Naming children has never been an easy task. It is often difficult to decide on a name that is unique yet respectful of your culture. And when you have children, naming them becomes even more complicated nowadays because of the plethora of options.
The world has become more globalized, and people are embracing a new trend of naming their children after Greek gods and goddesses. Let’s explore more.
Greek Baby Boy Names
Here are some unique and beautiful Greek baby names for boys.
Greek Baby Girl Names
Here are some Unique Beautiful Greek baby names for girls
Greek Baby Names With Meanings
Prepare to receive the ultimate baby name list from A to Z.
Greek Baby Names With A, B
Name | Meaning |
Ajax Alexander Ambrosia Andreas Apollo Artemis Athanasios Abdera Abderus Abellone Absyrtus Abydos Acacia Acantha Acastus Acestes Achelous Acheron Adara Adelpha Admetos Adonia Adonica Adrianna Aegea Agatha Agnes Aileen Alexandra Alicia Anastasia Anjelica Aphrodite Aria Ariadne Athena Ava Barbara Basilio Baste Bastiaan Bastian Bastien Baucis Belen Berenice Berenike Bernice Beryl Beta Bronte Bryony | Eagle Defender of man Immortal Manly, strong Poetry and sun Goddess of the hunt Immortal From Abdera A friend of Hercules Masculine Brother of Medea From Abydos Thorny, naive Thorny An Argonaut A Trojan king A river god River of sorrow/woe Beauty A dear or beloved sister One who cannot be tamed? Beautiful Ruler Rich Of the Aegean Kind Chaste Torch of light Defender of men Noble Resurrection Angel Goddess of love and beauty Melody Most holy Goddess of wisdom An eagle Foreign Royal Revered Venerable Man of Sebastian Revered Wife of Philemon Bethlehem; an Arrow Victorious One who brings victory Bringer of Victory Green Jewel Glorious and intelligent? She is like a thunder Vine like plant |
Greek Baby Names With C
Name | Meaning |
Cadie Calandra Calantha Calista Calix Calixta Calla Calliope Cara Carissa Cassandra Cassiopeia Cate Catherine Celena Celeus Celia Celina Celosia Cenobia Cenon Cephalus Cerbelus Cercyon Ceres Cesare Cestus Ceto Cetus Ceyx Charalambos Charis Charisma Charissa Charmian Charybdis Cherise Chloe Clara Clarissa Cleo Cynthia | Pure An escapade, a lark Beautiful flower The most beautiful A chalice, a grail The most gorgeous woman To be the most beautiful A lady with a sweet voice A very, very dear woman He is powerful, strong one Spicy cinnamon An innocent and pure girl Pure and innocent Goddess of the moon Father of Triptolemus Moon Moon goddess Bumming Stranger Friendly Husband who killed Procris Guardian to the gate of Hades Name of a king Another name for Demeter Long haired Aphrodite’s girdle Goddess of the sea Sea monster of Poseidon Husband of Alcyone Glowing with joy Charity Grace Grace A little joy A deadly whirlpool Grace Fertile maiden Bright, shining Clear Famed Moon goddess |
Greek Baby Names With D, E, F
Name | Meaning |
Dalia Danae Daphne Daria Demi Diana Delius Doll Dolly Dora Doran Dorothy Echo Effie Eileen Eleanor Electra Ellen Endre Endymion Enea Eneas Ennea Enyo Eos Ephie Epide Eranthe Erasma Erasme Eurydice Eurydike Eustacia Euthalia Evadne Evangeline Evangeliya Evnika Ezio Fannie Fantasia Fauna Faustus Fedora Felipe Filips Filomena Flavian | Bough Mother of Perseus Bay tree Wealthy Small Divine A shepherd A vision A vision Gift A gift Gift from God Nymph Pretty face Light Bright and shining Bright Light Manly A shepherd Born ninth Praised Born ninth Goddess of war The dawn Well spoken Hope Spring flower Amiable Loved Wife of Orpheus Wide justice Fruitful or productive Flower or Bloom Good A good news Messenger Good victory One like an eagle Crown A fantasy Fertility goddess An auspicious mind She is a divine A horse lover Lover of horses Lover of man Blond |
Greek Baby Names With G, H, I
Name | Meaning |
