Yiddish boy names carry a rich cultural and historical significance, reflecting the heritage and traditions of Jewish communities. Whether you’re looking for a traditional, popular, unique, or modern Yiddish name for your baby boy, our comprehensive list offers over 100 names to choose from, complete with meanings and origins.
Jewish Names Boy
Here is the list of Jewish names for boys just check it out.
Yiddish Boy Names and Meanings A to Z
Check out these meaningful boys’ Yiddish names and pick up your favorite one
Yiddish Names Starting With A
Names | Meanings |
Abba Abram Adam Adi Akiva Akiva Alein Aleksander Alon Alter Alter Amos Amram Ancel Anshel Antshel Arele Arke Arye Aryeh Asher Atira Avi Avner Avner Avrum | Father High father Earth Ornament, adornment Held by the heel Heel Alone Defender of men Oak tree Old one Old Laden Exalted Nation Fortunate, blessed Joy Messenger of God, angel Mountain The light-bringer Lion Lion Happy one Prayer My father My father is light Lamp father Father of a multitude |
Yiddish Names Starting With B and c
Names | Meanings |
Barak Baruch Benesh Ben-Tzion Bentziyon Benyamin Ber Berel Betzalel Binyamin Boaz Breine Bunim Calev Calev Carmi Chagai Chaggai Chaim Chanan Chananel Chananya Chaskel | Lightning Blessed one Blessed Son of Zion Son of Zion Son of my right hand, Bear Bear In the shade of the Lord Son of old age Strength within One who is blessed Good name Like a heart All heart My vineyard My festival Festive Life He was gracious God is compassionate God bestows charm God will strengthen |
Yiddish Names Starting With D and e
Names | Meanings |
Dan David Dawid Doron Dov Dov Dudel Efrayim Ehud Eitan Elazar Eli Elija Elimelech Elisha Eliyahu Elkan Elya Elye Emanuel Ephraim Ever Ezra | To judge Friend Beloved, favorite Gift Bear A bear One who is beloved Fruitful I shall praise Mighty God has helped Height, ascension My God is Yahweh My God is King God will help, Toward God God has created The Lord is my God Height or ascension God is with us Fruitful To go over Help, assistance |
Yiddish Names Starting With F and g
Names | Meanings |
Faivish Falco Fayvel Feivel Feivish Feivish Feiwel Fishel Fivel Froim Gad Gamliel Gavrel Gavriel Gavriel Gedaliah Gel Gershom Gershon Gidon Gil | Someone with a bright personality Falcon Bright and radiant Bright Light Shinning Shining one Little fish Nursing Fruitful Fortune, success, troop God is my reward Man of God God is my strength God’s man God is great The yellow color Stranger there To chase away Mighty warrior Joy |
Yiddish Names Starting With h and i
Names | Meanings |
Haskel Herchel Herschel Herzl Hillel Hirsh Hirsh Hirshel Hoshea Hyman Hymie Ilan Isaak Isser Issur Itamar Itzik | Wisdom, God strengthens A deer Little deer A deer Praise Deer, Hart, A deer Deer Deer Pleasantness Life, man, life Life Tree He laughs, laughter God prevails Yiddish nickname for Israel Island of palms He will laugh |
Yiddish Names Starting With k and l
Names | Meanings |
Kalman Kalonymos Kapel Koppel Kuni Kupyr Kuzmir Laben Lantz Lavi Lazer Lebon Lemel Liber Liebel Lior | Good name Good name Supplanter Supplanter Childish Copper Commands peace White, life Spear Attached, associated, pledged My God has helped Life Little lamb, meek Beloved Lion To me is light |
Yiddish Names Starting with M
Names | Meanings |
Malachi Malkiel Manish Manoach Mashel Matitiyahu Medad Meir Menachem Menashe Menashe Mendel Mendeley Meshulam Meyer Mordechai Mordechai Moshe Mozes | Angelic God is my king Fierce strong man Resting place Happy Gift of God Friend To give light Comforter, full of comfort Causing to forget To make forget He who comforts Comforter, full of comfort Paid for, Perfect” Farmer, overseer or farmer Warrior The head of the fragrance To withdraw Born of, child |
Yiddish Names Starting With n, 0, and p
Names | Meanings |
Nachshon Nachum Naftali Natan Nechemia Ner Nissan Nissim Noach Noach Noam Oren Ovadia Paltiel Peretz Pesach Pesachya Pinchas | Diviner Comfort To wrestle He gave Comforted by God Candle or light Banner Miracles Tranquility Rested Pleasantness Pine Servant of God Created by God Burst forth To pass over Petach Compassionate face |
Yiddish Names Starting with R and s
Names | Meanings |
