French baby names
French baby names are full of meaning and have been used for centuries. From the French word for “rose,” to the name of a famous king, these names are steeped in history.
In this blog post, we are going to cover everything you need to know to pick your baby’s perfect name, including the meaning of the name and the meaning of the name in French.
We will also take a look at some popular French baby names that are just as unique and special
French Baby Names With Meanings
French baby names are more than just a name. They are a way to honor family traditions and culture. The best thing about these names is that they are very diverse and come in a wide range of meanings.
French Baby Names With A
Name | Meaning |
Adélaïde Adrienne Agathe Albertine Alexandrine Alice Alida Aliénor Aline Alize Alphosine Amandine Ambre Amelie Amy Anaïs Anastasie Andrée Angeline Angélique Annabelle Anne Annette Anouk Antoine Arlette Armande Aubrey Augustine Aurelie Aveline Avenel Avenelle Avent Avery Avice Avriel, Azura | noble from the city of Hadria kind noble and bright defending men truth” or “reality noble This name means “light Beautiful. Alize means “noble one noble and ready Much loved. jewel” or “amber industrious Beloved Grace in French resurrection brave angelic messenger loving gracious Annette means “gracious Gracious. highly praiseworthy. Lion of God, army man”. elf ruler”. venerable”. golden”. little hazelnut tree”. Pasture of oats. Lives near the oat field. Born during Advent. Rules with elf-wisdom. Warlike. spring” and “April”. Sky-blue |
French Baby Names With B, C
Name | Meaning |
Babette Barbe Baron Barrie Barry Bartlett Basile Bay Bayard Beal Beale Béatrice Beau Bellamy Benoit Bernadette Berthe Blaise Brielle Brigitte Camille Carole Carolina Cécile Celeste Celine Céline Chanel Chantal Charlotte Chloé Christine Claire Clarisse Claudine Clementine Clotilde Colette Constance Coralie Coraline Corinne Cosette Curcio Curt | stranger, lovely foreigner”. A title of nobility Lives at the barrier. Lives at the barrier. Ploughman. Royal, kingly Auburn-haired. Auburn-haired. Handsome. Handsome. she who makes me happy.” handsome.” Fine friend blessed brave as a bear”. bright”. blaze God is my strength.” Actress Brigitte Bardot. Free-born.” strong woman”. free man”. blind”. heavenly sky” or “heavens Heavenly.” from the canal”. To sing.” Free Blooming. follower of Christ”. Clear.” bright” or “gentle”. lame”. merciful” or “mild”. famous in battle”. necklace” or “victorious constancy”. coral”. coral”. maiden”. something small and tiny”. Courteous. Courteous. |
French Baby Names With D, E, F, G
Name | Meaning |
Dacian Danielle D’anton D’Arcy Delphine Denise Desiree Dominique D’or Édith Eglantine Elaina Eléonore Elise Elle Élodie Eloise Ember Émilie Emma Emmeline Esme Estelle Étiennette Eugénie Eulalie Fayette Félice Fernande Fleur Florentine Fosette Francoise Frank Franky Frederic Gabbie Gabrielle Gace Gaetan Gala Galatee Galla Genevieve Georgette Gertrude Gisele Giselle | Of the nobility. God is the judge”. Variant of Anthony. From Arcy. Dark. dolphin”. Dionysius”. desired and longed for belonging to the Lord Golden. blessed with riches”. wild rose”. bright, shining light”. shining light”. pledged to God.” she”. foreign riches”. Healthy.” burning low.” excelling in all things”. whole”. work esteemed, beloved Star.” woman with crown”. well born”. sweetly speaking”. little fairy”. lucky”. traveller”. flower”. blossoming”. dimpled”. From France’ Free one Free; a free man. Peaceful ruler. Woman of God Woman of God Pledge. Form Gaeta From Gaul. White. From Gaul. wife, woman.” farmer”. strength”. bright pledge.” promise” or “pledge”. |
French Baby Names With H, I, J, K
Name | Meaning |
Hélène Héloïse Henriette Herbert Hervey Hettie Hetty Hilaire Holly Honore Honorine Huette Hugh Ignace Ila Iolanthe Isabeau Isabelle Ismay Iva Iven Ivonne Jacalyn Jacinthe Jacquelin Jade Jeanne Jewel Jolie Josephine Julien Juliet Juliette Kay Kerman Kitty Koty | bright and shining”. famous warrior”. home ruler”. Illustrious warrior. strong, worthy Rules her household.. Keeper of the hearth Joyful; glad Shrub. Honor woman of honor”. Feminine form of Hugh. Intelligent. Fiery. From the island. violet My God is bountiful My God.” esteemed or loved. From the yew tree. Little archer. Yew. Archer. James and Jacob Hyacinth. French form of Jacob. jade stone”. God is gracious Precious gemstone Pretty.” will grow. soft haired.” youthful”. young” Pure, clear German. Pure Small hill. |
French Baby Names With L, M
Name | Meaning |
La Row La Vergne L’Angley Laurent Léa Léonie Lille Lina Louise Lucie Lucien Lydie Madeleine Madelyn Mallory Manette Manon Marceau Margot Marguerite Marie Marion Mathilde Mathis Maxim Mélanie Meline Mia Michelle Mirabelle Mirielle Monique Mortimer Morty Musetta Musette Mychelle Myrla Mystique | Red haired. Born in the spring. Englishman. Bright and shining one delicate lion lily noble brave warrior illuminating and light light, maiden from Lydia, Greece high tower”. woman from Magdala.” unfortunate”. sea of bitterness”. bitter” or “child of wishes”. little warrior pearl”. pearl”. bitterness”. After strength in battle”. Gift of God.” greatest little dark-haired girl”. little honey”. beauty” or “mine”. who is like God.” plum”. to admire”. wise counselor and advisor”. still water Dead sea A song. A song. gift from God. Blackbird. Air of mystery. |
