Persian names carry rich cultural and historical significance. Whether you’re looking for a name that is modern, unique, or traditional, our comprehensive list has something for every parent-to-be.
Most Popular Persian Boys’ Names
- Arash – Meaning: Righteous; Significance: A legendary archer in Persian folklore.
- Babak – Meaning: Little father; Significance: Named after the celebrated leader Babak Khorramdin.
Persian Boys Names A to Z
Persian Boy Names With Meanings A to z
Persian Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Abbas Abdalbari Abdalhadi Abdalhakim Abdalhalim Abdaljabbar Abdaljawwad Abdalkarim Abdallah Abdalmajid Abdalmatin Abdalmufi Abdalrahim Abdalrahman Abdalrashid Abdalrauf Abdalraziq Abdalrazzaq Abdalsalam Abdalwahab Abdelati Abdelhadi Abdelhakim AbId abou-ali Abtin Abufiruz Abzari Adar Adel Adh Adiba Adrish Afrand Afrasiab Afsar Ahmad Aistan Ajmal akbar Albazi Alborz Ali Almas Altun Alvand Amid Amin amjad Amooz Anjuman Anosh Anousha anoushiravAn Anzor Aprang Ara ArAd ArAm Aran Arang Arash Arashk Arashmid Arasp Arastoo Aref Ariana Arjasp Arjomand Armaan Arman Armiya Armoun Arshama Arshasb Arsia Artay Artin Arun Arvand AryA Aryabod Aryaman Aryamanesh Aryan Aryano Aryasb Aryo-Barzan Arzhan asghar Ashraf Asman Asmir Atabak Atal Atashban Atila Ava Avgan Avir Ayad Ayar Aytan Azad Azarang Azarbod Azartash Azim | Lion True follower of Allah The servant of the leader The servant of the wise one The servant of the patient one The servant of the comforter The servant of the noble one The servant of the generous one The servant of Allah The servant of the glorious one The servant of the strong The servant of the donor The compassionate Being servant of the merciful The servant of the well guided The servant of sympathetic Being servant of the provider The servant of the helper The servant of peace The servant of the giving The one being servant of Allah The supreme leader The kind servant of the wise one Spark, fire Famous Iranian scientist One who is of good deeds The father of a triumphant One who sows, seeds or spices Fire Righteous One who is from someone Cultured, refined Idealist, mirrors Splendor, glory The king of Turan In charge of an armed group Most commendable Tiger The total, more beautiful, Big Falcon Name of a mountain in Iran Noble and exalted Diamond adamant Golden Name of mountain in Iran A great man Truthful Most excellent, glorious Teacher, or instructor Place of gathering Eternal Sweet, joy, fortunate Name of a Persians king Noble A character in shahnameh Ornament, decoration Name of an angel Quiet A former Persians province Color A Persian archer King of the Ashkan Ian dynasty Archimedes Name of kouras ‘s general Aristotle Knowing Very holy one Possessor of valuable horses Beloved, dear, noble Soldier Famous bearer Wish, hope Jeremiah Earnest, pledge Grandfather of king Darius I Possessor of stallions Throne Strong Righteous, pure or holy Amiable, attractive Majesty, grandeur Aryan Chief of the Aryans Naval commander Of Aaryan nature Belonging to the Aryans New Aaryan Who possesses Aaryan horse Name of Darius III’s general A kind of mountain almond Small Most honorable one The sky Active, pious Grand wazir, prime minister Hero Guardian of fire Name of the Hun’s king Voicemail A warrior in Fereydoun’s army Great Memory Helper, friend Speaker Free Flame-colored, red The god of fire A salamander Big, great |
Persian Names Start With B and C
Names | Meanings |
