The Scots have always been known for producing some of the finest names in the world. The same holds true today. From the ancient Picts to the Vikings, Scotland’s names are distinctive, charming, and often fun.
Scottish Names For Girl
Finding a name for a baby girl is no longer a tough job. If you want a pretty and beautiful name like your cutie girl then we highly recommend you prefer Scottish names. This is our all-time favorite list look at this list and decide the best-suited Scottish Girl Names
Scottish Boy Names
Here is the list of Scottish baby boy names. From the day first it has always been a dream of every parent to give their children a name that must be unique and splendid
This list will help you out if you are among those parents
Scottish Names and Meanings A to Z
give it a shot, you will find all your favorite Scottish names with meanings in detail from A to Z.
Scottish Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Abhainn Abott Acair Adair Adamina Addison Aed Agnes Agravain Ailbeart Aileen Ailia Ailith Ailsa Ailsie Ainsley Ainslie Aklen Alasdair Alastair Alaster Alban Alce Alexander Alish Alison Alistair Allison Alpin Anabell Andrew Angus Ann Annabel Annag Annella Annis Ansley Aodh Aonghas Arabel Arabella Aran Archibald Archibold Archie Arran Athdara Athol Auley Aurla Avery | River The Father or the Priest Anchor Oak Tree Ford Formed of the Red Earth From The Red Earth A Fire Chaste Brother of Gawain Bright Nobility Eilidh From The Strong Place Seasoned Warrior Elf Victory Devoted To God Meadow Hermitage Meadow One Who Is a Little Rock? Defender of Men Defender Defender of Men Alba Defending Men Defender of Mankind Of A Noble Kin Beautiful Defender of Men Battle Famous White A Lovable Person Brave’ and Courageous One’ and Choice Noble Sort Beautiful, Graceful Graceful Grace Graceful Clearing With a Small Dwelling Fire One Choice Chaste Yielding To Prayer Mountain Of Strength Truly Brave Truly Brave Strong’ And Island Dweller From The Oak Tree Ford New Ireland Ancestor’s Descendant Golden Princess Ruler of Elves |
Scottish Names Start With B
Names | Meanings |
Bac Baird Bairn Baldwin Balfour Balloch Banner Barbara Barclay Bartley Bean Bearnard Beitris Bellangere Bercilak Berkley Bernard Blaine Blair Blaire Blake Blane Bonelle Bonie Bonni Bonnie Boyd Braden Bram Brett Bretton Brichtrede Bridget Broc Broca Brocagni Brochan Brodee Broderick Brodie Brodric Brodrick Bruce Bryce Brysen Bryshon Bryson | Bakke Minstrel, Poet Baby Bold Friend Farmhouse with Grass Young Bull Flag Bearer Prayerful Where Birches Grow Birch Tree Meadow Life Brave Bear Voyager Son of Alexandre Mighty and Powerful Ash Tree Meadow Bear Strong Yellow Child of the Fields Battlefield Dark-Haired Slender Woman with Good Nature A Woman Who Is Gorgeous A Woman of Great Beauty Beautiful Yellow Salmon Bramble, Brushwood From Brittany, France From Brittany A Scottish Female Name Field One Who Is Like a Badger? A Badger-Like Person He Who Is Badger-Like Porridge A Second-Born Male Child Brother Little Ridge Brother Descendant of Bruadar Willow Lands Freckled A Son of a Freckled Man Child of the Freckled Man Saint |
Scottish Names Start With C
Names | Meanings |
