Introduce the cultural and beautiful significance of Turkish girl names. Mention the types of names you’ll cover, such as popular, unique, traditional, and modern Turkish names. In this exploration of names, we will dive into the rich tapestry of Turkish culture and discover the hidden stories behind these beautiful names.
Turkish Girl Names
Turkish names have a taste of two regions Asian and European, if you are searching for combo culture names then choose a Turkish name for your baby girl
Turkish Girl Names with Meaning From A to Z
Below we have rounded up High-level Turkish girl names and meanings
Turkish Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Aamna Acelya Ada Adalet Aergul Afet Afet Afsheen Ahu Aiyla Ajda Akasma Alara Alev Aleyna Aliona Aliye Alla Alya Amar Andreja Andri Ani Anta Aria Arka Arzou Arzu Asel Asena Asli Asuman Asya Atiye Ayca Ayda Ayela Ayeleen Ayesha Aygul Aykiz Ayla Ayleena Aylin Aymelek Aynoor Ayperi Ayse Aysel Aysin Aysu Azize Azra | Peace, soft, calm A flower Island Justice Blooming roses Lovable Inspiring beauty Shine like a star Gazelle Moonlight of moon halo Returning visitor White climbing rose A fairy of the water Flame; brightness Bright, shining Torch of light, precious Highborn, exalted, noble An angel, name of truth To ascend One who lives forever Virility, defender Brave, defender Ornament, beautiful Priceless, inestimable Gentle music, brings rain Flash of lightning Desire, wish Hope, wish, desire Honey river Beautiful Sincere From the sky Eastward Donation, a gift from god Face as beautiful as the moon In the moon, benefit Halo of light around the moon Halo of the moon Woman, life, small one Moon rose Vigilant, awake Oak tree, or moonlight Messenger of god Woman with moon halo Moon angel Moonlight, beautiful Moon fairy Peace Moon stream Beautiful like the moon Moon water Beloved or precious Pure |
Turkish Names Start With B
Names | Meanings |
Bade Badur Bahar Banou Banu Banu Basak Bashak Begam Belgin Belgin Beli Belkis Belma Bercu Bergen Beril Berna Berna Berrak Berrin Beste Bets Beyza Bibi Bike Bilge Binnur Birgul Birgül Birsen Bitki Buğlem Bulaq Burcak Burcin | Gift from god Moon The season of spring Princess Bride, little sister Lady Ear of wheat Thorn, point Lady and noble lady Pure Clear A flower jasmine Queen or princess Night of full moon Sweet-smelling Lives on the mountain Beryl Young woman One who is young Woman of clarity Bear Melodic God is my oath Pale or white, Lady, woman Queen Wise A thousand lights One rose Unique You are unique Plant Angel of heaven Ornament worn in the nose Of sweet scent Brilliant, clover |
Turkish Names Start With C and D
Names | Meanings |
Canan Caria Cemile Cemre Ceren Ceyda Ceyda Ceylan Ceylan Damla Damla Defne Demet Demi Deniz Deniz Derya Derya Despina Diamond Dicle Didem Dilan Dilara Dilara Dilay Dilek Dilruba Dine Doga Dolunay Duru Duygu | Darling She who flows like water Beautiful and radiant Burning ember Baby gazelle A girl with a long neck The one who helps everybody An antelope A gazelle or antelope Drop of water A drop of water Laurel tree or bay tree Responsible Mother of land The sea The sea From the ocean Ocean or sea Ladylike, mistress Unbreakable A wonderful river Beautiful Son of the sea Beloved A heart Gorgeous moon Wishful Heart ravishing, beloved Vindicated, judgement Nature Full moon Clear Emotion |