Baba Baber Badinjan Baghish BahaalDin Bahador Bahamin Bahauallah Bahirun Bahmanyar Bahnam Bakeet Bakhit Bakhshish Bakhtawar Baksheesh Balash Banan Bano Baqer Baran Baraz Barid Barkhia Barsam Bashir Bashu Basim Basir Bastam Bastin Bazyar Bedel Behboud Behdad Behdin Behfar Behkam Behmard Behnia Behpour Behrang Behrokh Behrooz Behrouz Bejul Bejun Belka Bihjan Bijan Bina Borjasb Borna Borzou Burzin Buwayh Cas Caspar Casper Cem Chacha Chakad Chamali Changaz Changiz Charlesh Chashida Chawish Cirrus Cye | Father, old, cute baby Advisor, simple heart Egg plant Light rain that affects a small area Beauty of faith Brave, honorable Spring One who is quiet, systematic A brilliant, and renowned person Name of a student of Avicenna A reputable and honorable person One who uplifts the mankind A fortunate and lucky man Divine blessing One who brings good luck A divine blessing Name of a sassed king Tips of the fingers Lady princess Man of knowledge Rain Exalted, high Cloud The father of Asef Great fire A messenger of good news Lizard Smiling Wise Coral Patient A falconer, a farmer A messenger of people Healthy Excellent gift Good rite, of good religion Having good dignity Good wish Good man Having good ancestry Good son Good color Handsome face Fortunate Prosperous Jewel worn around neck Name of a Persians boy king Knowledgeable A person who is a hero Hero Seeing, clear-sighted Possessor of tall and lean horses He who is a youthful man High in status An exalted boy, a praised one An ancient person ruler An imperial man A man who’s guards the treasure One who is a treasurer A born leader and a ruler Eagle Top, crown of the head, a shield The one who serves water An extremely brave man Changes khan Chief of the tribe An experienced man Leader of the tribe First king of Iran Sun |
Persian Names Start With D and E
Names | Meanings |
Daana Daba Dadvar Dahra Dalawar Daman Danesh Danial Darakhshan Dareh Darioush Daris Darius Darrius Darwish Darya Daryush Dastagir Davar DAvood Davud Dawar Delavar Diba DilAwar Diyako Ebi EbrAhim Eghbal EhsAn Elham Enayat Erfan Ervad Esfandiar Eskandar Eskander EsmAeel | A knowledgeable person Gold in Zend Just, judge Rich individual One with the heart One who tames, subdues Knowledge Daniel Bright light A rich person A healthy king Very important person Rich and kingly A rich and daring individual Sufi man One who has a war chariot Wise and noble king A supporter Judge David Persian form of David Judge of character Brave Brocade One who has a heart The founder of the meds tribe Paternal Abraham Good fortune Goodness A beautiful inspiration To try Knowing, knowledge Religious teacher Pure creation Alexander the great Persian word for alexander Son of Abraham |
Persian Names Start With F and G
Names | Meanings |
Fahad Failak Faireh Faraj Faramin FarAz Farazmon Farbod Fardan Fardid Fardis Farhang FarhangGood Farhood Farid Faridoon Farinam Faris Farivar Farjaad Farkhad Farlas Farnaz Farnod Farnoud Faroqh Farrokh Farrukh FarshAd Fartash Farvardin Farvartish Faryan Farzaan Farzad Farzam Farzana Farzeen Fatak Finn Firoj Firouz Foroohar Gauzar Ghader Ghadir Ghalandar Gharib Ghasem Gheysar Ghodrat Gilani Gul Gulnaz | Panther, leopard, strong, fast A double-headed arrow The bringer of happiness Joy Orders, mandates Above, up, upon, on the top An order, command One who protects the glory Unique, one Former, prior Paradise Good-breeding One of good-breeding Handsome boy, lion cub The one One who is the third Glorious name Horseman, knight Right, orthodox Excellent, or eminent in learning Victorious Soul of the sphere of mercury One who is from high status Power, strength Proof, reason A good and blessed man Happy, fortunate An auspicious man Happy A being, an existence One who protects the good Name of meds king Name of a king An intelligent wise person Splendid A befitting and worthy man Intelligent Wise Learned Name of mani ‘s father A fair or white person A winner, successful person Man of triumph Quintessence nature Parsi – golden ox Able A sword Dervish A known, familiar feeling A distributor Caesar, an emperor Strength Resident of gilan Rose Flower Flowers |
