Spanish baby names
Spanish baby names & The Spanish language is one of the world’s most popular languages, so it’s not surprising that the name game has been played for centuries.
In this article, we will be taking a look at Spanish baby names. This is a great article for those who are planning on naming their child a Spanish name. By the time you are done reading.
by reading this blog you will get a better idea of names that have Spanish origins and what they mean.
Unique Spanish names For Boys
Aaron Adrian Agustin Alex Alfonso Alonso Antonio Aurera Auristela Ausca Avalos Axel Azael Azul Azura Balta Bandana Barajas Barlaam Barossa Barrera Baudelio Bautista Benicio Benjamin Bruno Caleb Carlos Cristofer Cruzito Cuba Cuevas Custodia Daleyza Dama | Damian Damita Dante David Diego Dylan Eduardo Elian Emiliano Emmanuel Enzo Estralita Estrella Evelia Evita Facundo Fantasia Fargo Fausto Fedella Felipe Francisco Franco Gabriel Gaspar Gonzalo Hugo Ian Ignacio Iker Isaac Izan Jacob Javier Jeronimo | Joaquin Jose Juan Juan Pablo Julian Leon Leonardo Leonel Liam Luca Lucas Luciano Luis Manuel Marcelo Marco Marcos Mateo Matias Matthew Maximiliano Miguel Noah Pablo Rafael Ramiro Rodrigo Ruben Salvador Samuel Santiago Simon Tomas Vicente Xavier |
Unique Spanish Names For Girls
Abigail Adriana Ainhoa Aitana Alana Alba Allison Alma Amalia Amanda Ambar Ana Ana Paula Andrea Antonella Antonia Ariana Aurora Catalina Chloe Claudia Crispina Danna Dargiana Darien Delfina Elisa Elizabeth Emily Emma Fedra Fidelia Florencia Gabriela Guadelupe | Guerra Guevara Guillermina Haide Havana Herrera Hija Iban Idalia Idalis Ignacia Ines Irena Isabel Isabella Isadora Ivanna Josefina Juana Juandalynn Juarez Juliana Julieta Kiki La Cienega Labonita Lara Lareina Laria Larisa Leah Lola Lucia Luciana Maite | Mariana Martina Mia Miranda Morales Moreno Naiara Natalia Natividad Necia Nereo Nicole Noa Olivia Orozco Orquidea Padilla Paula Paulina Pilar Quilla Quita Raquel Rayan Reia Renata Romina Sara Sofia Valentina Vera Victoria Violeta Ximena Zoe |
15 gorgeous Spanish names
Adan Adella Alirio Amaya Belen Bernal Cayo Celia Cordovan Dario Dulce Eber | Eliazar Florencio Frida Gabriella Gallieno Huber Inigo Jade Lucía María José Mariposa Noelia | Perez Rocío Savannah Sofía Talia Tavia Tierra Vasco Xandra Yesenia Ynez Zarela |
Spanish English baby names
Alejandra Alexa Angel Ángeles anna Annabel Bianca Camilo Caricia Carina Celenia Ciro Clara Cortez Cruz Dalmacio Deyanira Dinorah Dolores Domingo edgar Eleonora Eneida Esmerelda Esteban Flavia | Francisca Galiana Girls Gitana Grisel Hesperia Hortencia Idoya Inocencia Isolda Jacaranda Jacinda Jacinta Jaime Joviana Laura Lila, Lilas Lila/Lilia Lope Lorna Luca / Lucca Lucero Macarena marisa Mirella Miroslava | Nina Noe Odalys Orlando Oscar Pabla Paloma Paola Paz Peta Petrona Rafaela Renzo Rey Roberto Salma Salomé Santino Sergio Sophia Tavio Teo Verena Yoli Yvelis Zaira |
Spanish Christian names
Acela Ada Adelita Agueda Agustín Alejandrina Alejandro Alessandra Alexander Amada Amado Amparo Ana Sofia Andrés Antona Baltasar Beatriz Bernardino Blas Costanza Cristo Damiana Elvira Esmeralda | Estela Eva Fátima Francesca Frutos Garci Giraldo Gregorio Hernando Inés Irene Jazmín Jerónima Jerónimo Juan Diego Justina Luana Maia Malena Manuela Margarita María María Alejandra María Camila | María Fernanda María Paula Marina Martín Maximo Mayor Melchor Melchora Mergildo Micaela Michelle Oracion Quiteria Ramos Regina Sancha Sancho Sophie Susana Teresa Tomás Tomé Truylos Valery |
