Are you looking for a good Turkish name for your little boy? We’ve got you covered! But if your little one’s already here, and you’re still stuck trying to find a Unique name that will stick.
we’re here to help. You’ll find plenty of great choices here, and if we miss anything important, just send us an email, and we’ll add it to the list.
Turkish Boy Names with Meaning A to Z
You’ll have no trouble finding great names for your son if you follow our recommendations about Cool Turkish Names for Boys With Meanings!
Popular Turkish Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Ãulizar Aagha Abay Abdullah Abi Adalar Adem Adlee Aergul Afandi Afridi Afshin Agin Ahmet Aibak Aimal Ajdin Ajnur Alev Ali Alp Alpaslan Altamash Altan Anarbek Aras Asaf Asen Asker Aslan Asuman Asur Ata Ataa Atil Ayaz Aybars Aydin Aziz Azizbek Azzat | Rose garden Control a noble name Being talented Servant of god Elder brother The island or the red island Of the Turkish earth One who is judged by god The bunch of blooming roses Mighty The name of one of the tribes Ancient king Illegitimate child Greatly praised Slave messenger Desire, wish He who is bright and lucky Moonlight, glow of the oon Flame, brightness, light Lofty A brave hero Heroic lion Army chief Red dawn Pomegranate master Equal Gather Name of a bulgarian king Soldier Lion Sky Assyrians Ancestor, predecessor Predecessor Big river Cool breeze There is the moon One who is enlightened Strong Powerful chief Gazelle |
Turkish Names Start With B and C
Names | Meanings |
Bahadir Baig Baki Bakytbek Balban Balian Bamsi Baran Baris Bashi Bata Batuhan Bayar Bayram Bechir Beg Behrem Beibut Berat Berkan Beyza Bilal Bugra Bunyamin Buqat Burak Burcu Cahil Cahill Can Candana Candanin Candon Cavit Cem Cemil Cenk Cetin Ceyda Ceyhun Ceylan Chana Chughtai Cinar | One who is brave and valiant Leader wealthy son One who has a quick mind Happy chief A title King or lord Compassion and benevolence Rain Peaceful, calm, quite The official Mate, friend, buddy Strong ruler A delightful person Celebration He who is discerning A title of respect Mars planet Peaceful or peace The night of forgiveness He who is of strong blood White or pure Wetting Male camel Son of the right hand To be like a lightening bolt To be strong and fast A sweet smelling woman A young and naive man Young and innocent One who is full of spirit and life A cadid, sincere person He is sincere and hones A sincere and honest man Immortal The one who rules Kind heart The one who wins war The one who is tough and hard A beautiful woman A central asian river An antelope Gracious, merciful Changez khan’s son Plane tree |
Turkish Names Start With D and E
Names | Meanings |
Dameer Davut Defne Demir Deniz Dervis Devrim Doruk Duman Edric Efe Egemen Eldar Elif Elnara Elvan Emel Emin Emir Emirhan Emmad Emre Enayat Ender Enes Ensar Enver Erdem Erdogan Eren Ergin Erhan Erol Ertugrul Ertuğrul Eshaq Esin Esmeray Esra Eylül Eyman Eymen | Ameen, jess iron Beloved friend A laurel tree, tall and majestic One who is made of iron Sea Beggar Revolution Peak One who is helpful Vigorous, robust man Elder brother in Turkish The dominant one One who is born to fight with fire One with a slender body, original People, country, nation This name means colors Desire Self-assured King or commander Princely ruler A leader Friend Grace, kindness or blessing Scarce Human Helpers Bright Virtue, merit or knowledge Brave, warrior hawk, or fighter Saint Ripe, matured or seasoned Manly leader Brave Clean hearted, true hero Brave man Prophet’s name Inspiration A dark moon More or quick The month September Righteous Blessed and good fortune |
Turkish Names Start With F, G and H
Names | Meanings |
Faruk Fatih Ferman Feyzi Filiz Furkan Galip Gamze Gonal Guney Gyula Hakan Halil Halime Hamit Hamza Hasad Hasim Haşim Hidir Hosmunt | The discriminator Conqueror Edict Graceful To spring up and develop Criterion Winner or overcomer A dimple on a person’s face Bright South Hungarian royal title One who rules Friend Gentle, mild Arabic counterpart hamid Lion, steadfast, and brave Harvest or reaping Crusher Turkish form of hashem A turkish and arabic boy name Clever person |
Turkish Names Start With I
Names | Meanings |
Ihsan Ismail Kaan Kadir Kadri Kahraman Kemal Kerem Khatoon Kiral Kuzey Levent | Kind man Heard by god King of kings or ruler Powerful Kadri means pure Hero Perfection Nobility and generosity Begum woman Kiral means supreme leader North Good-looking |
Turkish Names Start With M and N
Names | Meanings |
Mahir Mart Mazhar Mehmet Mert Mesut Mete Metin Mirac Miraç Miran Muhammed Murat Musa Mustafa Nazik Neval Nijaz Niroop Nouis | Skillful Born in the month of march Esteemed One who praises Manly Enjoying and pleasure Hero Having authority Ascension Muhammad’s ascent to heaven Prince Praised, praiseworthy Wish come true Child Chosen, selected, appointed A slender or a delicate person The new city Wish or want A bright shining appearance A bright shining appearance |
Turkish Names Start With O, P and Q
Names | Meanings |
Okan Olcay Ömar Omer Orhan Osman Osmen Otar Ozan Ozanich Ozge Ozgur Pasha Poyraz Qazalbash | An individual of a noble nature Champion and conqueror Populous and flourishing Talker, successful Spirit or manner Wise To show the right path Pasture, meadow A story teller and a composer Bard A unique and different individual Independent A lord Northeasterly wind Red leader |
Turkish Names Start With R and S
Names | Meanings |
Rasem Rezan Rifaat Roshan Ruslan Safet Safiye Salih Sefa Selim Serap Sevket Sezen Shahinaz Shakirat Soner Sukru Suleyman | Mirror image running water A clear and bright woman One who has a high status, rank Brightness of the light Lion Best part or pure A genuine person Pious Pleasure Safe Mirage Power and dignity Feeling A beloved, beautiful girl An appreciative person He who is the last man Grateful Man of pace |
Turkish Names Start With T, U and V
Names | Meanings |
Tabeeb Talha Tamraz Taneer Taner Tanju Tansu Tarkan Tengiz Timur Truong Turgut Ufuk Ulugbek Umut Uras Volkan | Doctor Fruit tree A strong dog Dawn Born with sunrise Blessed by Allah Water of the dawn Strong and bold one Sea, ocean Iron man Refers to college Places to sit or stay Horizon Great chieftain Hope Master Volcanic |
Turkish Names Start With Y and Z
Names | Meanings |
Yadgar Yagiz Yakup Yamac Yaman Yariq Yasher Yigit Yildiz Yunus Yusuf Zehab Zeki Zhumabek Zoltan | Memorable Chestnut-colored To follow Mountainside Intelligent Shiny, bright This living Bravery and strength Star Friendly dove God increases Gold Clever and intelligent Minister in charge on Fridays King |