Persian Names Start With H and I
Names | Meanings |
Haabeel Habib HAdi HAfez Hamdat HAmed HAmi Hamid Hamoon Hani Hassan HedAyat HeerAd Hesam Hesham Hirbod Hirmand Hirsa Hitasb HomAyoon Homeira Hoonam Hooshan Hosmundus Hossein Hurdad Ifra Iliya Ilyas ImAn Iraf Iran Irman | Son of Hasrat Adam Friend Guide, leader Protector Name of Haman’s father A praised Protector, defender Praiseworthy A plain Happy , content Handsome or good Guide Appearing fresh and healthy A sharp sward A generous youth A priest of a fire temple Name of a river in Iran Pure, chaste, devout, holy Possessor of shining horses Royal, fortunate A red man Of good name Epiphany Wise person Beautiful Gift of the sun Significantly, expert Elijah Elias Faith Name of the father of Arda Iran Wish |
Persian Names Start With J, K, and L
Names | Meanings |
Jaan Jaaved Jabeen Jadu Jafri Jaghan Jahan Jahandar Jahanfar Jahangirkhan Jahanmehr Jahanshah Jahansooz Jahanyar JalAl Jamal Jasper Javed Javeed Javion Javon Jawed Jazmine Jehangir Jihan Kacper Kambakhsh Kambin Kambiz Kambod Kamkar Kamran Kamshad Kamvar Kamyar Kaniz Kardar Karim Karimdad Kaspar Kasper Kasra Katibeh Kava Kavan Kayan Keyvan Khashar Khodadad KhodA-dAd Khorsand Khortdad KiA Kiavash Kishwar KooshA Korosh Kourang Ksathra Kurus Kushaada Leiss Lesan | Spirit life One who is eternal River ganga One who is magical Yellow flowers Everything in the world World He possesses the world Splendor of the world He who conquered the world Kindness of the world An emperor of the world Affection of the world Companion of the world Greatness Being fair One who brings treasure One who is alive Living forever One who is made out of clay A name from Greece The eternal one Jasmine The champion of the world The world Treasurer Enjoyment of one’s desires Successful in every wish Ancient king Great wish Name of a rose of intense red Prosperous and fortunate Desire, a wish that is happy Successful, fortunate, victorious Is successful Slave girl Servant Experienced Generous, noble, honorable God given Treasure A treasured secret Wise king An army Hero of ancient times Rock Important person Saturn Brave boy God-given, gift of god God-given Content Man without a flaw King, protector, defender Royal, like a king Country Realm Diligent Young A character in shahnameh Ruler Kings and rulers Having a lot of capacity A lion Speech, an interpreter |
Persian Names Start With M
Names | Meanings |
Maghsoud Mahafuzur Mahar Mahdad Mahdi Maher Mahin Mahmood Mahmoud Mahram Mahvand Mahwash Maihtab Maisil Majid Malek Malik Manoush Mansoor Mansour Manuchehr Mardavij Marzban Masoud Matin Meghdad Mehdi Mehraban Mehrdad Mehregan Mehrshad Mehrtash Mehrvand MehrzAd Mehtaar Mehtab Meisam Mekabiz Merab Miad Mihran Mirac Miran Mirja Mirsab Misagh Mishal Moeen MojtabA MorAd Moroccan Morteza Mousa Muhammed Mukhtar Mursalin | Intended, desired The one whose heart Love, sun friendship A name from the Achaemenid era Rightly guided Expert Greatest Praised Praise Tamed by the moon Possessing the moon Pretty face as the moon He whose face shines like a moon One who is a born warrior Great, honorable King King A character in shahnameh Defended, protected by god He who is victorious Heaven’s face Founder of the ziyarid dynasty Border guard