Old Spanish names
Abril Agustina Alan Alicia Alvaro Amaia Amelia Angela Antón Ariadna Azmina Barbola Baronicio Barros Barto Bartolomé Basiano Bastía Bastian Beda Benito Camila Carla Carmen Celeste Christopher Constanza Cosme Cristina Cristóbal Cruzita Dámaso Daniel | Daniela Elena Elias Emilia Emilio Ethan Eyague Ezequiel Fabrico Fedele Fernanda Fernando Floriana Gael Gines Guadalupe Guillen Hector Hernán Huela Huerta Inez Jorge Juanita Julia Lanza Leo Leonor Lia Lorenzo Luisa Luna Magdalena | Maria Maria Jose Mario Martin Mencía Milo Moya Murrillo Nereida Nerita Neus Nicolas Olall Oliver Ortega Pacheco Pascual Pedro Quintana Quintero Rafa Ramira Ramona Salome Samantha Samara Sebastian Simón Thiago Ursula Valentin Valentino Valeria |
Spanish names with meanings
Spanish Baby Names Start with A and B
Name | Meaning |
Abrán Acacia Adalia Adelina Adoración Alano Alarica Alba Alejandro Aleta Allyce Almudena Aluino Alvaro Ana Andrea Aryo Aureliano Aurelio Aurelius Azahara Azora Azura Azurine Bahia Baila Baja Balea Bandana Bartoli Bartolo Bartolo Bartolome Basilio Basilio Baya Beatrisa Beatriz Beinvenido Belen Belicia Beltran Bemabe Bernabe Berto Blandina Brigida Brisa Brisha | Father of the multitude Thorny Noble one Noble, kind Devotion, adoration Handsome Noble White; rock Defending men Truth Noble The city Noble friend Old Norse Elf Warrior One who God favors Strong Warlike, fierce Golden Gold Golden A pleasant flower A blue and clear sky Of sky blue color Sky-blue Charismatic beauty Beautiful form of dance Lower one Carefree, happy Worship Ploughman Ploughman Son of a farmer Ploughman Noble Regal Berry Bringer of joy Brings Joy Welcome Bethlehem, An Arrow dedicated to god Bright raven Son of comfort Son of consolation Noble; bright Amiable Exalted one Breeze Breeze |
Spanish Baby Names Start with C and D
Name | Meaning |
Candie Carilla Carlomagno Carmelita Casey Casimiro Cedro Cenobia Chalina Chavelle Clarinda Cordero Cornelio Corona Corrola Costanza Crescencia Cristina Cristos Cristoval Cruz Cruzita Cuartio Cuarto Cuca Curcio Currito Curro Dabora Dacio Daeja Daija Dalary Daleyza Dali Dama Damita Daniel Daniela Danita Dantae David Deina Delma Demario Diega Dionis Donzel Dorbeta | Pure; sincere Freeman Charles the Great Garden Brave in battle Destroyer of peace Goddess of the Moon Force of Zeus Rose Pledged to God Bright, shining, clear Lamb Horn Crown Flower “little crown” Firm, constant, steadfast To grow Believer of Christ Follower of Christ With Christ inside Cross A little cross Born fourth Born fourth A gambling woman Friendly, polite Free Frenchman; free A Bee From Arci Strong person Already in making Gift of God Delightful Drawn towards God A noblewoman A little noble lady God is my judge God is powerful God is my judge Enduring Beloved Honest, fair Of the sea Gentle; calf Supplanter Divine Gift of God Virgin Mary |
Spanish Baby Names Start with E,F and G
Name | Meaning |