Galatea Galen Galena Galswinthe Ganna Georgeanne Ghenadie Giulianu Goldie Gregor Gregory Grigore Gruev Grygoriy Gryta Guilio Gyes Gyurka Haemon Haidee Halcyon Halcyone Hali Halia Halimeda Halina Haralamb Harmonia Harmony Hebe Hecate Hector Hegelochos Hele Helen Hera Hermione Hester Iliana Ina Indigo Iolanda Ion Ione Ionna Iorghu Irene Iriana Iris Isadora Ivanna Ivy Ixidorr Ixion | Resembles the color white One who is calm Healer Strong singing Graceful woman Farmer Noble, and generous Downy or hairy Flower Excellent, determined Dynamic, visionary Watchful or alert Vigilant Watchful or alert Pearl Young A Titan Farmer Son of Creon Modest Halcyon days Daughter of Aeolus Sea The sun Thinking of the sea Light To shine from happiness Harmony, agreement Peace and agreement Young Far off Tenacious The one who walks ahead Light The bright one Queen of the gods Well born Star Troy Pure The color dark blue Violet God is gracious Violet flower God’s gift Earth-worker Peace Rainbow A flower name Gift of Isis God is gracious Ivy plant Strong gift Father of the centaurs |
Greek Baby Names With J, K, L
Name | Meaning |
Jacinda Jeno Jeorg Jeroen Jerry Jerzy Jevgeni Jocasta Jonas Jorge Jorina Jornr Julian Julius Junia Jurgisr Justina Kacia Kadmus Kaethe Kaia Kairos Kaisa Kaitlin Kaj Kal Kalika Kallie Kalliope Kallista Kaloyan Kaly Karan Karanos Karen Karia Karissa Kassandra Kat Katarin Kirsten Kristen Lacie Leah Lenore Lexie Lilah Lindy Lois Lydea Lydia Lykaios Lynceus Lyra Lyris Lysander Lyssa | Beautiful Well-born, Noble Farmer Sacred Name Spear Ruler Farmer Well born or noble Cheerful, Joyful Dove People A Tiller of the Soil The watchful Farmer Youthful Downy Hairy Born in June Farmer Righteous One Thorn, Point From the east Pure Earth Goddess from Jupiter Pure Variant of Katherine Pure Earth The Strong One Rosebud Force of time Beautiful voice Most beautiful Handsome john Beloved Helper Ruler, king or leader Dear Carol, pure Very dear Attractive one Innocent Pure Christian Anointed Cheerful Woman Light Protector of mankind Lily Gentle one Agreeable From Lydia Woman from Persia Wolfish, wolf-like An Argonaut Lyrical Player of the lyre Liberator, emancipation Noble |
Greek Baby Names With M, N, O
Name | Meaning |
Macaire Macaria Machaon Madge Madora Magaere Maia Majorie Makarioa Malinda Malvina Mannara Marcario Margalo Mariam Maya Meagan Melanie Melody Millicent Monica Nara Natasha Nella Nicole Nike Nora Nox Nympha Nysa Nyx Obelie Obelix Olympia | Blessed Daughter of Hercules Son of Aesculapius Pearl Ruler A Fury Mother of Hermes Pearl Blessed Gentle Soft Shining Blessed Pearl Herod’s wife Mother Strong Dark Song Ambitious Advisor Happy Rebirth Bright one Victorious people Goddess of victory Honor Night Bride Goal Night Pointed pillar Pillar of strength from Mount Olympus |
Greek Baby Names With P, Q, R
Name | Meaning |
Pamela Penelope Petra Phyllis Plato Plutarco Poiema Polemon Polis Polissena Pollux Polyperchon Polyxena Pontus Porfirio Prepelaos Prometheus Prophyrios Proteus Psyche Ptolemeos Pygmalion Pylades Pyramus Pyrena Pyrene Pyrrha Pyrrhus Quinn Rasmus Rastus Ree Reit Rena Resi Reta Rezi Rhadamanthus Rhesus Rheta Rhodanthe Rodion Romanos Rouvin Roxane | Honeyed Weaver Small rock Dear Broad-shouldered one Rich Prince Masterpiece of Art Fighter Citizen Daughter of Priam Crown, very sweet Much rush Hospitable Sea, Ocean Purple Coloring One who is distinguished Gave fire to man Rock A sea god The soul Aggressive King of Cyprus Friend of Orestes Lover of Thisbe Fiery Ardent Daughter of Epimetheus King of Epirus Intelligent man Amiable Beloved, Desired River Bank Speaker Peaceful Gatherer Speaker Gatherer Underworld judge King of Thrace Speaker Rose A song of a warrior A person who is Roman To behold a son Shines like a dawn |
Greek Baby Names With S, T
Name | Meaning |