Unique Turkish Names for Boys
Turkish boy names are a mix of Western and Arabic names. The names are typically written in Arabic writing and so many of the names are easy to pronounce.
Popular Turkish Names Boy
The names below are the most popular boys’ names in Turkey. 1. Recep 2. Mustafa 3. Mehmet 4. Ali 5. Cem 6. Erkan 7. Murat 8. Mehmet 9. Can 10. Ata
Modern Turkish Names Boy

I hope you like the article about modern Turkish Names for Boys. I had a lot of fun writing this article and I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.
Exotic Turkish Names for Boys
Turkish names are exotic and different from the names that are typically used in the United States. Exotic Turkish names are the latest trend in baby names and this trend is becoming more and more popular.
The name “Turkish” is the word for “Turk,” the people from the Central Asian country of Turkestan. Although the word “Turkish” is not actually a name, it is very popular in the United States. The name is often given to boys who have a connection to turkey
Turkish Names for Boys

Nowadays, we know that the best kind of names to choose are the ones that carry meaning to the people who hear them. They’re meaningful and unique, not too long or short, and they reflect the qualities of the child.
What’s the origin of Turkish names?
The origin of Turkish names is from the Middle Ages.
What are some of the most popular names in Turkey?
In Turkey, the most popular name is Mustafa. It’s also very common to have two names. The most common names are Abdullah and Ali.
What’s a good name for a boy?
There are many names for boys. Some of the most popular ones include -Süleyman -Mustafa -Ahmet -Efendi -Ali -Hüseyin -Derviş -Ömer -Çağlar -Selahattin -Nuh -Abdulah -Yusuf -Mustafa -Ali -Hüseyin -Çağlar -Selahattin -Nuh -Abdulah -Yusuf -Mustafa -Ali -Hüseyin -Çağlar -Selahattin -Nuh -Abdulah -Yusuf -Mustafa -Ali -Hüseyin -Çağlar -Selahattin -Nuh -Abdulah -Yusuf
Why the Turkish language is a perfect fit for boys names. When you’re reading this, you may be asking why the Turkish language and culture would be a good fit for Turkish Names for Boys
You can use the same philosophy in choosing aboy’sy name as the Turks do. By doing so, you’ll help your son grow up with an appreciation for his father and his father’s role in his life.
The other thing about the Turkish language is that it sounds very masculine. When a name begins with a letter with a high pitch, it sounds more masculine than when a name begins with a letter that has a low pitch. This will make your son sound more manly.
look no further. These names are guaranteed to make his future more interesting than it already is. So go ahead and be different. Be original. Be unique. Be the one everyone’s talking about. And don’t forget to add an interesting nickname too!