Latin names are popular among modern-day parents. Many parents are drawn to the idea of a Latin name for boys and girls are used in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
The names are derived from Latin, the language of ancient Rome. The names are typically used for newborns and infants for the first few months of their life.
Latin Girl Names
The Latin language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is divided into two groups, namely Western Latin and Eastern Latin. Western Latin is the language that is used in the majority of countries in Europe.
Eastern Latin is the language that is used in countries such as France, Italy, and Spain. Many people use the Latin language in their day-to-day lives. Some of the most common Latin baby girl names are Listed
Latin Boy Names
Latin Names and Meanings A to Z
A name is a special gift from God, and it should be given with love. Latin baby names have a lot of meanings associated with them, and it is important to find one that suits your child. Some of the meanings of Latin baby names are brave, tough, strong, and resourceful.
Latin Names Start With A
Name | Meaning |
Aaron Abby Abott Abril Absalom Abundiantus Acario Acarnania Accola Accursius Ace Acidalia Acnes Acuzio Adamaris Adamina Adela Adelais Adeodatus Adiran Adora Adorabelle Adoree Adoria Adragain Adriaan Adriani Adrianne Adrians Adrie Aea Aegates Aegeria Aegina Aeginae Aenheri Afra Afro Agatha Agostina Agrafina Agusta Agustine Aimablle Aitamah Ajurrum Alejandro Aleksandrs Alida Allegra Alleta Allouette Alma Alodia Alphonsus Amabelle Amadeus Amanda Ambrose Amy Andreas Angelica Annas Anthony Aquilina Arabella Argento Ariana Aries Atticus August Augustine Augustus Aurelia Aurora Autumn Ava | Exalted, strong Head of a Monastery The father or the priest Open Father of peace Plentiful Ungrateful From Acarnania Neighbor or to live near To Hasten Unity, One, First Rate Named For Venus Chaste Sharp Noble of the sea Of The Red Earth Of The Nobility Noble Noble Given By God Of The Adriatic Glory Adored Beauty Glory Glory The sea of ingenuity A man from hadria A water-body, the sea A form of Adrienne From Adria Of The Adriatic From Aea From The Aegates Cumaean Mother of Aeacus Mother of Aeacus The mother of Eleanor From Africa From Africa Good Great Born Feet First Majestic, Grand To Increase Lovable, worthy of love She who is helpful Shining dawn Guardian of mankind Defender of men She who is noble Joy She who has wings Meaning ‘bird’ in French Soul Riches Noble and Ready Lovable Love of God Worthy of love Immortal Beloved Man Messenger of God God was gracious Priceless one Eagle Yielding To Prayer Silver Very holy The ram From Attica Great, Magnificent Great Majestic The Golden One Dawn Fall season Life, Bird |
Latin Names Start With B & C
Name | Meaning |
Beatriz Belva Belvedere Bendiks Benecia Benedict Benicio Benita Benna Bennett Beynish Bibiana Blenda Bonaventure Bonifacius Borska Branch Braz Bremusa Brencis Brennus Briony Brutus Bryce Bubona Caca Cacia Cadence Caelum Caenis Caera Caesar Caesare Caesarea Caia Caieta Caige Cainan Cairistiona Caius Calcia Caledonia Calendae Cales Calida Calix Calixto Callida Calliope Callis | Bringer of joy Beautiful View A beautiful sight One who is blessed Blessed Blessed, sacred Kind one Good Person Blessed Little blessed one Blessed Life Dazzling Bright Good luck He whose faith is good Stranger Extension Stammered An Amazon Crowned With Laurel Ruler, prince or king Plant Name Brute Wife of Chthonian Goddess of Cattle Daughter of Vulcan Daughter of Vulcan Rhythm He is from the skies Daughter of Atrax beloved or friend Thick head of hair A hairy man A woman leader A rejoicing woman Nursed Aeneas A wise woman Possessor, purchaser Christian Rejoice Mother of Cycnus From Scotland First From Cale’s Fiery Chalice A Chalice Fiery Muse of Epic Poetry Cup |
Latin Names Start With D & E
Name | Meaning |
Daniella Dante Darius Deanna Demetrius Dexter Domicela Dominic Dominica Dominick Dominika Domino Dona Donica Donna Donnica Dorothy Dorthy Dulcia Dulciana Duldnia Durand Durant Dyna Ebonie Echidna Edulica Edusa Egeria Eirene Elaria Elata Eleana Eleanora Elekta Elianne Elias Elidia Eloine Elvah Elvera Elvira Elwisia Elyenora Elysia Emalee Emalia Emil Emily Emma Estelle | God is my judge Enduring Protector Divine Earth lover Dyer belongs to Earth Belonging To the Lord very close to Lord The one of the Lord Master Master of all Very respectable To Give Lady, woman Morning Star One who has a vision A gracious person filled with sweetness A freedom loving being Sweet Enduring Enduring Sister of Roma Beautiful person Monster Protectors of Children Goddess of children Cumae an Daughter of Poseidon A glorified individual Glorified Daughter of the Sun Unknown Selected Daughter of the Sun My God is Yahweh A little winged Worthy magical power White White Healthy and sound Light Heaven Industrious; Striving Flirt To excel Rival Universal Star |