Sander Santos Sapphira Sappho Sebastian Seema Selena Selene Seleukos Selia Sibila Sibley Sibyl Sirena Sofia Sophie Soso Sostratos Spiridon Stasia Stefania Stelian Stepane Stoffel Stratonike Strephonn Stylianos Styx Suadela Sybella Sybyl Sydney Symeon Symon Syna Syrinx Tabitha Tadhg Taidgh Takis Talia Talus Tancy Tansy Tarasios Taren Taryn Tasia Tassos Taxiarchai Teadoir Teague Tecla Tedre Tekla Teodosiu Tesha Tessa Thais Thalassa Thalia Thao Thea Theia Theodora | A short form of Alexander Saints Sapphire gemstone Ancient Greek for sapphire Sebastian Symbol Moon Of the moon To be light or to be white The Moon Oracle Sibling, friendly She who is a prophet Chamorro word for mermaid A wise woman She is wise and clever He will add The safe army Spirit A short form of Anastasia Queen Pillar Crown Christ bearer Victorious army One who turns Pillar A river of the under world Goddess of persuasion Prophetess, oracle Oracle From Sidon Sign Hear, listen Together A nymph Gazelle Beauty, grace Honor Honor All holy Joyous muse of comedy Mechanical man An immortal woman Immortality Of Tarentum Innocent Queen Resurrection Reaper Archangel Gracious gift Honor Renowned fame Supreme gift Divine fame Giving to god Hunter, Harvester, Guardian Harvester A beloved girl The sea To flourish, bloom Respectful, obedient Gift of god She who is like a goddess God-given |
Greek Baby Names With U, V, X
Name | Meaning |
Urania Uranus Urian Uriana Uril Ursa Vanessa Vanko Vara Vasilija Vasiliki Vasilios Vasilis Vasilisa Vasos Vassilis Vasyklo Vasylyna Veronike Voulomaga Xanthe Xanthos Xanthus Xena Xenia Xenos Ximena Xylia Xyliana Xylon | Heavenly Sky From heaven The unknown My light Little female bear A butterfly Gracious gift Stranger King Basil With royal blood Regal Queen Regal Royal Noble Queenly or queen like Victorious One who desires too much The shade gold Yellow A river god Welcoming and hospitable Hospitality Stranger Hospitality to a stranger Wood dweller From the woods From the forest |
Greek Baby Names With Y, Z
Name | Meaning |
Yalena Yehor Yelysaveta Yiannis Yiorgos Yolanda Yolande Yura Zantina Zena Zenobia Zenon Zephyr Zeuxis Zita Zoe Zoel Zoello Zoey Zofia Zoia Zoilo Zoltan Zondra Zoya Zsofia Zyphire Zyta | Light Farmer Devoted to God God is gracious Anahit Violet flower, modest Violet flower Farmer Little saint A hospitable woman Life of Zeus Shine or sky Wind To bind or join together Girl or maiden Life Alive Son of Zoe Variant of Zoe ‘life Wisdom Alive Lively Life Defender of man Alive Wisdom Of the west wind Reaper |
Cute Badass Greek Baby Names
Cute badass Greek baby names combine strength and charm, offering parents a unique and appealing option when choosing a name for their child. These names often feature strong consonants and syllables and are often associated with bravery, intelligence, and resilience.
Whether you’re looking for a name that honors Greek heritage or simply seeking a unique and meaningful name for your baby, cute badass Greek baby names offer a wide variety of options to choose from.
Cool Modern Greek Baby Names
Popular Unique Greek Baby Names
Popular Traditional Greek Names
What are some important considerations when naming your child?
Choosing a name for your child is an important decision and there are several considerations to keep in mind
How to choose a name that is unique yet respectful of your culture
If you’re looking for a unique name for your child this year, consider using a Greek name. There are so many names in this list that will suit your child. There are names that are quite unique, but also quite traditional. So, no matter what kind of name you are looking for, there is likely to be a name in this list that will suit your child perfectly.
Are you and your partner thinking about choosing a name for your child this year? If you are, you might want to consider exploring the beautiful world of Greek names. For those who may be unfamiliar with Greek names, it’s worth noting that they are gaining popularity due to their rich history, unique sound, and powerful meanings.
Modern Cute Greek baby names in English video