Yiddish girl names are rich with history and meaning, embodying the beauty and traditions of Jewish culture. Whether you’re looking for a popular, unique, or traditional name for your baby girl, this comprehensive list will inspire you.
Beautiful Yiddish Girl Names and Meanings A to Z
Yiddish girl names have deep meaning and these names are not in the line of old names because these names have made their place on the top list once again in the USA. If you and your significant other are confused about which name to choose for your baby girl, then the below list will give you a bundle of ideas with significant meanings.
Yiddish Names Start With A and B
Names | Meanings |
Adah Adinah Ahava Ahuva Aliza Alte Anat Ariella Asnat Atara Avigail Avishag Avital Aviva Ayala Ayelet Badane Baile Basha Bat Bat-Tziyon Batya Bayla Bilha Bina Bine Blima Bluma Bluma Blume Bracha Breina Breindel Brina Bruriah Bunah | An ornament Gentle one, Delicate one Love Beloved Joy An old woman To sing Lioness of God Belonging to G‑d Crown Father of happiness Father’s joy Father of dew, Spring Deer Musical instrument, Given by God One who is troubled Daughter of God Daughter of seven Daughter of Zion, Daughter of G‑d Beautiful To act rashly out of confusion Understanding Bee Blossom. A Flower, Bloom Bloom Yiddish word for flower Blessing Brown colour Brunette Brown Clarity of God Buena, good. |
Yiddish Names Start With C and D
Names | Meanings |
Carmel Chagit Chana Charna Chasha Chasya Chava Chaya Chayna Chedva Dafna Dalia Dalit Daniella Devorah Dina Dinah Ditza Dobah | Vineyard, garden, orchard Festive, celebration Gracious, Graceful. Dark Mercy, Merciful Shelter Gives life Life, Living A beautiful and bold person Delight Laurel Shoot To draw water God is my judge A bee Judicious Judgment Cheer A female beer |
Yiddish Names Start With E and F
Names | Meanings |
Efrat Eidel Eliana Elisheva Elkie Emunah Esther Faiga Faiga Faige Frayda Fraydel Freeda Freida Frema Freyda Frommet Fruma Frumah | Honored, distinguished Delicate, gentle My God has answered me G‑d is my oath God bought Faith A tree used in idolatrous rites Little bird. Fig Bird A happy and joyful woman Joy. Peace, Tranquility, Harmony Joy, Satisfaction, Comfort. Pious one Refers to bliss, happy and content. A certain species of grape. Girl who is religious or spiritual A pious woman |
Yiddish Names Start With G, H, and I
Names | Meanings |
Gavriella Gelleh Gelleia Genana Gentille Geula Gila Gisse Gitel Gitte Glucke Golda Golda Gracia Gruna Hadar Hadassah Henda Henya Henye Hinda Hodaya Hode Hode Hudes Idit Ilana Illa Irit Ita | God is my strength Yellow A yellow coloures girl Grandmother A gentle female Redemption Gladness Geisel—hostage Good Good. A woman with a good fortune Golden personality. Golden Gracious Green Splendid, ornamented, beautiful Myrtle Favor; grace Grace. God is gracious Deer. Praise God Yimyrtle tree Myrtle tree One who is praised by everyone Choicest Tree Superior quality, The best. Asphodel, Little home-ruler |
Yiddish Names Start With K, L, and M
Names | Meanings |
Kayla Keila Keren Kuna Leah Levana Levona Libke Lieba Lila Liora Machla Malka Maya Mayan Mazal Meira Meirav Menucha Menuchah Mesh Michal Minah Minah Mindel Mirele Miriam Moriah Muskat | Heaven Keli, Ray [of sunlight] A cradle, Cute Child Weak, Sickly White Frankincense, A loved one Loved one, Lovable. Night I have light Golden bangles Queen Water Spring, oasis Fortune, Good luck One who gives light To maximize Tranquility Peaceful, Restful Brass Who is like God? Bitter Peaceful. Peaceful Obstinacy, rebelliousness Bitter (in plural form) God teaches Nutmeg, Muscade |
Yiddish Names Start With N, O, and P
Names | Meanings |