Latin Names Start With F & G
Name | Meaning |
Fabian Faust Felicity Felix Flavian Flora Fomax Forenza Fortunata Francesca Francisca Franciska Franciszka Franco Frania Fronda Fronde Fronia Fulgencio Fulvia Furrina Fuscienne Gala Galfrid Galileo Galloway Garabi Garbi Garner Germain Gloria | Bean grower Fortunate Happiness Happy, Fortunate Yellow hair Flower Goddess of Bread Flower Fortunate Free From france A free person The one who is free Frenchman, free-man Frances Leafy Branch Leafy Branch Wise Sparkling or shining Yellow Furies Black From Gaul The concord of God Person from Galilee From Gaul Clear Clear Granary Brotherly Glory to God |
Latin Names Start With H & i
Name | Meaning |
Hermip Hero Herophile Hesperie Hibernia Hibiscus Hilaeira Hilaria Hilary Hillary Hillory Hippocrates Hippodameia Hippolyte Hippothoe Honor Honorine Horatia Horatio Hortense Humility Hyale Iacob Ibolya Ida Idonea Ignacia Ilaria Ilias Iliona Imogene Imogenia Imperia Ince Inferna Iniga Isabel Iulia | Daughter of Boots Daughter of Priam Priestess of Apollo Daughter of Cambrian From Ireland Flower Name Shining Happy Cheerful Happy; Joyful; Glad Glad, Pleased Powerful as a horse Daughter of Brises Queen of the Amazons An Amazon Honorable Honor Timekeeper Man of time Gardener Humble A Nymph May God protect Flower A Nymph Suitable Fiery One Who Is Merry Jehovah Is My God Daughter of Ream Maiden, Innocent Image Blameless; Innocent Commanding Innocent Proserpina’s Surname Fiery My God is an oath Young or youthful |
Latin Names Start With J & K
Name | Meaning |
Janus Jarlen Jerome Josephus Jovan Joy Jude Julian July Juniper Jupiter Justin Justus Juverna Jynx Kaia Kalara Kalare Kalate Karissa Katlyn Kato Kirie Kirstie Klarisza Klaudia Kornelie Korvin Kruz Kyra | God of beginnings Tributary lord Holy name God Will Increase God is gracious Happiness Praised Youthful Month Name Young The supreme god Fair Just, fair From Ireland Spell To Rejoice or Sea Shines Bright, Clear Shines Very Dear Pure Good judgment Light Christian Clear Lame Horn Crow Kruz means Cross Light |
Latin Names Start With L & M
Name | Meaning |
Lachesis Lacrima Ladon laera Lalo Lamar Lamberto Lamia Lampeto Laodamia Laura Lawrence Lazarus Leo Letitia Liber Lilac Lillia Livia Lorenzo Lucas Lucy Mabel Madelaine Madonna Magnus Marcel Marcella Marco Marina Mateo Maximilian Maximillian Maxon Milan Miles Milo Miranda Modesty Monica Montana Morag Morris Muta Mylah Myrilla Myrina Myrlene Myrtoessa | A Fury Tear Name of a River God A Nymph To Sing a Lullaby Famous Wealthy In Land, Brilliant Daughter of Poseidon An Amazon Daughter of Bellerophon Bay Laurel From Lawrencium God has helped Lion Joy Free Flower Lilies Envious From Laurentium Man from Lucania Light Lovable Woman of Magdala My lady Greatest Hammer Young warrior Warring Of the sea Gift of God Greatest The greatest Greatest Meeting, union Soldier or Merciful Soldier Admirable A bright shining Star Advisor, truth Mountain Blind Dark Skinned Goddess of Silence Merciful Marvelous An Amazon Blackbird A Nymph |
Latin Names Start With N, O & P
Name | Meaning |
Nadylie Naenie Naida Nala Napea Napia Narciso Narda Nardia Narine Nascio Natalia Nathalie Nautia Neptune Nero Nicodemus Nova Octavian Octavius Oliver Olivia Oriel Oriella Ormanda Ornela Orsen Orson Ovid Pacquita Pallantia Pallas Palma Pammeli Pantxike Panya Paola Paul Paulus Pax Petras Pollux Pomona Poppy Portia Prince Priscilla | The Christmas day Lamenting A Nymph Olive Of The Valley A Nymph A Lily, Daffodil Fervently Anointed Fragrant A dark person, black Goddess of Childbirth Boom at Christmas Boom at Christmas From The Sea God of water Powerful Secret follower of Jesus New Eighth Eighth Olive Tree Olive Tree Golden Full of life and energy Ninth in the family Black ash tree Bear The young male bear Lamb Free Daughter of Hercules Daughter of Triton Palm Tree Made Of Honey Free Crowned In Victory Small Humble, small Small Peace Stone Crown Apple Red Flower Roman Clan name Royal son Ancient |
Latin Names Start With Q & R
Name | Meaning |
