Hawaiian names for girls are known for their melodic sounds and deep connections to nature and spirituality. These names often reflect the islands’ beauty, with meanings tied to the ocean, sky, and land. If you’re searching for a name that carries the warmth and aloha spirit of Hawaii, our list of Hawaiian girl names will inspire you with its natural beauty and cultural significance.
Best Hawaiian Girl Names
Modern parents love to have Hawaiian names for their daughters, as these were not popular among Hawaiians about 10 years ago.
Here we have compiled a list of the best Hawaiian names for your cutie, please go through it and choose wisely

Exotic Hawaiian Names
Exotic Hawaiian names are distinctive and carry a sense of mystery and allure. These names often have unique sounds and meanings that stand out.
Hawaiian Names with Meaning
We know that names are reflections of someone’s personality. Names perfectly describe your child’s personality, and for that purpose, all you need is to have complete knowledge and the meaning of the selected name.
That’s why we have compiled the below list of all Hawaiian names with detailed meanings.
Hawaiian Names Start With A
Hawaiian names starting with A are popular and meaningful, often symbolizing beginnings, love, or the natural world. These names are both beautiful and culturally significant.
Names | Meanings |
Aala Aalto Abela Abha Abigail Abilene Ada Adena Adrian Aenon Agwe Ahe Ahonui AiAi Aiden Ailana Ainakea Akahi Akamai Akamu Akau Akela Akiliano Akoni AlakAi Alamea Alana Alapai Alebana Alekanekeio Alelo Ali’i Ali’ikai Allanna Alo Aloha Alohi Aloiki Alon Amosa Anakoni Analu Anela Ano Anuenue Akua Aolani Apekalmoa Apela Apikalia Ariel Aruba Aukai Aulani Ava Ayanna Azul | Fragrant Wave Breathing Brightness My father’s delight Born where the grass grows A noble personality The subtle one Sea Water spring Spirit of the sea Softly blowing breeze Patience Bright like the moon Little Island White land For the first time Smart or clever Form of Adam North or right Happy or contented From Hadria A form of Anthony Guide or leader Precious volcanic stone Awakening Coastal area From the city of Alba Defending man Language or tongue’ Chief or leader Queen or king of the sea Serenity The face Love Brilliant Renowned war Wave Strong form of Amos Valuable Manly Angel Awe reverence Rainbow’s spirit A heavenly cloud My father is peace Old Abigail Lion of God Shell island” a Caribbean island Seafarer King’s messenger Bird Beautiful flower Blue |
Hawaiian Names Start With B, C, and D
Names | Meanings |
Bahar Bambi Banu Bao Bardo Bathsheba Bea Belgin Bellus Boreal Cadence Caitlin Calandra Caleb Calfuray Calista Calypso Cerulean Chloe Coraline Cordelia Corentin Cove Dalia Damaris Danton Dara Davy Daya Dayla Deniz Derya Dominica | Season of spring Little girl Lady-like A gem Water Daughter of the vow Voyager Pure Bellows Northern The rhythm Chaste and pure Lark One Flower of purple Woman of utmost beauty Hidden Blue and cyan color Fresh Precious sea growth Daughter of the sea Tempest hurricane Small bay A branch Gentle Enduring one Halo of the moon Beloved Sympathy To draw water Waves sea Sea Belonging to the Lord |
Hawaiian Names Start With E, F, and G
Names | Meanings |
Earwyn Eden Edena Edera Ekewaka Eleu Elikapeka Elio Elta Enakai Etana Ethan Ewe Fraser Gabrielle Gali Galia Gana Geva Gilana Ginger | Friend of the sea The delightful one Eden Mighty Form of Edward Alert lively Elizabeth The sun The Lord is my God The glowing sea Strong dedication or strength Strong Happy Strawberry Brave A spring or fountain Wave Garden Hill Eternal joy Orange or liveliness |
Hawaiian Names Start With H and I
Names | Meanings |