Rachamim Rafael Raysel Reuven Reuven Sekel Selig Selig Selik Sender Seth Shabtai Shachna Shaina Shalom Shaul Shaul Shay Shem Shiloh Shimmel Shimon Shimshon Shmariyahu Shmuel Shneur Sholem Shraga Simcha Srol | Compassion God heals The flower rose Behold, a son! See son He will laugh Blessed, happy Happy Happy, blessed Defender of mankind Appointed Born on Shabbat, Sabbatical To dwell Beautiful Peace,a man of peace Borrowed, Asked for, borrowed Gift, renown, God has heard A present to him Hearkening God has heard Powerful as the sun God’s protection God is His name Senior Peace, Lamp, lantern Joy God prevails |
Yiddish Names Starting with T, u, and v
Names | Meanings |
Tamir Tanchum Teivel Tuvia Tzadok Tzemach Tzephania Tzion Tzuriel Tzvi Tzvi Uri Uriel Uziel Velvel | Tall, upright Consolation Devil God is good Justice Shoot or Sapling Protected by God Excellence God is my rock Deer A deer My light God is my light God is my strength Wolf |
Yiddish Names Starting With w x y and z
Names | Meanings |
Welfel Yaakov Yaakov Yair Yankel Yedidya Yefet Yehoshua Yehuda Yehudah Yehudi Yerachmiel Yeshayahu Yigal Yirmiyahu Yisrael Yissachar Yitzchak Yitzhar Yochanan Yom Yom Tov Yona Yonatan Yoram Yotam Yousef Yudel Yussel Yuval Zayde Zaydel Ze’ev Zechariah Zeff Zelig Zelygg Zevulun Zigman Zik Zindel Ziskind Zisse Zonny Zusmann Zussya Zyndell | Will, desire, helmet Held by the heel The heal He will shine To follow Beloved of God Wonder, affluent Yahweh is salvation God will be praised Thank G‑d Praise God will have mercy God is salvation He will redeem God will uplift Wrestled with God There is a reward Rejoiced Will light up, Oil Yahweh is merciful Holiday Happy Day, Festival Dove God’s gift God will raise him up God Perfect Yahweh will add another son Praised God shall add another son Stream Grandfather, to increase Grandfather A wolf Remembering God Wolf Blessed Happy Abode maker Happy, blessed He will laugh Son, sonny Sweet child Sweet Little son Sweet man Sweet one Has its origins in the Yiddish |
Traditional Yiddish Boy Names
These names have historical and cultural significance, often passed down through generations.
- Hershel (Deer) A traditional name with deep cultural roots.
- Mendel (Comforter) A name with a long history in Yiddish culture.
- Shmuel (His name is God) A timeless and popular choice.
- Moishe (Drawn from the water) Classic and significant.
- Fivel (Bright one) Traditional and meaningful.
- Yitzhak (He will laugh) A name often chosen for its historical significance.
- Chaim (Life) A name that has been cherished for generations.
- Baruch (Blessed) A name with divine connotations.
- Eli (Ascended, uplifted) A name that signifies elevation.
- Mordechai (Warrior) A strong and historical name.
Popular Yiddish Boy Names
These names are trendy, widely favored, and often chosen by modern parents.
- Ari (Lion) Short, strong, and currently popular.
- Lev (Heart) A popular choice with a sweet meaning.
- Ezra (Help) Rising in popularity among modern parents.
- Abram (Exalted father) A traditional name making a comeback.
- Elie (God is my help) Elegant and popular.
- Simcha (Joy) Widely favored for its joyous meaning.
- David (Beloved) A timeless choice that remains popular.
- Isaac (He will laugh) A classic name that continues to be loved.
- Jacob (Supplanter) A widely used and beloved name.
- Samuel (Asked of God) A name that remains a favorite.
Unique Yiddish Boy Names
These names are distinct, creative, and perfect for a one-of-a-kind child.
- Peretz (To burst forth) Unique and strong.
- Zalman (Peaceful) Uncommon and meaningful.
- Yankel (God is gracious) Rare but rich in meaning.
- Gavriel (God is my strength) Unique and powerful.
- Shia (Gift) Distinctive and thoughtful.
- Avremel (Father of many) A rare variant of a classic name.
- Lipa (Flame) Unique and symbolic.
- Tauba (Dove) Distinctive and serene.
- Dov-Ber (Bear) A strong and unusual name.
- Faivish (Bright one) Rare and luminous.
Modern Yiddish Boy Names
These names have a contemporary feel while still honoring Yiddish traditions.
- Asher (Happy) A modern name with a positive meaning.
- Noam (Pleasantness) Stylish and contemporary.
- Simcha (Joy) A cheerful and modern choice.
- Yonah (Dove) Modern and soothing.
- Lior (I have light) Modern and bright.
- Eitan (Strong) Contemporary and powerful.
- Tzvi (Deer) Modern yet traditional.
- Amichai (My people live) A name with a hopeful meaning.
- Nadav (Generous) Stylish and meaningful.
- Rafa (Healed) A modern name with a reassuring meaning.