Caden Cadyn Caelan Cailean Cairn Cairstine Caitir Caitrin Calan Calder Calen Caley Callen Callie Callum Calum Cam Camden Camdyn Cameron Campbell Camron Carmichael Carrington Catriona Cauley Cawley Cedric Ceit Chalmer Chambers Christie Chrystal Ciaran Cinead Clarion Clellan Clyde Colen Colin Colina Conway Cormac Cory Craig Crayton Creighton Curra Curran Cyndeyrn | Battle’ Or Cadman’s Male Child Victorious People Child Mound of Rocks Power She Is Of Pure Nature Pure Battle or Rock Rough Water People’s Victory Slim Solid, Dependable From The Forest Bald Dove Dove Crooked Nose Winding Valley One from the Winding Valley Crooked Nose Wry Mouth Crooked Nose Fort of Michael A Place in the UK Pure She Is Like a Relic Relic Loved One War Chief Pure Lord of the Home The One Who Is a Servant Follower of Christ A Transparent Solid Dark-Haired One’ Or Born Of Fire The Name of a King Son of a Follower River To Defeat the Opponent People of Victory A Little Dog Chief of the Water Son of the Charioteer Seething Pool’ And Rocky Hill’ or Crag Border Dweller Rocky Place, Hilltop Spear Hero A Dagger A Well- Renowned Lord |
Scottish Names Start With D
Names | Meanings |
Dallace Dallas Dalles Dallin Dallis Dalziel Darro Darron Darrow Dave Davina Davis Davita Davonna Dawe Dearil Dempster Deoiridh Deòiridh Diarmid Dickenson Dickson Dierdre Dobbin Dolina Domhnall Donal Donald Donalda Donella Donnan Donnie Doone Dougal Doughlas Douglas Dove Drew Drummond Duglas Dun Duncan Dunn Durrell | The One from Dallas Meadow One from the Meadow Belonging To the Meadow One from the Dales From The Little Field The Hard One Son of Oak Tree Brave Hearted A Happy and Merry Person Beloved Son of David Beloved Beloved A Lucky and Beloved Call of Death Red Haired A Shrine a Judge of Character World Ruler Pilgrimage Without Envy A Beloved Individual Richard Strong Ruler A Raging Person with a Broken Heart It Is an Ancient Nickname Ruler of the World Gaelic form of Donald Great Ruler World-Ruler Beloved World Ruler Brown Great Chief Hill Dark Stranger A Stream of Dark River Dubhe, Dark and Shady Strong and Manly Ridge Dark Stream or River Brown Skinned Soldier Fort Chieftain and Battle Dark Strong |
Scottish Names Start With E and F
Names | Meanings |
Eachann Eara Edborough Edin Edine Eibhlin Eileen Eilidh Eimhir Ellair Elliot Elsbeth Elsie Elspeth Emilia Eoghan Errol Erroll Erskine Ervin Erving Erwyn Ethan Euan Euna Eunan Eune Evan Evander Ever Everallin Everard Ewan Ewen Falkner Fang Farlan Fenella Ferelith Fergus Ferguson Ferris Fia Fie Fina Findlay Fingal Finlay Finn Finnea Fiona Firth Fletcher Flora Forbes Fraser Frasier Freddie Fyfe Fyn | Horse From The East A Prosperous Administrator Place of Pleasure One Who Came From Edinburgh Desired Bright and Shining Radiant One Swift Steward The Lord Is My God God Is Bountiful Pledged To God Chosen by God God Is My Oath Young Earl, Nobleman A Scottish Surname Fresh Water or Beautiful A Descendant of Eiramhon High Cliff Strength Born Of the Yew Tree Lamb or Hunger Youthful Victory The Lord Is Gracious Strong Man Strong as a Boar A 3rd- Century Historic Figure Wild Boar or Brave Hardy Youth One Who Is Of the Yew Tree? Falcon Trainer A Pen for Sheep Son of Furrows White Shoulder True Sovereignty Strong One Son of the Strong One Son of Fergus One Who Makes a Dark Peace? A Darkness of Peace One Who Shall Add Fair Warrior Fair Stranger Fair-Haired Hero Fair The Wood of the Ford White and Fair A Small Inlet Arrow Maker Fair One Field Of The Forest Men Strawberry Peaceful Ruler From Fifeshire Fair |
Scottish Names Start With G and H
Names | Meanings |