Turkish Names Start With E
Names | Meanings |
Ebrar Ebru Ece Ecem Ecrin Eda Ekin Ela Elif Elma Elmas Elmas Elnara Elnara Elvan Emel Emel Emine Emira Emiri Enfleda Esana Esen Esin Eslem Esma Esmeray Esra Eti Eylem Eylül Ezel | Good person The art of marbling The queen Royal Ecr Wealthy guardian The harvest Oak Tall Will, desire, helmet, god’s Like a diamond Diamond People, Fire Colors Passion Desire One who is courageous and bold Princess One who tries to excel The mother of a great saint Desire, wish, or aim Breeze Inspiration Aslama Supreme Dark moon More or quick Arrival, star Action September Eternity |
Turkish Names Start With F and G
Names | Meanings |
Faila Fairuza Fani Farzana Fatima Fatma Fehime Ferah Feray Ferda Feride Feriha Feryal Feyza Fidan Filiz Firdevs Funda Funda Fusun Gamze Gamze Gauhar Gizyma Gokcen Goksu Gona Gonca Gonul Gozde Guinever Gul Gulden Gulizar Gulizar Gulnur Gulsen Gulsum Gulten Gulya Gulya Gunel Gunes Gunseli Guulistan | Arabian jasmine Woman of triumph, gemstone Perishable, changeable, free Intelligence, wise, delighted, One who weans an infant Baby Understanding, intelligence Beautiful Moon shine Brave Unique Joyous woman Decoration or ornamentation, Abundance, prosperity Sapling Blossom Garden in gana Heather Health Charming woman A dimple on a person’s face The dimple from someone A pearl Mystery Beautiful woman, Blue water Cheek Flower bud Desire Favorited Fair, holy, smooth, white Rose Flowers raw Gulzar A rose garden Beautiful flower Joyous rose, rose garden Eyes Flowers raw Flower A flower The sun of the people nation Lord of virtues Day Land of roses |
Turkish Names Start With H and I
Names | Meanings |
Hajrie Haleh Halime Halime Handan Hande Hanife Hareem Harika Harika Hatice Hayal Hayal Hayat Hayati Hayfa Hayrunnisa Hayrünnisa Hazal Hazan Hazana Hediye Helin Hicran Hilal Hiranur Hulya Hülya Humeyra Huri Husna Idil Ilay Ilayda Ilkay Ilknur Illya Imran Inci Ipek Irem Irmak Isil Isra İzel | Luck Halo around the moon Gentle, mild Mild or gentle Full of joy Smiling With strong ties to religion walls of house of kabba Wonderful A miracle With no desire Imagination A daydream Life Presence Slender, well-shaped Woman / lady of peace Goodness of women Gazal Fall Born during autumn Gift Birds nest, sun ray, shining light Sorrow Arabian tribe Hira Daydream Star Beautiful white redish skin Heaven’s maiden Beautiful, a belle, kindness From the river, Water nymph Water fairy, Angela tears Moon First light A mythical tree of paradise, lord Prosperity and development Pearl Silk Garden in heaven From the river Honest, pure Freedom Unique |
Turkish Names Start With J and K
Names | Meanings |
Jale Jamilya Jihan Jihan Jocelyn Joozher Jubaila Kader Kadri Kadriye Kamelya Kamran Kari Karli Kaylan Kayra Kelebek Kika Kiral Kiraz Kiraz Kizmet Konali Kubra Kupara Kurah Kuva Kyriaki | Hailstone Beautiful The world or the universe Universe Joyce, happy, tribal name Noble and forgiving Mountain Fate, destiny Pure Valuable A type of flower Crooked nose Chaste, pure Free woman, little Pure, keeper of the keys Princess, blessing of god Butterfly House owner Supreme leader Cherry tree Cherry Destiny Tender Name of imam Hussain’s daughter Hair Of the river Power, forces Of the lord |
Turkish Names Start With L and M
Names | Meanings |