Naama Nachalah Naomi Nechama Nechamah Neschume Netanya Noa Ora Orna Osnat Penina Peninah Perl Perle Pesha Pesha Puah | Pleasant Inherited eternal possession Pleasantness, beauty Comfort Comfort, Rest from anguish Soul Gift of God Rest, peace Light Pine tree Belonging to God Pearl A pearl Pearl. A Gem Of The Sea One who is born at Easter Daughter of God. To cry aloud |
Yiddish Names Start With R and S
Names | Meanings |
Rachel Raina Raisa Raisel Raysel Reut Rina Rivka Rivkah Roda Ruchel Ruth Sarah Sarai Selda Serach Shalhevet Shayna Shifra Shiloh Shira Shoshanah Shprintza Shterna Sigal Simchah Sisel | An ewe of one year or older Pure Rose Little rose Rose. Friendship Jubilation To tie A woman who takes a man’s heart A rose Ewe Sweet and pleasant Ruler, Chieftainess, Princess. My princess Happiness, joy Free of restraint Flame Beautiful. Beautiful” A present to him Singing, music A lily, A rose Hope Star Treasure Joy, Rejoice at heart, Spiritual joy Sweet |
Yiddish Names Start With T, U, and V
Names | Meanings |
Tal Talia Talya Tamar Techiya Tehilah Tehilla Tiferet Tirtzah Toiba Toibe Tova Tovah Tzeitel Tziona Tzipporah Tzirre Tzitta Tzivia Tziviah Tzofiya Tzofiya Tzviya Uriella Velvela | Dew Dew from God Dew of G‑d, lamb, young girl Palm tree, Date Revival Praise, Noble light, Majestic glory Song of praise Glory, splendor She is desired Dove Dove. God’s goodness A good woman Noble lady, princess Excellent A female bird Decoration, Jewel Fast one, Energetic Assembly of God Female deer, Hind, Doe Guardian Guard Deer, gazelle Light of God Wolf |
Yiddish Names Start With Y and Z
Names | Meanings |
Yael Yaffah Yakova Yardena Yehudit Yenta Yiskah Yochanah Yocheved Yonah Zahava Zelda Zelda Zissa Zlata | Doe Beautiful woman Held by the heel To flow down, To thank (G‑d) Aristocratic; noble, To gaze She is graced Honor of G‑d A dove Gold Happiness Blessed; Sweet one A gold coin |
Popular Yiddish Girl Names
Popular Yiddish names often reflect strong cultural and religious significances that have stood the test of time. These names are widely recognized within Jewish communities and beyond, making them timeless choices for parents.
- Rivka – Meaning ‘to bind,’ Rivka is a traditional name that has been popular for centuries, symbolizing connection and attachment.
- Esther – Meaning ‘star,’ Esther is famous from the biblical story of Queen Esther, who saved her people.
- Miriam – Meaning ‘wished-for child,’ Miriam is a prominent biblical figure, recognized as the sister of Moses.
- Leah – Meaning ‘weary,’ Leah was one of the matriarchs in the Bible, the wife of Jacob.
- Deborah – Meaning ‘bee,’ Deborah was a prophetess and a judge in the Bible.
- Sarah – Meaning ‘princess,’ Sarah was the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.
- Hannah – Meaning ‘grace,’ Hannah is known for her story in the Bible, where she prayed for a son and was blessed with Samuel.
- Rachel – Meaning ‘ewe,’ Rachel was the beloved wife of Jacob.
- Judith – Meaning ‘praise,’ Judith is known from the biblical Book of Judith, a heroine who saved her people.
- Naomi – Meaning ‘pleasant,’ Naomi is a biblical figure known for her story of loyalty and resilience.
Unique Yiddish Girl Names
Unique Yiddish names offer a sense of individuality and distinctiveness. These names often have less common usage but carry beautiful meanings and rich historical backgrounds.
- Basha – Meaning ‘God is my oath,’ Basha is a unique name with a strong spiritual connotation.
- Gittel – Meaning ‘good or kind,’ Gittel reflects virtuous qualities appreciated in Jewish culture.
- Fruma – Meaning ‘devout or pious,’ Fruma is often chosen for its reflection of religious dedication.
- Itke – Meaning ‘small,’ Itke is a rare name that conveys simplicity and humility.
- Liba – Meaning ‘beloved,’ Liba is a touching name symbolizing love.