Fortunate, prosperous, happy Firm, solid The justice of the heaven Guided Kind Gift of the sun Autumn Shining sun Like the sun Having kindness and friendship The offspring of the sun One who cleans, a cleaner The light of the moon Beauty One of Darius ‘s generals Water Place of worship A rain of kindness by almighty Ascension A ruler or a leader A highly ranked nobleman The dear king A promise Light, radiance, bright flame Assistant, supporter Chosen Desire, wish Who belongs to the land of god The one pleasing god A companion Praised, commendable The chosen one Messengers, or message-bearers |
Persian Names Start With N and O
Names | Meanings |
Naasih Nabibukhsh Nader Nahro Najid Namdar Nami NAmvar Naraiman Nareeman Nargis Narin NAser Nashah Nasih Nasir Nasser Navand Navid Navud Naz Nazish Nazli Neelam Nemat Nezam Niaz Nigar Nik Nikahang Nikan Niknam Nikrooz Nikzad Ninad Nirmaldharam Nirupa Niusha Nivad Nivand Nivrad Nivtour Nivzad Nizamulmulk Noorulain Nora Norouz Noshad Nosheen Nosrat Nouman Noushin Noushirvan Nozhan Nuban Nuyan Ojay Omid Orand Ozhan | Expert in giving advice A portion of the prophecy Rare and exceptional River Bold, brave A famous person, known to all Illustrious, celebrated Famous The faith and the brightness The brightness of the faith Narcissus Flower Gentle, tender, fresh Assister, friend A judge, a fair or just person Faithful, an adviser Defender Victorious Messenger, courier Glad tidings, good news Good news Pride, delicacy Proud Nicety Blue gem Precious stone A blessing Order, discipline Talents or skills Beloved image, picture Good Good music Good men Having a good name Good day Of good birth Patience The bright light of something Bright nimble A listener Courage, bravery Understanding Order, arrangement Pride Son of a hero The governor of a country Concord of eyes Bright torch New day Happy, rejoice Sugary, sweet, delicious Victory Flower beds Sweet Name of a king of Persia A pine tree A king’s son A prince Tall Hope Glory Hero, victorious |
Persian Names Start With P and R
Names | Meanings |
Painda Pakiza Parang Paras Paro Parshand Partam Parvage Parvaiz Parveneh Pasad Payam Payandeh Pedram Persian Peshang Peyman Peyvand PezhmAn Pezhvak Pirzada Poria Poulad PouyA Rabab Rad Radbod Radin Radman Radmehr Rahad Raham Rahim Rahman Rahzad Raji RakhshAn Ramesh Rami Ramyad Ramyar Ranjha Rasam Rasoul Rayan Razan Razban Rehana Revaz Rokneddin Ronaq Roshan Roxy Rozina Rukhsana Rustam | A wise and intelligent man Virtuous The luster of a glittering sword Touchstone Elderly woman Warrior Best One who is born fortunate One who comes out victorious The one who is like a butterfly Defense, preservation Message Long live One who is successful in life A master like the shining sun Vanguard One who has made a promise A connection, union Broken-hearted, sad An echo He is son of a saint A Persians mythical warrior’s name Steel, a sword To search, searcher White cloud Generous, brave, generous youth Commander of war chariots Free Munificent, generous Name of one of Darius III’s generals A traveler, a note in music A character in shahnameh Merciful Gracious and merciful Name of Khosrow parvis’s general Hopeful Flashing Rest cheerfulness An archer Obedient Shepherd Lover Designer, painter Apostle Kings Adorned A confidant, a privy counsellor Perfume He who is wealthy and successful Pillar of religion One who is luminous and fresh Light Dawn Daily pay The beautiful cheeks A tall and strong free man |
Persian Names Start With S
Names | Meanings |
