Mexican Tuberose | रजनीगन्धा | Polianthes tuberosa L |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Mountain Laurel | माउंटेन लॉरेल | Kalmia latifolia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Spanish Cherry | मौलश्री का पुष्प | Mimusops elengi |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Burr Mallow | बिचता | Urena sinuata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Glory Lily | बचनाग | Gloriosa superba |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Tanner’s Cassia | तरवड़ के फूल | Senna auriculata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Bougainvillea | बूगनबेल | Bougainvillea glabra |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Queen Crape Myrtle | जरुल | Lagerstroemia speciosa |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Indigo Flower | नील फूल | Indigofera |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Star Glory | कामलता फूल | Ipomoea hederifolia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Bindweed Creeper | कामलता | Convolvulaceae |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Ranunculus Flower | काली हल्दी का फूल | Ranunculus |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Jasminum Sambac | मोगरा | Jasminum Sambac |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Plumeria | प्लमेरिया | Plumeria |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Anemone Flower | रत्नज्योति फूल | Anemone |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Mirabilis Jalapa | जालपा | Mirabilis Jalapa |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Columbine Flower | कालंबिन फूल | Aquilegia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Hypericum flower | हाइपेरिकम फूल | Hypericum perforatum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Asiatic Lily | लिलि | Lilium auratum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Common Lantana | राईमुनिया | Lantana camara |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
White acacia | रेवजा | Robinia pseudoacacia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Monsoon lily | फूल के नाम | Zephyranthes rosea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Cockscomb | फूल के नाम | Celosia cristata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Daffodils | फूल के नाम | Narcissus pseudonarcissus |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Pink rose | गुलाबी गुलाब | Rosa bridal pink |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Sundews | फूल के नाम | Galanthus nivalis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Shameplant | छुईमुई | Mimosa pudica |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Winter aconite | कुचला | Eranthis hyemalis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Cypress vine | फूल के नाम | Ipomoea quamoclit |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
bluebell | ब्लू बेल | Hyacinthoides non-scripta |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Firecrack | अबोला | Crossandra infundibuliform |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Rangoon Creeper | मधुमालती | Combretum Indicum |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Pot marigold | फूल के नाम | Calendula officinalis |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Tram onium | फूल के नाम | Datura stramonium |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Brahma kamal | ब्रह्म कमल | Saussurea obvallata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
White frangipani | गुलांची | Plumeria alba |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Crown | सफ़ैद आक | Calotropis gigantea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Flame lily | फ्लेम लिली | Gloriosa superba |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Butea Monosperma | पलाश के फुल | Butea monosperma |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Purple Passion | झुमका लता | Gynura aurantiaca |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Blue Fountain Bush | भरंगी | Rothera Serrata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Ixora Coccinea | रुग्मिनी | Ixora coccinea |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Rohira | रोहेड़ा | Tecomella undulata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Blood Lily | रक्त लिली | Haemanthus |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Crape Jasmine | चांदनी फूल | Tabernaemontana divaricata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Prickly Pear | नागफनी | Tabernaemontana divaricata |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Bluestar Flower | असोनिया | Amsonia |

English Name | Hindi Name | Scientific Name |
Picotee Blue Morning Glory | पॉटोटी ब्लू मॉर्निंग ग्लोरी | Ipomoea Nil Blue Picotee |

Scientific Name Of Flowers List
English Name
Hindi Name
Scientific Name
16 Flowers Name in Hindi and English
Flowers not only make someone’s mind relaxed but flowers are also gestures to express his/her love to someone when you gave them a bouquet.
Flowers are also being gifted on a special day whether it’s a birthday, it’s a marriage celebration or you are at someone’s place if he/she returned home after being hospitalized.
It’s quite complicated to describe flower names and have every flower flavor in one place. As flowers have thousands of species on earth but even then we have a vast variety of 10 flower names in Hindi and English for you, to make you look more knowledgeable and aware about all the bloom names, you see in your everyday life.
In today’s world, all flower names are being taught to every child in school. teachers are also instructed to give students homework like, writing down flower names in Hindi and English, and noting down 10 flower names.
And this practice’s purpose is to make them understand the basics of vocabulary in an easy way by letting them know all popular flower names in English and their native language also its purpose is to make them learn flower names in both languages English and their native language.
In this article, we have a pictorial list of all flower names in Hindi and English with their scientific names in detail.
Hope so this was a great experience for you being here and we are sure that you were at the right and best place to seek more about flower names in Hindi and English.
We are also expecting that as a flower lover you learned all your favorite flower names in Hindi and English and if you are a student hopefully you have completed knowledge of flower names in Hindi and English pdf and you had completed your homework from the above detailed given table.
please do share with your fellows and colleagues too to have this opportunity to get all information regarding flower names in Hindi and English with pronunciation.