Quartilla Quenilla Quentin Questa Quince Quincy Quintara Quintessa Quintin Quintino Quinton Quirin Quirino Quito Quivier Quynel Rada Radulphus Raemondo Raen Rainault Rainen Raines Raizel Randie Raphael Regina Regine Regini Regis Remus Remy Rheya Roman Rosalia Rosanne Rose Rosie Rubetta Rufus Ruhette Rumina Runcina Ruzena | She who is born fourth Fifth-born daughter Fifth One who seeks Applelike fruit Estate of the fifth son Girl born in fifth month Essence The fifth one Fifth born son He who is born fifth Latin word for spear A spearman The fifth one French male name He who is fifth Rose or joy A shield of the wolf A mighty protector A queen Rulers advisor A joyous singer A mighty army A rose flower She who is adorable God has healed Queen A Queen of all men One who is the Queen A ruler and a King of people Oar Oarsman Flowing Stream Citizen of Rome Rose Gracious Rose Rose, a Flower Rose Little Precious Jewel Red-haired Little Precious Jewel Protectors of Sleeping Baby Protectors of Crops Rose |
Latin Names Start With S
Name | Meaning |
Sabina Sabino Sabria Sabrina Sage Salacia Saleen Salena Santiago Scipio Sebastian Selwyn Seneca Serena Silas Silvia Silvius Sin Sina Sixtine Sixtus Soren Spirit Star Starr Stella Stellaluna Stephanus Sylvan Sylvester Sylvia Sylviane | Sabine Woman Wise From Cyprus From the river Severn Wise Wife of Neptune From A Salty Place From A Salty Place Supplanter Scepter Venerable, revered Manor friend Old Serene, calm Of the forest Wooded, forest Wood, Forest One like bush A blessed child Sixth Sixth Born Stern Word or Virtue name Star Star Star Star and moon Crown, garland Wood or Forest Man from the forest Forest Wood or forest |
Latin Names Start With T & U
Name | Meaning |
Tarkin Tarquin Tarrence Tatianna Tatius Tatyana Taurean Tavas Tavia Tavian Tavie Tayci Taz Telephassa Thiago Titus Tricia Triste Trixy Tryphaena Tryphana Tryphena Tuccia Tulliola Tyrus Ultima Undina Undine Undinia Unelina Unique Urbania Urseline Ursula Ursule | Roman clan name Name of a Roman clan A Roman clan name Fairy princess King, ruler Haired Of taurus A peacock She who is born eight Eighth She who is eight A silent girl A gift from God Wife of Agenor Supplanter Honorable, strong Noble Full Of Sorrows Happy Delicate Delicate Dainty A Vestal Virgin Little Tulia Person from Tyre Aloof Of The Waves Little Wave Of The Waves Bear Only One Born Of the City Bear Little Bear Bear |
Latin Names Start With V & X
Name | Meaning |
Vacuna Valentia Valentin Valonia Valora Victoria Vincent Violet Virgil Virginia Vivian Vulcan Xanthe Xavier | Victory Brave Good Health Of The Vale The Valorous Winner, conqueror Conquering Purple Unknown Virginal, pure Alive Fire An Amazon The new house |
Latin Names Start With Y & Z
Name | Meaning |
Yabel Yulene Zama Zaniel Zanobi Zavion Zetta Zeuxippe Zezili Zoilos Zola | Lovable Young Came From Zama Angel of Mondays Scarcely Alive New house Seven Daughter Of Lamed on Gray Eyes One who is vivacious Earth or Ball of Earth |
Latin Baby Names
Latin Last Names
Cool Latin Names
Unique Latin Names
What are the different kinds of Latin names?
There are three types of Latin names. First,
there is the patronymic. This is a Latin name that is derived from the father’s name. Examples are Maria, Alberto, and Pedro.
there is the matronymic. This is a Latin name that is derived from the mother’s name. Examples are Maria, Felipe, and Jose.
Third, there is the nominative case. This is a Latin name that is used for a male or female person who is not related to the other person. Examples are Maria, Juan, and Guadalupe.
What are some of the most popular Latin names for girls?
The most popular Latin names for Girls are Maria, Guadalupe, and Jose.
What are some of the most popular Latin names for boys?
The most popular Latin names for boys are “Juan,” “Jose,” and “Antonio.”
Themes for Latin names for girls are usually derived from flowers and plants, with names like Rose, Lily, Daisy, and Daisy. Latin names for girls sometimes also include names from other languages, like Erin, which is Greek for “eternal.”
While most parents are familiar with the traditional girl and boy names, the latest trend has been to name their children using the Latin language. People tend to use the names Acilia and Adonia, which are translated into the English names Adeline and Alfie.
There are plenty of other Latina names that parents can consider as well. We review the top ten Latin name lists and provide a brief explanation of how each name translates to its English equivalent.
Literary Boy & girls Names of Latin Origin used by Shakespeare