Galiene Gara Gardiner Garia Gavan Gaven Gavenia Gavin Gavina Gawain Geordie Gil Gilmore Gilroy Glenn Gordania Gordon Gormlaith Gowan Graeme Graham Grant Greer Gregor Gregory Gunn Guss Hacket Hackett Hackit Hamel Hamilton Hamish Hammill Harris Hay Haye Hayee Heather Hector Henderson Hendries Hew Hilda Hogg Houston Hutton | A Woman or Damsel Short or Little Woman Protector of a Garden Short White Falcon White Hawk White Hawk God Send Battle Maid God Send’ and Little Hawk Farm Worker Joy Servant of the Virgin Mary Son of the Red-Haired Lad Living in the Valley Great Hill’ And Great Hill’ And Princess Descendant of the Smith Grand Home Gravelly Dwelling Tall’ and Large Vigilant Watchful Watchful Battle The Coolest Kid Norman Personal Name Scottish Persons Name The Names of Scottish Personals Hill with Grass Flat Topped Hill Supplanter Scarred, Has Wound Marks Son of Harry Haye, Lives by an Enclosure A Person Who Lives In a Stockade Flower To Have Son of Henry, Varian of Henry Heart, Mind or Spirit As The Heather A Scottish Surname From Hugh’s Town Ridge Enclosure |
Scottish Names Start With I and J
Names | Meanings |
Iagan Iain Ian Innes Innis Iona Irvin Irvine Irving Isla Isobel Iver Ivor Jackie Jaime Jaimes Jaimey Jaimi Jaimy Jaine James Jamesina Jamie Jamielee Jamieson Jamyah Janet Jannet Jaymiee Jean Jock | Little Fire The Lord Is Gracious God Is Gracious From The River Island Watchful Lona Handsome and Fair-Faced Green Water Green River Island Pledged To God Archer Yew and Bow God Is Gracious May God Protect A Substitute, a Replacement One Who Is Always a Substitute? One Who Is an Alternate? He Who Replaces A Gift of God Supplanter Supplanter Supplanter Scottish Name for Girls Supplanter, One Who Is Replacing God Is Gracious Scottish Name for Girls One with a Beautiful Face God Is Gracious God Is Gracious |
Scottish Names Start With K and L
Names | Meanings |
Kade Kaeden Kai Kamden Kameron Kampbell Karson Keir Keith Keithen Kelso Kendrew Kendrix Kenina Kenna Kennedy Kenneth Kennon Kenzie Kerr Kester Kieran Kin Kina Kinney Kinnon Kirk Kirstin Kirstine Kirsty Knox Knoxx Kyal Kyla Kylo Lachina Lachlan Laine Lainey Laire Laith Lamond Lamont Lanark Laurence Laurie Laydon Lean Leana Leane Leann Leathan Leith Lelly Lennox Leslie Lesly Levene Lewis Lexi Ligulf Lilias Lilidh Lindsay Lochlan Lochlyn Lockie Logan Lorna Lyall Lyla Lyle Lynsey | From The Wetlands Son of Cadan Keeper of the Keys Winding Valley Crooked Nose Crooked Mouth Son of Marsh Dwellers The Dark One Woodland Battle Place Chalk Ridge Manly, Brave Royal Ruler Handsome’ and Fiery Fiery’ and Handsome Chief with Helmet, Handsome Ancient or Distant Handsome From The Rough Ground’ Or Bearer of Christ Little Dark One Family, Little One Fire-Born Fair Born From The Church Follower of Christ God Is Gracious A Follower of Christ Knock, From The Hill Narrow, a Strait Narrow Strait Narrow Spirit of Land Believer or Follower of Christ From The Land of the Lakes Serves John Shining Light Mare Lion Clan Name, Surname Lawyer Log Clear Space, Glade Son of Laurence Crafty Muscular, Strong Male One Who Serves John Serves John She Who Is In Service of John Servant of John River Flowing Water A Meadow Elm Holly Garden A Religious, Sacred Garden Place of the Flood Famed Warrior Defender of Mankind One Who Lives In the Land? Lily Lily The Place of Linden Trees Lord of the Lake Warrior of the Land Of Lakes From The Fjord Little Hollow Fox Lake Land Island Girl From The Island Lake’ And |
Scottish Names Start With M
Names | Meanings |
