Scandinavian names are a unique trendy and great way of naming children. They are beautiful and unique, and they give a sense of tradition to the name. There are a few different ways to approach the Scandinavian naming system.
There are also a few different ways to pick out a name. One way is to pick out a name that is related to the child’s gender, such as choosing a name that starts with an “A” for a girl and a name that starts with a “B” for a boy.
Cool Scandinavian Boy Names List
We have compiled a detailed list of Popular Scandinavian boy names, however, you might hear some of these names on TV shows, in movies, or in cartoons. But we assure you that most of the terms below are new for you and would be perfect for your boy.
Scandinavian Girl Names
The Scandinavian name Girl has a history and is a very popular choice among all regions. Whether you hail from the nordic region or love to have a nordic region name for your baby girl, you will find your favorite Scandinavian baby name below list.
Scandinavian Last Names
Old Scandinavian Names
If you love old Norse names, the land, and the language of the Viking age, Scandinavian names are very traditional and have a strong history. In the below list, you will have all old-fashioned Scandinavian baby names, the below list will give you perfect choices.
Popular Scandinavian Names
Although selecting a baby name is a very challenging task for every parent and most parents love unique and antique names. But there are parents who love to have popular names for their loved ones, even though these are very common.
If you are searching for popular Scandinavian names then you are in the right place.
Scandinavian Names and Meanings List
if your choice is to select a Scandinavian name for your newborn baby, but you want to know the meaning of that name as well, then you are in the right place.
We have compiled a list of Scandinavian names and their meanings so you may get to know what your baby’s name means
Name Starting with A and B
Name | Meaning |
Aaren Abellona Ada Aegir Agatha Agda Age Agnes Agnetha Agot Ailse Aina Ake Aksel Aldith Alexander Alf Alja Aloisa Alrik Alvilde Ama Ambor Amelia Anders Andor Anette Anina Anja Balder Bard Barend Batilde Baudier Beaudean Beorhthelm Beret Bergdis Bergen Bergljot Bergren Bern Bertelot Bertine Bifrost Bill Bimasha Birger Birgit Bjarke, Bjarnilla Bjorn Bjorn Bo Bode Bodil Bodilla Bodine Boe Booth Borge Borghild | High mountain Norse goddess of Graceful Norse god of Goodhearted Good Ancestors A chaste woman Holy or pure Good-hearted Sweet Eternal Forebear Peace of the Veteran combatant Defender of men Friend of the Entire Renowned fighter Universal ruler To shine Eagle Amber Hard-working Brave Eagle Favored Grace or favor Gracious Prince Both peace and Firm bear Female warrior Prince A shelter A protector of light Glorious or bright Protected by spirits Mountain dweller Protection or light Mountain branch Strong as a bear Light Intelligent maiden Bridge from earth Will to protect A woman from the sea To help, to protect Powerful or strong Bear Noble bear Bear Bear The resident, living Sheltered Commanding Fighting woman To find shelter Handsome admirer He who lives in a hut A helping person Refuge from war |
Name Starting with C and D
Name | Meaning |
Cajetan Calder Canute Canutte Carianne Carina Carr Carson Chara Cilja Colborn Colby Corey Crosby Crysten Cuyler Daegal Dag Dagfinnr Dagmar Dagmara Dagna Dagr Dagrun Dahlia Dane Darby Daube Delling Destin Dordi Dorothea Dustin | A rejoiced man Rough water Knot Fruit of the A merciful She who is dear Swamp Son of Carr Free She that surrounds Burning coals Dark town Chosen Cross farm Follows christ Archer Dawn Day Bright Finn A mother Unmarried A special day Norse god of Day or secret Dwells in the valley God is my judge Place for deer Name of a bird Norse god of Determined Gift from god Gift of god Thor’s stone |
Name Starting with E and F
Name | Meaning |