Lalam Lale Lara Lavinya Lenianna Lila Lina Lunara Maira Makbule Manasi Mannat Maral Marwah Masal Mediha Medya Meesha Meher Mehjabin Mehpare Mehtap Melak Melda Melek Melek Meliha Meliha Melika Melike Melis Melisa Melodi Meltem Merak Meral Mercan Meric Merve Meryem Meyra Mikaella Mine Miray Miray Mirto Moon Mouna Muazzez Muge Mujde Müjde Mujgan Mukkerren | As beautiful as a tulip Tulip flower The laurel leaf Beautiful flower Comes from the Lena river Good, night, dark beauty Young palm tree Flower Belvedere, sea of bitterness Loved A complete woman, Nobel Wish, petition to god, special Dear A mountain in Makkah Fairy-tale Worthy of praise To ponder, to meditate Unlimited, smile Benevolence, moon Intelligent Shining like a moon From the moonlight Angel Universal battle Angel Angel Pleasant, beautiful Beautiful and charming Queen of pretty, beauty Queen Honey, bee Bee, honey bee, lemon balm Special Wind from the sea Curious one To swell, Seabright Coral Ruler of the sea Famous friend, cheerful The drop of the sea Light Who is like god, feminine of A resolute protector, will helmet Glowing like the moon Shines like the moon Mistress of the house Slave, letters Silent, quiet Strong, powerful Lily of the valley Praiseworthy, glorious Good news Strong women Honorable |
Turkish Names Start With N and O
Names | Meanings |
Nadia Nafia Nagma Nahrin Najiba Nalan Narin Nasrin Natasha Naz Naz Nazan Nazan Nazik Nazik Nazli Neelam Neesa Neha Nehir Nehrin Nejla Nektaria Nergis Nermin Nese Neshe Neshele Nesrin Neya Neylan Nezihe Nida Nigar Nihal Nihan Niki Nilay Nildag Nilufer Nimet Nisa Nisaa Nizhat Nonika Nujin Nur Nurahan Nurai Nuran Nuray Nurcan Nursen Nurten Olcay Oya Ozcicek Ozge Ozge Özlem Oznur | Hope Beneficial, gift Diamond, melodious song River Excellent, intelligent Dear Delicate Wild rose Beautiful, child born at Timid Coy Proud, haughty, vain Coy or reluctant A slender Slender or delicate Delicate, feminine, intelligent Blue diamond, sapphire Night, hunger, lamb Beautiful eyes, love and River River Light, brightness Nectar Daffodil Delicate Beautiful, choice Joy Joy White rose, field of wild roses New Fulfilled wish Honest, pure To call, voice, prayer, voice of Picture, portrait, sweetheart Joyous Morning, bright Victory of the people, goodness Home, heaven Blue mountain Lotus, waterlily Blessing Night, beauty, lady, women Night, lamb one, hunger Virtue, chastity, Turkish form of Self inspiration New life Radiance, moon, light Radiant king / leader, gift Born under the bright moon Radiant Radiant moon The light of life / soul / heart Joyful light Of bright skin Luck or lucky Wind-warrior goddess Flower essence A unique and different individual Unique or distinct Yearning Glaring life, light of love |
Turkish Names Start With P, Q, and R
Names | Meanings |
Panagiota Pelin Pembe Peri Perihan Perin Pervin Pınar Quibele Rabab Rabia Rahsheda Rana Rasheda Rashida Raysu Reena Reha Reyha Reyhan Rezzan Roshan Rynn | Holy Wormwood Pink! Pear tree A Nile of honey From the deep desire of your inner Loving heart Spring The goddess mother White cloud, holy instrument, an Spring Upright Blessing, elegant Rightly guided Righteous, rightly advised Ease, believer Artistic, gem, dissolve, Star Sweet-smelling flower Favored by god Sensibility, respect A bright light Park, descendant of rian |
Turkish Names Start With S
Names | Meanings |
