Hebrew baby names are one of the most important parts of Judaism is the Jewish name. The Hebrew baby name is given at the moment of birth and it’s a way to honor the parents & religion. The name is considered to be sacred and it’s important to find the perfect name for your child.
The Hebrew language is the language of the Jewish people. It is the language in which the Torah, a key religious text, is written. In Hebrew, the name for a baby is considered a benediction. Today, we will be discussing the most popular baby names for boys and girls in Hebrew.
Modern Unique Hebrew Boy Names
If you are looking for the perfect Hebrew boy name, you may want to consider some of these cool names. They are all unique, interesting, and modern.
Exotic Elegant Hebrew girl names
The following is a list of beautiful Hebrew names for girls.
Hebrew Baby Names and Meanings A to Z
Many parents are looking for Hebrew baby names with meanings to better understand their significance. There are several ways to find these names. You can start by visiting your local synagogue for Jewish names. You can also look for names in the Torah. Additionally, you can check online lists for a wide range of options
Hebrew Names with A
Names | Meanings |
Aabraham Aadina Aailayah Aaliyah Aapo Aaran Aariyeh Aaro Aaron Aarron Abagail Abaigael Abana Abarrane Abbagayle Abilene Abira Abisha Abishai Abital Abiyram Abner Abra Abrahah Abraham Abrahm Abram Abramo Abrams Abramson Abrasha Abria Abrial Abriana Abrianna Abriella Abrielle Abryanna Abs Absalom Absalon Absolom Aby Achar Achatius Achava Achaz Acher Achim Achima Adnah Ailsa Aliza Anog Asher | Father of many Friday Going up ascending The High, Exalted One Being father of multitude Mountain or strength Spiritual, enjoy of isolation Mountain of strength Mountain of Strength To sing Father’s joy Father of exaltation Strong personality being Mother of multitude Dad’s favorite’s daughter A Plain Strong My Lord is my father One who is desirous of a gift My father is the dew of night My lord is of high esteem The father of light Example, lesson Father of masses Father of a multitude The father of many A form of Abraham High father An exalted father The son of an exalted father Father of a multitudes. Strength or power Father of masses Father of multitude Mother of many nations The pillar of strength A woman of God The father of all or many Father of peace Father is peace God the Father is peace My father is peace Father of masses To disturb or to trouble God is holding The friendship One that Possesses The other one or the outsider Yahweh will establish He will establish Pleasure Devoted to God joy Pleasured Happiness |
Hebrew Names with B,C,D
Names | Meanings |
Bracha Bram Bricheve Brichheve Brighton Bruriah Bula Bulah Carmi Cena Cephas Chagai Chagit Chago Chaim Chaviva Doron Dudel Dunia Dutch Dvir Dvoire | A blessing Father of many children To receive a blessing To be blessed The one who is loved Clarity of God A married woman She who is a bride My vineyard Mud A stone or a rock Festive Festive, celebration The holder of heel The one filled with life One who is loved Gift, offering Beloved, favorite or darling The passionate one A father of many The most holy place Bee |
Hebrew Names with E, F, G, and H
Names | Meanings |
Ebbie Eben Ebenezer Ebeta Ebrard Eddi Eddiz Eden Edna Eisig Elinoam Ezequiel Ezer Ezio Ezra Ezrah Ezrela Ezri Fanuel Faria Gabai Gabryel Gada Gail Gal Gila Gilli Hananeel Hedva Husai Hyrum | Father or light A precious stone of help Stone of help Oath of God Powerful counsellor Pleasure provider One who brings joy Delight or place of pleasure Pleasure, delight, rejuvenation He who laughs Pleasantness of my God A form of Ezekiel A form of Ezra Friend, lover Helper, salvation Helper Reaffirming faith Helper; strong Vision of God Pharaoh Delight, adornment A form of Gabriel Lucky My father rejoices Wave Joy, blessed Eternal happiness God graciously gave Joy, happiness The harried one A form of Hiram |
Hebrew Names with I, J
Names | Meanings |