Earlena Earlene Edgardo Edita Efrain Eliazar Elisa Eloisa Eloy Elvita Estevon Eugenio Evarado Everardo Exaltación Ezequiel Fabio Fanuco Feliciti Felisa Fermina Florentina Florinda Florita Fonda Fonda Fortuna Fortunata Freira Freira Frescura Gabriela Gabriella Galenia Galicia Garabina Garaitz Garbina Garcia Gaspara Gaspara Gata Generosa Generosa Generys Genoveva Georgina Geralda Gerardo Gerónimo Gertrudis Gezana Gina Ginata Ginebra | Princess, warrior Warrior, countess Wealthy spearman Prosperous in war Fruitful, fertile, productive God helps Devoted to God Healthy; wide The chosen Truth Variant of Stephen Noble Hardy; brave Hardy; brave Lifted up God strengthens Bean grower Free Happy Lucky Strong Blooming Flowers A flower or blossom Something intense, profound Foundation Luck or chance Lucky and blessed person Pious sister Sister Freshness God is strength God is my strength Small, but intelligent one philosophical Purification Victory Purification Resembles to bear wealthy Treasure Having the quality cat Unstintingly giver Generous Fair one in complexion White color wave A form of Georgia To handle the spear Strength Sacred name Having force like a spear Embodiment Well Born Means Flower Juniper tree |
Spanish Baby Names Start with H,I and J
Name | Meaning |
Hector Heriberto Heriberto Hermelinda Herminia Hermosa Hernan Hersilia Heufemia Hija Hilario Hilario Honor Honoratas Huela Iago Idonia Ignazio Ilma Ilsa Ines Inesa Inez Inocencio Iolanda Iracema Iratze Irene Iria Isabel Isabella Isadoro Isaias Ishmael Isleta Ismael Itsaso Ivan Jacinto Jacobo Jaime Jaione Jakinda Javiera Jerico Jesusa Josefa Juan Juana Juanetta | Tenacious Shining warrior Bright army shield of power lady of the earth Beautiful Variant of Ferdinand Delicate, Tender Girls name Daughter Happy Cheerful, happy Honor Woman of honor Fem A Form Of Hugh Supplanter Industrious and fruitful It means fire Will or desire Pledged to God One who is gentle and pure Kind and innocent Pure or Virginal Harmless, innocent Meaning violet Honey lips Refer to the Virgin Mary Peace Colorful or rainbow One who loves God pledged to god Gift of Isis Salvation of the Lord God will hear little Island Egyptian slave woman Ocean Archer Hyacinth Supplanter Supplanter Reference to the Nativity Precious stone New house; bright City of the Moon Named for Jesus Jehovah increases God is gracious Gracious and merciful God is gracious |
Spanish Baby Names Start with K,L and M
Name | Meaning |
Kemen Kemina Keneth Kesara Lalla Lareina Larunda Leandro Leya Lia Lucena Macario Macerio Madena Manuel Maria Marta Mateo Mateo Maureo Melisenda Melita Melosa Mireya Mitzy Moa Modesta Montae Montana Mora Morena Morissa Morissa | Strong Strong Handsome, “born of fire” Youthful Laurel The queen Crowned with laurels Lion-man Lion; the law Weary Illumination Blessed Happy High tower God is with us Christ’s mother Slavic Lady A gift of God gift of god Moor Strong in work Honey Honeybee Admired Wished for a child One who is lovable Rain or Cloud Mountain The mountain A kind of berry Brown colored hairy Dark complexion one Drop of the sea, beloved |
Spanish Baby Names Start with N,O and P
Name | Meaning |