Mac Macall Macallan Macaulay Maccaulay Macgregor Machara Macintosh Mack Mackan Mackay Mackee Mackenzie Mackenzy Mackinnon Mackland Macklen Mackynzie Maclaine Maclaren Maclay Maclean Macleod Macmillan Macrae Magnus Mairi Maisie Mak Makay Makenna Malcolm Manson Marcail Margaret Marsali Matheson Maxwell Mccauley Mckenzie Mcleod Mctair Melvin Meribeth Mhairi Mhari Mikenzie Mingus Mirren Mitchell Mitchum Moibeal Moire Monroe Morag Morna Morrison Morven Muir Muireall Mungo Munro Murdina Murdo Murdoch Murdock Murray | Son Son of the Chief in Battle A Son of a Handsome Man Son of Righteousness Son of Righteousness A Son of a Shepard Plain A Son of the Thane Child The Son Of A Son of Fire A Fair, Favored One Little Hollow A Son of a Favored Man Son of the Fair Born Son of the Land The Son of Flann Handsome Father’s Son Son of the Lion Son of Laren Youthful Person Son of a Beautiful Man Son of an Unattractive Man Son of a Bald Man A Gracious Son Great Bitter Pearl To Be the Son of Someone A Son of Kay Child of the Handsome One A Disciple of Saint Columba Son of Magnus A Girl Pretty As a Pearl Shield Wolf Warrior A Bear’s Son Mack’s Stream  Son of Righteousness The Fair One Son of an Ugly Man A Son of a Carpenter of Wright Might Mean Gentle Lord The Utmost Beautiful The Most Dearly One The Darling The Child of a Wise Leader Tenants of a Manor Beloved Who Is Like God An Angel Loveable Star of the Sea From The Mouth of the River Great Festive Son of Mary’s Servant Lives by the Sea Sea Warrior Sea My Pet Man from the River Roe Princess Sea Warrior The Son of the Sea Protector of the Sea Sea Settlement |
Scottish Names Start With N and O
Names | Meanings |
Nab Nairn Nairna Nairne Naos Naughton Neale Neil Neilan Nes Ness Nessa Niall Nicol Niven Noah Ogilvy Oighrig Ord Ossian Oswald Owen | Head Minister of a Monastery River with Alder Trees Dweller at the Alder Tree River From The River along Alder Trees Single Opportunity Pure Follower, Fighter Champion, Cloud Champion A Gentle Person From The Headland Pure Champion Victorious Little Saint Rest From The High Peak Speckled A Hammer Meaning Stag Power of God Well Born |
Scottish Names Start With P, Q and R
Names | Meanings |
Paisley Paton Payton Peden Peigi Puspabhusan Puspamanjari Quarrie Quinn Rab Rae Raibert Raith Ramsay Ranulph Ray Reed Related Reyne Rhona Riderch Ritchie Roban Robert Robertson Robeson Roderick Rodrick Ronald Ronnee Rory Ross Rosse Rosston Rowan Ruairi Ruarai Ruskin | Place Name Royal Patrician A Son of Paid in Pearl A Flower Made Ornament One like The Flower Bud Proud Head Bright Shy Bright Flame Small Fortress Wild Garlic’ And A Shield-Wolf Grace Red Middle Names for Alex A European Surname Warrior of the Sea Scottish Kings Power Person from Peeblesshire Famed, Son of the Bright One The Son of a Famous Man Famous Ruler Famous Ruler Wise Ruler A Mighty Powerful Counsellor Red King Headland A Headland or a Cape Red Little Red Head King A Royal Ruler with Red Hair From A Family of Tanners |
Scottish Names Start With S and T
Names | Meanings |