Saadee Saba Sabet Sabghta SAdegh SadrA Sa’Ed Safdar Sahab Sahand Sahel Sajeel Salah Salahedin SAlAr Salim Samad Samand Samer SAmi Samin Samir Samrad Samsher Samyar Sarang Sardar Sarir Sarmad Sarosh Sarvad Sarwar SAtrap SattAr Saviz Sedigh Sepand Sepanta Sepanteman Sepehr Seraj Shabana Shabaviz Shabnam Shad Shadab Shadan Shadhan Shadmehr Shadrokh Shadrouz Shagufta Shah ShahAb Shahan ShahbAz Shahdad Shahed Shaheen Shaheryar Shahin Shahjahan Shahkam Shahnam Shahpar Shahpur Shahrad ShahrAm Shahrdad ShahriAr Shahrooz Shahrukh Shahryar Shahyar Shahzadi Shahzuina Shamil Shamsa Shamshad Shamshera Sharif Sharoud Sharyar ShAyA Shidfar Shirzad Showlan Simin SinA Sirman Sitara Siva Siyamak Siyavash Soheil Solayman Soleyman Sooran Sorna Soroush Soshiant Sotoudeh Star Syrus | The lord or the master A gentle breeze Stable, firm Color given by Allah, true faith, Sincere Chief seat, judge Helper Piercing lines, fighter Companions A mountain in Azerbaijan Beach, shore Alluring and beautiful person Integrity The righteousness of the faith Leader Perfect A lord, chief A noble steed, an arrow Full of fruit trees High, elevated Name of a village in Iran Entertaining companion Imagination, thoughts One who is like a sword An old zorastrian name A small black bird A general Rainbow Forever Angel, voice Ode, song Chief Leader Satrap Concealer Of good morals or temper A sincere friend Wild rue, name of a mountain Holy Surname of Zartasha Sky Luminary, the sun Belonging to night Young lady Owl Dew Commanded by aku Fresh Happy, cheerful A joyful, happy person Kind, cheerful Cheerful face Joyous day Affection A surname meaning king Shooting star, meteor Profit maker Royal falcon Given by the king Witness One who is like a royal falcon He is the king Falcon He is the king of the world As the king wishes King’s name The longest feather in a bird Prince, son of a king Brave king King ram He is the town’s gift The king One who is like a great river Concerning, monarchy A kingly person A friend of the king Princess A kingly one The north wind Sun, sunlight A tree that looks like a pine One who choses the sword Noble, holy Halo round the moon King of kings Worthy Glory of the sun Brave, courageous Lasso One who is made of silver Sinai A ruby, embroidered silk Screen, star An apple One who enjoys solitary One who has many black stallions To be on the same level Peaceful Solomon A starling A Persian oboe Happiness The (final world) savior Blessed Esther Throne or lord |
Persian Names Start With T, U, and V
Names | Meanings |
Tabin Tabish Tabnak Tahamtan TAher Tahib Tahmores Taimur Taj Tajbakhsh Tamerlan Tanis Tigran Tina Torab Toufan Tourak Uruman Ushah Utabar VafA Vahab Vahdat Vahid Vajih Vakhtang Vala Varfan Varian Varten Vorna Voshmgir | Follower, unfold Warmth Brilliance Hot too much appealing Powerful, mighty Pure, chaste, clean Observing someone closely Resembling a strong wild dog Iron, as strong as iron Crown Protector of the king A man of iron Affection, love Shooting with arrows Clay Soil Storm An Iranian hero Forest Dawn Intelligent , wise Loyalty, faithfulness A giver Unity Unique Of noble presence, handsome Wolf-bodied Eminent, respectable A mediator Name of a place in Iran Rose giver Young, youthful Name of a king, quail-catcher |
Persian Names Start With W, Y, and Z
Names | Meanings |
Waaiz Wamiq Warqah Wuhaib Yaghoub Yahya Yamin Yar Yari Yasmin Yavar Yazan Yazdan Yazdanbakhsh Yazdandfar Youness Yousef Zadfar Zahed ZakariA Zakariya Zarin Zarina Zartosht Zarvan Zeba Zhakfar Zhamak Zharfa Zhian Zhoubin | Preacher, or advisor Loving, friendly A dignitary in the Quran A gift or present Jacob The almighty is gracious Strength, power, blessing A companion or friend Friendship Jasmine flower A friend, companion Of tall stature Name of the spirit of goodness Name of the wazir of Hormoz The splendor of god Jonas Joseph Glorious birth Devout Zachary God has remembered Such as gold Of gold Golden Zoroaster Time , the god of time Power of Zeus Very patient Small poem Depth Formidable A sort of spear |