Nadia Nahia Naia Naiara Naldo Nalleli Nallely Naolin Narcisa Natalia Natalio Nelia Nemesio Nerón Nesto Noemi Odanda Oihane Oliverio Orlán Orquidea Pablo Pacorro Palba Palbán Palmira Paquita Patrido Paula Pepita Porfiro Prestha Primeiro Priscila Prudencia Pucela Puebla Puma Pura Pura Pureza Purificacion Purisima | The promises one An aspirational one A Nymph, hope Refers to the Virgin Mary Counsel power Having beautiful eyes Having good-looking eyes god of the sun Precious gem, Emerald Newcomer to this world Christmas Horn Justice Stern; strong Serious My delight Famous land From the forest Olive tree Renowned in the land Orchid Little Eagle Blond Blond An ancient Syrian city Free man Noble Small Jehovah increases Purple Hurry, Quick Born first An ancient woman A prudent person A virgin The town Mountain Lion Pure, genuine personality Pure A genuine and pure woman Purification Pure |
Spanish Baby Names Start with Q,R and S
Name | Meaning |
Querida Querube Quin Quinta Quintanna Racquel Rafaela Rafaella Raimunda Ramira Ramona Ramonda Ramonita Raquel Raquelle Rodas Roderiga Roldán Rufina Sabino Sal Salbatore Santiago Saturina Saturnín Sayda Seina Senona Shoshana sidoro Silvi Silvia Silviana Socorro Sofia Sofia Sola Solana Soledad Solenne Soley Soliesse Solita Sonrisa Stellita Suelita Susanita | Beloved From Querubin Intelligence Fifth The fifth girl A little lamb, ewe God has healed Heald by God Wise Defender Judicious; Wise, Famous Protector, Defender A wise protector She who is in great protection An innocent person Ewe Where roses grow Renowned ruler Famous Red-haired Wise Savior Savior Saint James Dedicated to Saturn Roman mythology name Huntress, fortress Innocent Lively Lily Gifted with many ideas A woman from the woods Wooded, forest She is a girl of the forest A helpful person Wisdom in a wise woman wisdom A woman who is alone One who is warm and bright Solitude She is like a sunlight A girl who is like a sunshine She who is like a Sun Girl who enjoys solitude She who is full of smiles A girl who is like a little star She is a little lilly flower Another name for lily flower |
Spanish Baby Names Start with T and U
Name | Meaning |
Tabor Tadeo Tajo Talisa Tanis Tavia Tavita Tejana Telma Tohias Toli Trella Urbano Usoa | A height, encampment Gift of God Day, a name of a river in Spain A form of tallis Serpent lady She who is born eight She who is eight in line Girl from Texas She who has will God is good Son of the furrow Star Of the city Dove |
Spanish Baby Names Start with V and X
Name | Meaning |
Valentina Veto Victoria Viktorie Vinita Virgilio Vittoria Viviana Xalvadora Xantina Xavier Xaviera | health and strength Intelligent Victory, conquer Victorious, Victory A humble or requester Profiting Victory One who is full of life Savior Little saint New house New house |
Spanish Baby Names Start with Y and Z
Name | Meaning |
Yaelis Yago Yanamaria Yesenia Yessenia Yolanthe Ysabella Ysabelle Zandra Zanetta Zantina Zerlinda Zita Zoe | “Strength of God” Supplanter Bitter grace Name of a character of a soap opera A flower Strong A variant form of name Isabella which means beautiful Consecrated to God A variant of Alizandra, meaning defender of mankind “God’s gift” Little saint Beautiful dawn or beautiful morning Little girl; seeker Life |
If you are looking for the perfect name for your baby, we have compiled a list of the top 100 most popular Spanish names for girls and boys. Click on https://nameideas.net/ to provide you with top names for girls and boys of any origin.
Spanish names 2022 2023 with meaning