Yiddish Baby Boy Names
These names are perfect for newborns, encompassing a range of styles and meanings.
- Yaakov (Supplanter) A classic and enduring choice.
- Shlomo (Peace) A name that brings tranquility.
- Hersh (Deer) Sweet and traditional.
- Avrum (Father of many) A strong and historical name.
- Dovid (Beloved) A variant of David, with deep affection.
- Yisroel (He who struggles with God) A powerful and meaningful name.
- Moshe (Drawn from the water) Classic and revered.
- Nachman (Comforter) A name full of solace.
- Shmuel (His name is God) A timeless and significant choice.
- Zev (Wolf) Strong and distinctive.
Jewish Yiddish Names for Boys
These names are deeply rooted in Jewish traditions and Yiddish culture.
- Baruch (Blessed) A name with divine connotations.
- Chaim (Life) Cherished for its life-affirming meaning.
- Elazar (God has helped) A name signifying divine assistance.
- Meir (One who shines) Bright and hopeful.
- Yehudah (Praise) A name full of reverence.
- Tuvia (God is good) A name with a positive message.
- Reuven (Behold, a son) Historical and meaningful.
- Yisrael (He who struggles with God) Powerful and traditional.
- Natan (Gift) Simple yet profound.
- Yechiel (May God live) A name with divine wishes.
Yiddish Male Names
These names are suitable for Yiddish males, encompassing various styles and meanings.
- Moshe (Drawn from the water) A revered and timeless name.
- Efraim (Fruitful) A name signifying abundance.
- Yair (He will enlighten) Bright and hopeful.
- Shaul (Asked for, prayed for) A powerful and meaningful name.
- Menachem (Comforter) Full of solace and comfort.
- Kalman (Strong) A strong and sturdy name.
- Elchanan (God has been gracious) Divine and gracious.
- Tzaddok (Righteous) Full of virtue.
- Yechezkel (God will strengthen) Strong and divine.
- Shaiah (Salvation of God) A name of hope and salvation.
Top Yiddish Boy Names
These are the top-ranked Yiddish names for boys, favored for their meanings and cultural significance.
- Ari (Lion) Short, strong, and top-ranked.
- Lev (Heart) Popular and beloved.
- Ezra (Help) Top-ranked for its positive meaning.
- David (Beloved) Timeless and at the top.
- Isaac (He will laugh) A classic favorite.
- Jacob (Supplanter) Widely used and admired.
- Samuel (Asked of God) Highly favored.
- Asher (Happy) Popular for its positivity.
- Elie (God is my help) Elegant and top-ranked.
- Shmuel (His name is God) A top choice with deep significance.
Yiddish Boy Name Meanings
These names come with rich meanings rooted in Yiddish culture.
- Hershel (Deer) Gentle and traditional.
- Mendel (Comforter) Soothing and historical.
- Shmuel (His name is God) Divinely named.
- Moishe (Drawn from the water) Deeply significant.
- Fivel (Bright one) Luminous and traditional.
- Lev (Heart) Beloved and sweet.
- Ezra (Help) Supportive and positive.
- Gavriel (God is my strength) Strong and divine.
- Asher (Happy) Joyful and modern.
- Simcha (Joy) Cheerful and widely favored.
Hebrew-Yiddish Boy Names
These names are a blend of Hebrew and Yiddish cultural significance.
- Eliezer (God is my help) Divinely assisted.
- Yehuda (Praise) Reverent and historical.
- Shalom (Peace) A name bringing tranquility and harmony.
- Yitzhak (He will laugh) A name full of joy and heritage.
- Elchanan (God has been gracious) A name reflecting divine grace.
- Tzvi (Deer) A name that conveys gentleness and grace.
- Eliyahu (My God is Yahweh) A powerful and traditional name.
- Avraham (Father of many) A historically significant name.
- Shlomo (Peaceful) A name symbolizing calmness and serenity.
- Yonatan (God has given) A name representing divine gift and blessing.
What are Yiddish Names?
Yiddish names, as the name suggests, are names that have their origins in the Yiddish language. Yiddish is a Germanic language infused with Hebrew and Slavic elements and was historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe. Therefore, Yiddish names often reflect a unique blend of these linguistic and cultural influences.
The Rich History of Yiddish Names
To truly appreciate Yiddish names, it’s essential to delve into their historical roots. Yiddish-speaking communities have a rich tradition of naming their children after ancestors, biblical figures, or meaningful attributes. These names have passed down through generations, carrying with them stories of resilience and faith.
Yiddish names also called biblical names come in a variety of options and each name has its own unique significance and symbolism, providing families an opportunity to imbue their child’s identity with their values and beliefs.
Choosing a Yiddish name for your son can add a rich blend of history, culture, and significance to his name. Whether you prefer traditional names or modern variations, there is a Yiddish name that will suit your child perfectly. By embracing your heritage and carrying on the legacy of generations past, you can give your son a name that is truly special and meaningful.