famous Persian Baby Boy Names
- Arman – Desire / Wish
- Danial – God is my judge
- Kian – King / Realm
- Aryan – Noble
- Navid – Good news
- Reza – Contentment
- Farhad – Helper
- Peyman – Promise
- Shayan – Worthy
- Kaveh – A mythological hero
Popular Persian Boys’ Names
- Ali – Exalted / Noble
- Hossein – Good / Handsome
- Amir – Commander / Prince
- Ehsan – Compassion / Kindness
- Sohrab – Famous / Strong
- Nima – Just / Fair
- Kamran – Successful
- Milad – Birth / Date of birth
- Ramin – Rescuer / Saviour
- Siamak – Black-haired
Traditional Persian Boys’ Names
- Farshad – Happy / Bright
- Behzad – Greater Good
- Javad – Generous
- Shahram – King Ram (mythical figure)
- Dara – Wealthy
- Hushang (Houshang) – Intelligent / Bright
- Parviz – Victorious
- Rostam – Tall / Strong (mythical hero)
- Vahid – Unique
- Zubin – Spear / Strong
Unique Persian Boys’ Names
- Arshia – Throne / Heavenly
- Ashkan – Parthian King
- Kavian – Name of a legendary hero
- Navid – Good news
- Parsa – Devout / Holy
- Anoush – Sweet / Everlasting
- Kourosh – Like the sun (Cyrus)
- Roohollah – Spirit of God
- Nader – Rare
- Tirdad – Given by Tir (Angel of rain)
Modern Persian Boys’ Names
- Arian (Aryan) – Noble / Pure
- Kasra – Like a king
- Mani – Thinker / Philosopher
- Samir – Entertaining companion
- Yashar – Long-lived / Eternal
- Elshan – El’s joy
- Atila – Little father
- Keon – God’s gracious gift
- Rayan – Luxuriant / Paradise
- Zeid – To increase
Historical Persian Boy Names
- Cyrus (Kourosh) – Founder of the Achaemenid Empire
- Darius (Daryoush) – Name of several Persian kings
- Xerxes (Khashayar) – Great king / Ruler
- Artaxerxes (Ardeshir) – Grand warrior
- Cambyses (Kambiz) – Name of a Persian king
- Sassan – Founder of the Sassanian Empire
- Bahram – Name of several historical rulers / Conqueror
- Shahriar – City holder / King
- Mithra – Name of an ancient god of light
- Anoushiravan – Eternal soul (Persian king known for justice)
What are the most popular Persian boys’ names and their meanings?
Some of the most popular Persian boys’ names and their meanings are:
Ali: Exalted / Noble
Hossein: Good / Handsome
Amir: Commander / Prince
Ehsan: Compassion / Kindness
Sohrab: Famous / Strong
Nima: Just / Fair
Kamran: Successful
Milad: Birth / Date of birth
Ramin: Rescuer / Saviour
Siamak: Black-haired
Can you provide some unique Persian boys’ names and their meanings?
Here are some unique Persian boys’ names along with their meanings:
Arshia: Throne / Heavenly
Ashkan: Parthian King
Kavian: Name of a legendary hero
Navid: Good news
Parsa: Devout / Holy
Anoush: Sweet / Everlasting
Kourosh (Cyrus): Like the sun (founder of the Achaemenid Empire)
Roohollah: Spirit of God
Nader: Rare
Tirdad: Given by Tir (Angel of rain)
In the world of baby names, Persian names stand out for their depth, history, and beauty. Whether you choose a name with a rich historical background or a modern twist in Persian guy names, it is a must
Persian names offer a unique and meaningful choice for your son. Embrace the tradition and culture they represent, and you’ll be giving your child a name that will carry significance throughout their life.
Please share your favorite Persian baby boy names in the comments below! If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with friends and family.