Hae Haikili Haiku Haiti Haleakalā Hali HaliA Hanai Hanalei Hani Hanohano Haoa Harvey Haukea Haunani Hauoli Hava Havika Hawani Hawea He pohaku Healani Heba Heiau Hema Hiapo Himeni Ho’olAi Hoku Hōkūlani Holokai Hoʻomana HuakAi Hurley Ideh Iekika Iki Ilana Ilima Ino Inoa Io lani Iokepa Iolana Iolani Ionakana Ipo Isla | Wild God of thunder Kahili flower Land of high mountains House of the rising sun The unique one Remembrance of a loved one Adoption Lei making To move lightly Noble Hot as the sun Battle White snow Beautiful snow Happiness Breathing Beloved The Hawaiian people Peacemaker Stone Haze from heavens The gift Temple South First born Hymn To be still or quiet Star Heavenly star A seafaring person Adored Journey or path taken Sea tide An idea Jessica Small Sunshine A flower Storm Namesake Royal hawk St Joseph To soar like an eagle Bird of heaven God gives form of Jonathon The beloved one Island |
Hawaiian Names Start With J and K
Names | Meanings |
Jah Janna Jezebel Jharra Jora Ka Hiwa Ka mea ʻimi KAahumanu KAeo Kahale Kahalo Kahawai Kahiau Kahikū Kahinu Kaholo Kahula Kai Kaia Kaiaulu Kaikane Kaiko Kailani Kaili Kailua Kaimana Kainalu Kaipo Kakahiaka Kakalina Kaki Kala Kalai Kalākaua Kalama Kalani Kalea Kalei Kalei’opu’u Kaleia Kaleighia Kalena Kalino Kalon KamahAo Kamaile Kamalani Kamea Kamehameha Kanakamana Kanani Kane Kanoa Kapano Kapena Kapono Kapu Katrina Kau’i Kauai Kaulanne Kawika Kawikani Ke’ala Ke’alohilani Keahi Keahilani Keaka KeAla Kealakekua Kealamauloa Keandra Keanu Keawe Kekapa Kekepania Kekepania Kekipi Keola Keona Keone Kiana Kilikina Kimo Kimokea Kipaoa Koa ikaika Koho Kona Kōnane Koukakala Ku Ku`u Maka Ku’u Hoaloha ‘Oi Kumulāʻau Kye Kyle | Fiery Paradise Pure Princess The autumn rain Sacred vine The seeker Bird cloak Strong zealous Home Light-footed one River Generosity Star To anoint Swift Dancing Sea Fast asleep A pleasant or gentle breeze Strong sea Current of the ocean Beach and sky Departing spirit Two seas Beach Surf Sweetheart Morning Katherine A child The fine arts Clay The day of battle Flaming torch Of the heavens Prayers The flowers Lei on the hillside Curled Happiness Radiate The brilliant one Sky Amazing and wonderful Vein of a lei Heavenly child The one and only The lonely one Powerful man Beautiful Man Hollow of land Righteous Captain Righteous Forbidden Pure Youth Garden island The youthful one Form of David The strong one The path Heavenly brightness Fire Heaven’s fire Theater The path Pathway of the gods The path of eternity Meaning unknown The cool breeze Southern star The cloth Crown Stephanie Rebel Life God’s gracious gift The sand Moon baby A Christian Form of James Honoring God Basil Strong warrior Choice Lady Bright Dark river Stand The apple of my eye Best friend Tree The sea Channel or strait |
Hawaiian Names Start With L and M
Names | Meanings |
La Laka Lani Lei Leila Leilani Leimomi Lexine Lili Lili’uokalani Lilo Logan Loke Lokela Lolani LonaKana Lono Lopaka Luana Lucia Lulua ‘ina Madison Magda Mahana Mahana MahiAi Mahina Māhoe Maia MaikAi Maile Maka Makaʻala Makaio Makali’i Makani Makayla Mālama Malca Malia Malie Malik Malu Mamalu Mamo Mana ManAo Mannah Mano Manu Manuahi Mao Marina Marisol Mau Loa Maui Mauka Mauna Maunakea Maunawili Maury Meilani Meka Mele Melika Mikala Miliani MinoAka Moana Moanalua Moanauil Moe’uhane Moku Murdoch | The sun Goddess of the hula Heaven or sky Path of Lei’s Night beauty Heavenly child Pearl flowers Defender of mankind Oath of God High born Generous one Man The flower Famous warrior Bird of heaven Sky or heaven God of the harvest Shining fame form of Robert Happiness Light Freckles Son A high tower The God of rain Be warm Farmer Moon Twin Mother Good health Vine Favorite one Vigilant Matthew Gift of God The wind Michaela Little eyes The queen Mary Calm King Peacefulness Umbrella Yellow bird Divine power Honor A supernatural power Shark or a passionate lover Bird Wishes or opinions Free of charge Of the sea I am the sun Over there Legendary hero Toward the mountain Toward the mountain White mountain Twisted mountain Dark skinned Dark skin beauty Eyes beloved one Poem Melissa Michael Gentle Smile Ocean Valley or stream Sorcerer Dream Broken in two Victorious at sea |
Hawaiian Names Start With N and O
Names | Meanings |
