Vietnamese girl’s names are rich in cultural significance, often reflecting virtues, nature, and familial heritage. These names are beautiful and meaningful, carrying deep connections to Vietnamese traditions. If you’re looking for a name that not only sounds lovely but also holds profound meaning, our list of Vietnamese girl’s names is the perfect place to start your search.
best Vietnamese Girl Names
Vietnamese names for girls often carry meanings related to beauty, nature, and virtues. They reflect parents’ wishes for their daughters to embody grace, intelligence, and kindness.

Vietnamese Last Names
Vietnamese last names are traditionally passed down from generation to generation, often representing lineage and ancestry. A small number of surnames dominate the population, with Nguyễn being the most common.
Common Vietnamese Names
Common Vietnamese names are frequently used across generations and genders. These names often embody values such as intelligence, peace, and respect.
Popular Vietnamese Names
Popular Vietnamese names reflect contemporary trends while preserving traditional meanings. These names are widely used, often due to their positive connotations and melodic sounds.
Vietnamese Girl Names and Meanings
Vietnamese girl names are often rich with meaning, representing qualities parents hope their daughters will possess. These meanings can range from natural elements to virtuous characteristics.
Vietnamese Names Start With A and B
Names starting with A and B are popular in Vietnam and often have meanings related to brightness, peace, or nature. They are versatile and frequently chosen for their positive symbolism.
Names | Meanings |
A’nh Ai Ai’ Ái Ai’ AnDung A’nh Bảo Be’ Be’ Bi’nh Bich Bi’ch Bích Bình | Light ray, A sentimental love Beloved, gentle Sentimental love Beloved and gentle Peaceful hero Light ray Treasure, jewel Doll Baby Peace Jade; jewelry Jade Bluish-green Level, even, peaceful |
Vietnamese Names Start With C and D
Names | Meanings |
C’ng Ca Ca,nh Canh Cara Chau Châu Chi Chí Co^ng Da`o Da’o Dao Dep Di.u Diê.p Die^.p Diệp Diêp Dieu Diệu Diu Do`anVie^n Do`anVien Do’anVien Dông Dong Dung Dương | Skillful or industrious The eldest; the first Scenery Scenery Precious jewel Pearls Pearl, gem Tree branch Will, spirit Skillful, good industry Peach blossom, a tet flower Blossom Peach blossom flower Beautiful Tender, gentle, mellow Leaves Red flowers Leaf Tree with red leaves Good looking Mysterious, subtle, exquisite Tender, gentle, meadow Happy reunion Happy reunion A happy reunion Winter Winter Beauty, nice appearance Male, virile |
Vietnamese Names Start With H
Names | Meanings |
H•ng Ha.nh Ha` Ha`i Ha`ng Ha’ng Hải Han Hằng HanhPhu’c Hao Hào Hau Hie’n Hiep HongYen Hô`ngYen Hong HongHanh Huê Hung Huyê`n Huyên Hwa Hy`unh Hy’unh Hyunh | Pink rose Nice behaving, good conduct River Fairy shoe Angel in the full moon Angel in the full moon Sea, ocean Faithful, moral Lady Blessing from above and happiness Good; perfect Brave, heroic Wishful Gentle, nice, and quiet To unite Pink swallow bird Pink swallow bird Rose or pink Pink apricot blossom Lily flower Pink rose Having a reflective black color Black, reflective black Flower Yellow Yellow Yellow; golden |
Vietnamese Names Start With K and L
Names | Meanings |
Kê`tNie^n Kê`tNien Ke’tNien Khanh Khánh Kie’u Kiêu Kim KimCu`c Kim-ly La`nh La’nh Lang Lanh Le Lê Lê. Lê: Liê~u Liêm Lien Liên Liêu Linh: | Year of unity Year of unity A year of unity Precious stone Congratulate, celebrate Graceful or beloved Graceful, beloved, pretty Golden lion Yellow chrysanthemum Golden lion Gentle Gentle Sweet potato Gentle, happy Pearl Pear Tears, shy/shyness Shyness Willow Clean, honest, upright Lotus flower Lotus, water lily Willow tree Spirit |
Vietnamese Names Start With M and N
Names | Meanings |
My Mỹ My~ Mychau My-Duyen NamHa NamHa` Ngải Ngo.cBich NgocBich Ngon Ngu Ngu? Ngu+ Ngu+~ Nguyen Nguyên Nu | Beautiful Beautiful Pretty Great Beautiful, pretty South river South river Sagebrush, wormwood Sapphire jade Precious jade Good communication (no accent) stupid To sleep Fishermen Written language Sleep Original, first Girl |
Vietnamese Names Start With O, P and Q
Names | Meanings |
ô`ng O’ng Oanh Phoung Phúc Phuo.ng Phượng Ping Qu’y Quân Quang Quy Quyêe^n Quyeen Quyền Quyen Quynh | Rose, pink Rose pink Oriole A legendary bird Happiness, good fortune Phoenix Direction, way Peace Precious Army Bright, clear Precious A kind of bird Bird Power, right, authority Bird Deep red |
Vietnamese Names Start With S and T
Names | Meanings |
Sơn Ta^m Ta^n Tai Tam Tan Tanh Tha’m Tha’m ThanhHa Thien Thu Thu?y Thuần ThuongNgan Tr£uc Trai TrangChim Truc Trúc Tuân Tuyˆn Tuye’n Tuyê’n Tuyết | Mountain Heart New, chastity Prosperous; talented Heart New, chaste Bright blue Discreet grace Discreet grace Teal river Heavenly Autumn; poem Water Pure, clean, simple Goddess of the forests Bamboo Oyster Moon goddess, moon swan Wish Bamboo Obey, follow, honor Ray Line Line, ray Snow |
Vietnamese Names Start With U and V
Names | Meanings |
Uoc Ut Vân Viê.t Vie’t Viên Viê’t Vinh | Wishes Last Cloud For Vietnam To write Round, full, complete To write Glory |
Vietnamese Names Start With X and Y
Names | Meanings |
Xuan Xuân Ye’n Yen Yên Yê’n Yến | Springtime Spring Swallow bird Peace Calm, peaceful A swallow Peace |
We hope our selection of Vietnamese girl names has provided you with inspiration and guidance in finding the perfect name for your daughter. Whether you’ve chosen a name that reflects beauty, strength, or tradition, Vietnamese names are rich with meaning and cultural significance.
These names not only carry deep roots in history but also offer a sense of identity and pride that will accompany your child throughout her life.
Finally, don’t forget to explore our website for even more resources, including articles on baby names, parenting tips, and more. Together, we can find the perfect name that your daughter will treasure for years to come!
What are some popular Vietnamese girl’s names?
Popular Vietnamese girl’s names include Linh, Mai, Thao, Ngoc, and Anh.
Can you suggest a unique Vietnamese girl’s name?
Unique Vietnamese girl’s names include Bich, Quyen, Trinh, Xuan, and Diem.
What are some traditional Vietnamese girl names?
Traditional Vietnamese girl’s names include Lan, Hue, Kim, Hoa, and Chau.
Are there modern Vietnamese girl’s names?
Modern names for Vietnamese girls include My, Nhi, Trinh, Ly, and Tam.
100 Most Common Female Names | Learn Vietnamese | How to Pronounce Vietnamese Names