Ikia Ilan Ilana Imani Imanol Immanuel Ishboshet Ishmael Ishmerai Isiah Isod Israel Isreal Issac Issiah Itai Ithamat Itzak Itzik Iva Ivy Izaak Izreal Izzy Jacoob Jacot Jacqueline Jad Jada Jaden Jadon Jaeden Jaen Jamian Jane Janna Jebadiah Jedidiah Jeroham Jesse Joan Johanna Jonathan Joram | God is my salvation Tree Sunshine A short form of Immanuel God is with us God is with us Man of shame God listens God takes care God is my salvation God fights and prevails Prince of God, may God reign Contender with God A form of Isaac A form of Isaiah Friendly A form of Ittamar A form of Isaac, laughter Laughter Gift from God God’s gift Laughter Contender with God A familiar form of Isaac A form of Jacob Supplanter Supplanter A short form of Jadon Wise God has heard God has heard A form of Jadon Gift or grace of God Right hand of favor Gift from God Gift from God Beloved of the Lord Friend, beloved of God Blessed Gift Gift from God God’s gift God has given Supreme or elevated |
Hebrew Names with K, L, M
Names | Meanings |
Khayla Kiba Kimokeo Kinneret Kitra Kiva Laban Lailie Laleel Lanina Laokim Lapidos Lateefah Latifah Lavan Lavi Layla Laylie Lazarus Lea Leah Leb Lishai Maayan Magena Malachi Matana Matar Mathea Mathian Mattathais Matthew Matyiko Mehetabel Meir Meira Meiran Meirav Meital Mihaly Moriya | A form of Kayla Protected A form of Timothy Harp Crowned Protected White Born during light Waiting for God A form of Juana God will establish Torch Pat, caress A form of Lateefah White Lion A form of Leila Nightfall God’s help Tired or weary Tired or weary Heart Gift Spring of Water A covering, protection My messenger Gift Rain Gift of God Gift of Yahweh Gift of God Gift of God Gift of Yahweh God’s favor One Who Illuminates One Who Illuminates Happiness of God Abundance Dewdrops Gift from God Chosen by my God |
Hebrew Names with N, O, R
Names | Meanings |
Natan Natanel Natanya Nathaniel Nava Naveh Naysa Nechama Nehemiah Netanya Nisi Noa Odelia Oren Osaze Oshry Rachael Raniel Rayna Rebecca | A giver God Has Given Gift of God Gift from God Pretty, beautiful Beautiful, oasis Miracle of God Comfort Comforted by God God Gave Emblem, sign Movement Wealthy, prosperous Pale-skinned Favored by God My happiness Ewe, one with purity God is joy Pure, clean Captivating |
Hebrew Names with S, T, U
Names | Meanings |
Serafine Shaaya Shaiel Shaili Shaine Shane Sharon Shobi Simon Tamara Taya Thirza Tova Ushria | Burning fire, or angel Shortened form of Yeshayahu Combination of gift and Lord My gift Beautiful Gift from God A plain Glorious Hearkening, listening Palm tree Made in the land of Israel Pleasant, delightful; acceptance Good, favor, kindness Blessed by Yahweh |
Hebrew Names with V, Y, Z
Names | Meanings |
Vidette Yadid Yaffa Yakira Yesmina Yochannah Youel Younan Yousef Zaharina Zaharinka Zahavah Zaire Zakai Zali Zalia Zalman Zamiel Zamir Zana Zane Zaneta Zerlinda Zevida Zilah Zinnia Zipporah Zisel | Beloved, dearly loved Friend, beloved Beautiful, pretty Precious Strong right hand Blessed by God A form of Joel Dove Jehovah increases The lord has remembered God remembers Golden River Pure, free from blemishes Princess Princess Peace. Told by God Songbird The gift of Yahweh. God’s Gracious Gift Gift from God Beautiful dawn Gift Shadow, shaded place Worthy, to be praised Beauty Sweet |
Unique Hebrew Baby Names
It is hard to believe that these names have been around for so long and are still so popular.
Powerful Hebrew Names
The Hebrew language is incredibly diverse, boasting powerful and beautiful names. These names are not only strong but also unique. Additionally, many of these names are unisex, allowing you to choose one for your son or daughter. We have listed them separately for your convenience.
Jewish Names
Jewish names are diverse, with many having a Hebrew origin. Below are the most popular Jewish names.
Jewish parents often choose to name their babies after a Biblical figure or a famous or significant person in Jewish history. The names they select for their children are typically unique and not commonly found. We are fond of the many beautiful names available in Hebrew and would appreciate hearing your thoughts on which ones you would use or recommend.
You should also check out our other names-related articles, they are a great guide to some of the most popular names for your lovely newborn.