Na Ao Lani NAalehu NAau Nahele Naia Nālani Nani kōkī Naniah Nanna Nerina Nikolai Nikolao Nina Nira Noah Nohea Nori Odelia Ola Olakino Olaola Oli Oli Olina Oline Oliwa Olopana Ona Onaona Oriana Oshun | Floating clouds The volcanic ashes Heart and mind Forest Dolphin The heavens Supremely beautiful Beautiful Courageous and brave Sea nymph Victorious people Nicholas Love and hope Consisting of water Relaxation Handsome Seaweed The wealthy one Wealth or greetings Well-being Life To chant Joyful The joyous one Olive tree High chief of Oahu The graceful one Sweet fragrance Golden haired Water |
Hawaiian Names Start With P and R
Names | Meanings |
Pahokee Pakelika Palani Palila Pazia Pearl Pele Peni Penina Pi’iholo Pilialoha Pōhaku Polunu PomaikAi Pono Pualani Puanani Pukalani Pule Punahele Puni Pupuhi Raeni Rahab Rapa Rayna Reef Rena Rishona | Grassy waters Noble form of Patrick Sour Bird Golden Innocence modesty Volcano goddess Penny A jewel Mountain summit Close friend Rock Chubby Good fortune Harmony Heavenly flower Beautiful child Heavenly gate Prayer Favorite A heavenly flower Blow or as a strong wind Queen Large The moonbeam Queen Seller of rope The graceful one The first one |
Hawaiian Names Start With S and T
Names | Meanings |
Sabra Samoa Sandy Sarai Sedna Sela Sheba Shelly Shobi Soleil Storm Sunny Sydney Tema Temina Teuila Thomas Tivona Tobit Tove | The patient one People of the sea Defender of mankind The princess Goddess of the sea The savior Success The ledge meadow The glorious one Sun Stormy weather Bright disposition From Sidon The righteous one Honest Flower of the Samoan ginger plant Twin Lover of nature Good Gorgeous |
Hawaiian Names Start With U, V and W
Names | Meanings |
Ualani Ualoheke Akua Uhane Uʻilani Ula Ulani Ulupalakua Uluwehi Varda Vidette Waiho’olu’u Waiola Walina Wehilani Wena Wikolia Wila | Rain from the heavens God has listened Soul Royal beauty Sea jewel The cheerful one Ripened fruit Growing in beauty A deity The beloved Colorful A violet flower Softness Adornment from heaven Glow Victoria The loyal one |
Hawaiian Names Start With X, Y, and Z
Names | Meanings |
Ximena Yadira Yaffa Yarkona Ydel Yemena Zahar Zakia Zambda Zan Zayit Zaza Zee Zehava Zelpha Zephyr Zerlinda Zia Zila Zisel Zita Ziva Zula | The hearing one A friend The gorgeous one Green Praise Beautiful The morning light The bright one Meditation Support Oil Of flowery nature The happy one Golden Sprinkling Soft gentle breeze The beautiful dawn Enlightened A shadow Sweet one Harvest Life The brilliant one |
Short Hawaiian Girl Names
If you are not comfortable with the name, that your parents have given you as the first present of birth and wanted to choose a short name as your nickname or last name.
Then this list is for you, just scroll down and choose one
Powerful Hawaiian Girl Names
Powerful Hawaiian girl names convey strength, courage, and leadership. These names often draw inspiration from nature, mythology, and historical figures.
Unique Hawaiian Girl Names
Unique Hawaiian girl names are rare and distinctive, offering a connection to the island culture while standing out for their originality and beauty.
We hope our list of Hawaiian girl names has inspired you to find a name that captures the beauty and spirit of the islands. Each name carries with it a sense of aloha and connection to nature, making it a meaningful choice for your daughter.
Have you found the perfect Hawaiian name for your little one? Share your favorite with us and let us know why it resonates with you. If you know someone else searching for a Hawaiian-inspired name, please share this list with them. Your suggestions could be the key to helping others find a beautiful name filled with Hawaiian charm.
If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect name, be sure to explore our other lists for more inspiration. There’s always another great name waiting to be discovered!
75 Hawaiian Girl Names That’ll Transport You to the Tropics – NAMES & MEANINGS!