Sandy Scot Scott Senga Seoras Seumas Shaw Sheena Sholto Shona Sima Sinclair Skye Sloan Sophie Sorcha Stew Stewart Stirling Struan Stuart Tamhas Tandie Tate Tavey Tavis Tavish Taye Teigue Thane Theo Thistle Thomas Thomasina Thorfinn Todd Tor Torion Torquil Torrence Torrii Tyree | Defending Men A Scotsman From Scotland, Wanderer Slender An Occupational Name, Farmer Supplanter Dweller by the Wood God Is Gracious Sower God Is Gracious Listener Bright’ And Island Of Sky Military Leader She Is Wise and Clever Bright’ and Radiant He Who Is Someone’s Steward Steward, Castle Guard Pure’ and Genuine Stream Guardian Twin Fire Joyous Twin Twin Twin A Short of Taylor Poet Landholder God Given Divine Gift A Name of a Plant Twin Radiant Finn of Thor Fox From The Craggy Hills From The Craggy Hills Thorn’s Cauldron From The Craggy Hills A Triumphant Person From Tyre |
Scottish Names Start With U and V
Names | Meanings |
Uilleam Uisdean Una Urquhart Vaila Vertie Vevina | Resolute Protector Forever Stone’ And Twin Thicket Foreign Island Derived From Virtue Sweet Lady |
Scottish Names Start With W and Y
Names | Meanings |
Wallace Watson Wiley William Wilson Wright Wylie Yvaine | Welsh Speaker Son of Watt Resolute Protector Strong-Willed Warrior Desire, Helmet, Protection Craftsman Clever Evening Star |
Scottish Last Names
Last names are always the choice of students because they need to shorten their names, so that must be easy for their teachers and friends to remember them.
You can have cool and cute last names from the below detailed list
Scottish Baby Names
Scottish Dog Names
Pets are like our family members, they need the same kind of treatment, behavior, attitude, and time.
Even some people adopt dogs as their children therefore they need to give them names as well. Just look out the below list and find the best one
Traditional Scottish Names
Having baby names that should be traditional is a good choice and is counted as a moment of pride for parents.
We have compiled these traditional Scottish names from different sources. which are purely Scottish names.
Old Scottish Names
Before going down, we would love to share a myth here and that is “Old Is Gold”.
If you love your heritage and history then this list will blow up your mind and compel you to choose one name that you can not find elsewhere.
What are common Scottish names for boys?
The most common Scottish name for a boy is Alexander. Other common names include Robert, William, John, and James.
What are common Scottish names for girls?
The most common Scottish name for a girl is Elizabeth. Other common names include Margaret, Mary, and Fiona.
What’s the origin of the Scottish word ‘Scott’?
The origin of word ‘Scott’ is from the Latin word ‘Scottus’. It means ‘from Scotland’ or ‘of Scotland’.
It’s no secret that Scotland has a history of having unusual and quirky names. Over the years, Scots have given their children and grandchildren an endless array of unusual monikers.
Scotland is a country of beauty. It is a country of history and culture. It is a country of great people, music, food, castles, and whisky.
As a Scot, I would recommend a traditional Scottish name for a boy, such as John, Andrew, or Duncan. It has a rich history in Scotland. Scottish names are still popular in the US, especially among the Scots who immigrated to the US.
For a girl, I would recommend a name that has a more American influence. Examples include Katie, Madison, Emma, and Ava. This way, she can stay true to her heritage, while being open to a new culture.
From the world-renowned Edinburgh Castle to the beloved Loch Ness monster, Scotland’s names are famous for being both recognizable and intriguing.
This collection includes both familiar names and unique, fascinating ones. If you’re looking to bring a bit of Scottish culture into your life, this blog will help.