French Baby Names With N, O, P, Q
Name | Meaning |
Nadeen Nan Nancey Natalie Nicole Nicolette Noelle Noémie Octavie Odette Olivier Orlina Orson Orva Orval Orvelle Ourson Padgett Page Paget Paien Paige Pansy Papillon Parfait Patrice Pauline Pierrette Quiterie | Variant of Nadia. Favor; grace. Favor; grace. Birthday of the Lord.” victory of the people.” victory of the people”. Christmas.” winsome, pleasant eighth”. poem”, or “wealthy”. olive tree Gold. Bear cub. Worth gold. Gold town Gold town. Little bear. Attendant. young attendant Attendant. Name of a nobleman. Attendant. thought butterfly Perfect. born into nobility”. petite and small”. rock”. Tranquil |
French Baby Names With R, S, T
Name | Meaning |
Rachelle Raimond Raimundo Raina Raine Rainier Reine Remi Renée Risette Rosalie Rose Sara Sidonie Simone Sophie Stéphane Suzanne Suzette Syd Sydnee Sylvie Taillefer Talbot Tallis Talon Thérèse | Lamb. Guards wisely. Guards wisely. Queen. Queen strong counselor. queen”. oarsman” or “remedy,. reborn”. pleasant little laugh”. beautiful rose”. After the flower of love princess”. follower of Saint Denys”. harkening” wise crown of glory”. lily”. graceful like a lily Diminutive of Sidney Follower of Saint Denys. From the forest” Works in iron. Bloodhound. Woodland. Sharp. to reap” or “to gather” |
French Baby Names With V, W, X
Name | Meaning |
Valentin Valentine Valerie Véronique Violette Viviane Vivien Vivienne Voleta Voletta Warrane Wiatt William Wyatt Xarles Xavierra Xavierre | strong” and “healthy. strength”. fierce.” true image”. violet”. The Lady of the Lake. The Lady of the Lake. Lively. Veiled. Veiled. Warden of the game. Guide. Determined protector. Guide. Manly. Owner of a new home. Owner of a new home. |
French Baby Names With Y, Z
Name | Meaning |
Ynes Ynez Yolanda Yolande Yolanthe Yolonda Ysabel Yseult Yves Yvet Yvette Yvon Yvonna Yvonne Zara Zdenek Zola Zuri | Chaste Chaste Violet flower; strong. Violet flower; strong. Strong. flower. devoted to God. Fair. Yew; archer. Archer. Yew; archer Archer. Feminine variant of Yves. Yew; archer. Light. Follower of Saint Denys. Famous bearer White and lovely |
Unique French Names For Boy
There are many French names for boys and girls. Some of the most popular names are listed below
Popular French Girl Names
French girls’ names are often some of the most beautiful and unique names out there. However, the difficulty in finding a good french girl’s name
The following are some popular girl names from France.
Unique French Baby Names
French baby names are unique because they are often based on a personal trait, characteristic, or the name of the parents.
For example, the name Amelie is a popular name for a girl. It is a French name meaning “hope.” we listed so many girl names so you don’t have to lose hope
French Unisex Names
French unisex names are often given to boys and girls. These names are typically not gender specific and can be used for either gender. This can be confusing and can cause some people to use the wrong name.
One of the problems is that the names are not always masculine and feminine. For example, the name Alexandre is often given to both boys and girls.
Badass French Girl Names
A good french girl’s name can be a little bit difficult but we are here to find some badass names for you.
French Middle Names
French middle names are given to children in France by the parents to honor a family member or to honor the child.
These names can be given at any time during the baby’s life. Traditionally, the name given is the father’s first name, but today, many parents choose to name the child after a family member.
It is a common practice for French parents to name their child after a great-grandparent or other relative who has died or has passed away.
French Flower Names Girl
The best way to make your girl feel special is to give her a flower name. this practice is common in Japanese and greek culture they love to give their babies names related to flowers.
What should I consider when choosing a French baby name?
Consider the meaning, pronunciation, popularity, and cultural significance of the name, as well as any family or personal connections you may have to French culture or language.
What are some popular French baby names?
Some popular French baby names include Emma, Leo, Camille, Hugo, Chloe, and Gabriel.
Do French baby names have meanings?
Yes, most French baby names have meanings that reflect their origins in French culture and language.
We hope you enjoyed our blog post about French baby names! We’re pretty sure you want to choose the perfect baby name for your child.
If you’re also looking for a little inspiration, you’ve come to the right place for French baby names 2022 and 2023! Regardless of your baby’s gender, there are plenty of names available for both genders that sound delicious, just like the ones you read about today!