Safak Safiye Sana Sanem Sara Sayan Secil Seda Sedef Sefa Seher Selda Selen Selim Selin Selma Selva Selvi Sema Semaj Sempa Semra Sena Senay Sera Serap Seren Serenay Serra Sevda Sevda Sevgi Sevgili Sevil Sevim Sevinc Seyda Seyma Seyyal Shahinaz Shakirat Sibel Sibli Sidika Silaah Sim Sive Songl Sude Sule Sumeyye Suna | Sympathy, affection A genuine person Prayer, resplendence Perfection Princess, queen Worthy, deserving Sixth, blind one With echo Pearl Pleasure Month, early morning Gray battle Moon, light, shine, heaven Peaceful Lush, flowing water Peaceful Charming Happy prosperous daughter To speak, omen Heaven, divine omen Mind, the knower Dark beauty Goddess of the moon Eternal, praise Princess, burning one A mirage Star Full moon Burning one, princess Loving woman Passion Love Darling Beloved Love Joy, delight Beautiful, lucky Good-natured Traveler A beloved, beautiful girl An appreciative person Raindrop Son of lion Truthful To be reunited Limit Good, sweet The last rose Ordinary Adventurous She who is high Swan |
Turkish Names Start With T and U
Names | Meanings |
Taahira Taliah Talih Tamta Tansu Taroub Taylar Taze Tece Thivi Toto Tuba Tulay Tulaya Turna Tutku Ubah Umay Umita Umut Unjo Uzma | Pure Heaven’s dew Good fortune Dear one Water of the dawn Gleeful Angel Fresh, new Pure gold Beautiful Versatile Tree that grows in heaven New moon Veil of the moon Right path in life Desire Flower Hope Hope Full of hope One who is a leader Greatest, supreme |
Turkish Names Start With V, Y, and Z
Names | Meanings |
Vega Verda Vesile Vesile Yagma Yağmur Yarely Yasmin Yawa Yaz Yelda Yeliz Yesim Yesmin Yeter Yildiz Yin Yonca Yusra Zaide Zambak Zara Zehra Zel Zeliha Zerdali Zeren Zerrin Zesan Zeynep Zeyno Zia Zilan Zlem Zoe Zozo Zrean Zuhal Zuleyha Zümra | Swooping eagle Faith, truth, spring Reason Close to god Gift Rain Strong Jasmine flower Girl born on Thursday Summer Dark night God is my oath Jade Jasmine flower Adequate Like a star Silver, in the shade Clover Ease, prosperous Elder Lily Princess, lady, shining Beautiful Private or special Water fairy Wild apricot Insightful Golden Moon Precious gem Beautiful, ornament Light, enlightened Storm / wind Longing, yearning Life, light of life Wonderful Golden, bright, snow storm Beautiful planet The moon Group |
Popular Turkish Girl Names
These names are trendy, widely favored, and often chosen by modern parents.
- Aylin (Moonlight) Beautiful and widely liked.
- Elif (Slim and tall, like the letter ‘A’) Highly common and beautiful.
- Melek (Angel) A widely adored name.
- Defne (Laurel) Popular and elegant.
- Selin (Flowing like water) A modern favorite.
- Derya (Sea) Common and beautiful.
- Esra (Fast) Popular among modern parents.
- Gül (Rose) Timeless and lovely.
- Yasemin (Jasmine flower) Fragrant and well-loved.
- Aysel (Moon flood) A unique and poetic choice.
Traditional Turkish Girl Names
These names have historical and cultural significance, often passed down through generations.
- Fatma (One who abstains) Traditional and classic.
- Emine (Faithful, trustworthy) With deep cultural roots.
- Ayşe (Alive) Historical and widely used.
- Hacer (Hagar – Biblical figure) Classic and strong.
- Sultan (Ruler) Historical and powerful.
- Hatice (Early baby) Traditional and meaningful.
- Şeyma (A scent in Heaven) Cultural and esteemed.
- Zübeyde (Precious gem) Traditional and precious.
- Safiye (Pure) Deeply rooted and historical.