- Perle – Meaning ‘pearl,’ Perle signifies something precious and pure.
- Sosha – Meaning ‘lily,’ Sosha is unique and evokes the purity and beauty of the flower.
- Tova – Meaning ‘good,’ Tova is appreciated for its simplicity and positive attribute.
- Yael – Meaning ‘mountain goat,’ Yael is a biblically significant name representing strength and resilience.
- Zisel – Meaning ‘sweet or precious,’ Zisel is an endearing, uncommon name.
Traditional Yiddish Girl Names
Traditional Yiddish names are deeply rooted in the Jewish heritage and are often derived from the Bible or have strong cultural significance. They are timeless and carry the weight of history with them.
- Chana – Meaning ‘grace or favor,’ Chana is a deeply traditional name known from the mother of the prophet Samuel.
- Golda – Meaning ‘gold,’ Golda represents something precious and valuable, famously borne by Golda Meir, the fourth Prime Minister of Israel.
- Faige – Meaning ‘bird,’ Faige is a traditional name symbolizing freedom and grace.
- Sheindel – Meaning ‘beautiful,’ Sheindel is a classic name reflecting beauty and charm.
- Masha – Meaning ‘bitter,’ Masha is a traditional name with roots that reflect resilience through hardship.
- Bluma – Meaning ‘flower,’ Bluma signifies beauty and growth.
- Ruchel – A variant of ‘Rachel,’ meaning ‘ewe,’ Ruchel is a traditional name carried by one of the matriarchs.
- Yente – Meaning ‘noble or aristocratic,’ Yente is a name that saw historical usage among the European Jewish communities.
- Molly – Meaning ‘bitter,’ Molly is a traditional name often used in Jewish households.
- Gitl – Meaning ‘good,’ Gitl is simple yet conveys a strong positive moral value.
Yiddish Names for Baby Girls
When choosing a name for a newborn, parents often look for something that not only carries cultural significance but also suits a baby. These names are ideal for baby girls, offering a range of beautiful, meaningful options.
- Mae – An abbreviation of Masha, meaning ‘bitter,’ Mae is a short and sweet option for a baby girl.
- Zisel – Meaning ‘sweet or precious,’ Zisel reflects the affectionate nature of childhood.
- Rebekah – Meaning ‘to bind,’ is a classic name with a timeless charm.
- Ella – Meaning ‘goddess,’ Ella signifies beauty and divinity.
- Fay – Meaning ‘fairy or elf,’ Fay suggests a whimsical, gentle nature.
- Leah – Meaning ‘weary,’ a strong biblical name that stands the test of time for newborns.
- Shayna – Meaning ‘beautiful,’ Shayna is both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful.
- Tova – Meaning ‘good,’ Tova is simple, positive, and great for a baby girl.
- Dina – Meaning ‘judged,’ Dina carries a significant biblical history that resonates with strength.
- Jemima – Meaning ‘dove,’ Jemima represents peace and sweetness.
Consider exploring less common Yiddish names that carry profound meanings. These names can be an excellent choice if you’re looking for something distinct.
Jewish Girl Names
Yiddish names are very interesting and inspiring if you are looking for names with beautiful meanings. Then this names list will give you the perfect and best choice
Modern Yiddish for Girl
Chabad Girl Names
Beautiful Yiddish Names List
Last names are very important in every region, religion, and country, as some people have such difficult names by birth that it is difficult for relatives, friends, colleagues, siblings, and teachers to remember their names
Old Jewish Lady Names
This names list is collected from a variety of sources to make sure that these names are old Jewish names.
Hebrew girl names is a meaningful journey, rooted in cultural heritage, history, and personal significance. Whether you prefer popular, unique, traditional, or modern names, we hope this list has inspired you with ideas that resonate with your values and aspirations for your child. What are your favorite Yiddish names? Share them in the comments below! If you found this article helpful, please share it with friends and family to spread the love for beautiful Yiddish names
Are Yiddish names exclusively for Jewish individuals?
No, Yiddish names can be chosen by anyone who appreciates their meaning and cultural significance.
Are there any specific naming ceremonies associated with Yiddish names?
While there is no universal naming ceremony, some Jewish communities have special traditions and rituals for naming babies.
Traditions of a Jewish Baby Naming