- Sabiha (Graceful) Known for its cultural heritage.
- Leyla (Night, dark) Poetic and timeless.
- Fidan (Sapling) Symbolic and nurturing.
- Meryem (Mary) Anchored in religious significance.
Unique Turkish Girl Names
Context: These names are distinct, creative, and perfect for a one-of-a-kind child.
- Zeynep (Precious gem) Unique and valuable.
- Ece (Queen) Uncommon and regal.
- Nazli (Delicate, coy) Distinctive and beautiful.
- Lale (Tulip) Unique and symbolic.
- Yasemin (Jasmine flower) Rare and fragrant.
- Zehra (Bright, flourishing) Unique and radiating.
- Nehir (River) Beautiful and flowing.
- Sevde (Love) Rare and soulful.
- Feray (Radiant as the moon) Uncommon and luminous.
- Rüya (Dream) Unique and enchanting.
Modern Turkish Girl Names
These names have a contemporary feel while still honoring Turkish traditions.
- Ada (Island) Short, crisp, and modern.
- Beren (Strong, smart) Stylish and contemporary.
- Sedef (Mother-of-pearl) Modern and unique.
- Tuba (Blessed) Popular among modern parents.
- Arzu (Desire) Modern and meaningful.
- Eylül (September) Distinctive and modern.
- Irmak (River) Nature-inspired and contemporary.
- Duru (Pure, clear) Modern and elegant.
- Lara (Cheerful, protection) Contemporary and cheerful.
- Beliz (Dedicated to God) Modern and significant.
Turkish Baby Girl Names
These names are perfect for newborns, encompassing a range of styles and meanings.
- Ceyda (One who has long eyelashes) Unique and sweet.
- Elvan (Colors, hues) Vibrant and joyful.
- Aylin (Moonlight) Soft and gentle.
- İnci (Pearl) Precious and delicate.
- Meral (Female deer) Graceful and elegant.
- Asya (Asia) Exotic and beautiful.
- Sevinç (Joy, happiness) Cheerful and warm.
- Su (Water) Simple and pure.
- Aylin (Moonlight) Bright and serene.
- Nil (Nile) Flowing and majestic.
Famous Turkish Girl Names
These names are well-known, often associated with notable figures or celebrities.
- Hülya (Daydream) Famous and elegant.
- Türkan (Turkish woman) Historical and prominent.
- Sezen (Sensation) Renowned and melodic.
- Sibel (Oracle, prophetess) Famous and insightful.
- Büşra (Good news) Popular and positive.
- Tuba (Blessed) Recognized and cherished.
- Beren (Strong, smart) Famous and modern.
- Bergüzar (Gift) Well-known and precious.
- Hazal (Autumn leaf) Popular and delicate.
- Melike (Queen) Regal and famous.
Beautiful Turkish Girl Names
These names are aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and culturally rich.
- Ceren (Young gazelle) Graceful and lovely.
- Efsun (Charm, enchantment) Magical and enchanting.
- Gözde (Favorite, beloved) Beloved and beautiful.
- Damla (Drop) Small and precious.
- Yaren (Intimate friend) Charming and warm.
- Işıl (Bright, radiant) Radiant and elegant.
- Serra (Serene) Peaceful and soothing.
- Pınar (Spring, source) Refreshing and beautiful.
- Gülay (Moonlight) Delicate and beautiful.
- Selin (Flowing like water) Fluid and graceful.
The Turkish name for your daughter is not just about words it’s about weaving a rich cultural tapestry into her identity. Whether you opt for a traditional or modern name, each choice is a celebration of Turkey’s history, nature, and values. Embrace the beauty and depth of Turkish girl names, and may your daughter’s name be a source of pride and connection throughout her life.
What are your favorite Turkish girl names from this list? Do you have a unique or meaningful name to add? Share your thoughts in the comments below! If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and community. Don’t forget to explore our other articles for more name ideas and inspiration!