Ebbe Eda Edda Edvard Edzard Egil Eilif Einar Eir Eirik Eisa Eivor Eldir Elias Elin Elizabet Ella Elli Elna Else Elsha Eluf Elvi Elyna Embla Emil Emma Eostre Eric Erica Erick Erikka Erikson Erla Faas Fell Fenrir Filip Finna Finnbjorn Fiske Floris Folke Forseti Fredrik Freja Freja Frey Freya Freydis Freyja Freyr Frida Fridtjof Frigg Frigga Frode | It means brave Poetry, wealthy Clear vision Wealthy guard Strong edge Respect An immortal person One who fights Protection, help Strong ruler Glowing embers Good luck Fire-starter Lord is my god Light or beautiful Bountiful god Sympathy Eternity Creative person One who is noble Noble by birth Only son Noble friend Light or torch Elm tree Rival or trying Whole, universal Easter Ever or eternal ruler Forever strong A ruler of the world Ruler Ruler of the people Wagtail bird Firm counsel Mountains Fen-dweller Friend of horses Fair Fair or white Fish In blossom People Norse god of justice Peace and power A noblewoman Norse goddess of Lord Lady Noblewoman Beauty and death Norse god of Peace Thief To love Norse goddess of Clever, learned |
Name Starting with G and H
Name | Meaning |
Galinn Garda Garth Gaute Geir Geirdriful Gerd Gerd, Gersemi Gertrud Gertrude Gimle Gjurd Glyrna Göndul Goran Gorm Gram Grethe Grid Groa Gudbrand Gudmund Gulla Gunhild Gunnar Gunner Gunner Gunnr Gunther Gunvor Gustaf Haakon Hafdan Hagen Hailee Hakan Haldor Haley Halfdan Halley Halstein Halvar Hanna Hanne Hannes Hanson Harald Hati Havard Håvard Hedda Hege Heidi Heidrun Heimdall Hela Helga Hemming Hendrick Hendrixx Henrik | Enchanted Shelter Garden People from Sweden Spearman Spear thrower Garden Norse goddess of Jewel Spear Strength New heaven God of peace Glower Wand commander Mountain man Attentive Grey hill Pearl Harmony Gardener Sword of god God protects Divine sea Shield-maiden Battler; warrior Bold warrior Warrior War Battle-army Cautious in war God-staff High-born Half-danish Eldest son Hero High-born Rock of thor Hero Half-day Commander Rock Guardian of the rock Favored in Hebrew Grace, charm God is gracious Son of Hans Army ruler Golden High guardian Protector Battle maiden Meditation Noble or graceful Bright White god Norse goddess of Blessed, holy Shapeshifter Rules his household Estate ruler Ruler of the |
Name Starting with I and J
Name | Meaning |
Ida Idun Igor Ilka Inge Ingeborg Inger Ingmar Ingolf Ingram Ingrid Ingrid Ingunn Ingvar Ingvlid Isak Isane Ivar Jakob Janne Jansen Janson Jari Jarl Jensen Jens Jensen Jeppe Jerk Johan Jokith Jonas Jørgen Jørn Jorunn Josef Josefine Jostein Juni | Industrious Norse goddess of Hero Industrious Ing’s protection Protection Beautiful goddess Famous son Wolf of ing Raven of peace Beautiful woman Fair Love Ing’s army Dedicated to ancestors God will laugh Resolute Archer Supplanter God is gracious Has shown favor Son of Jan He will rise Chieftain God has shown favor God is gracious Son of Jens Supplanter Ever ruler God is gracious Glacier of ice Dove in Hebrew Farmer Farmer Love of horses God will rise God will add Horse-stone Born in June |
Name Starting with K and L
Name | Meaning |
Kaia Kaj Kajsa Kára Karalee Karalie Karalyn Kare Kåre Karen Kari Karina Karina Karl Karlie Karolina Karoline Kasper Kasyn Katarina Katja Kettil Khristene Khristos Kindra Kine Kirk Kirsten, Kjellfrid Klara Klaus Klintr Knud Knut Kory Kristian Kristina Kristyan Krystopher Kyrk Labrenda Laga Lagertha Laila Laila Lamont Lamonte Lange Lars Larsen Larson Lassen Latham Leif Leif Lemond Lene Lilli Linda Linn Linnea Lisana Lisbeth Liss Liv Loki Lova Lovise Lucas Ludvig Ludvigs Lullede Lumi Lyall Lynnea | The sea in Hawai’ian Earth Pure Stormy Pure Genuine Pure Enormous, big Large or curly Pure Chaste, pure Favored Pure or chaste Freeman Free woman Warrior in danish Free woman A treasured secret He is chaste Pure Pure Cauldron Christian faith Christ The greatest champion Follower of christ Church Walks with god Beautiful The clear, bright one The people’s victory Cliff Norse, germanic Knot Lives near a Christian Christen woman Christen man Form of Christopher Church Sword Norse goddess of Shieldmaiden Light Blessed Lawyer Man of law Tall one Victorious Form of Lawrence Son of lars A son of an honorable From the hams Successor, descendant Heir Law-man Bright Abundance Beautiful Soft Lime tree in My god is perfection God is my Promise of god Life God of Destruction Sounds of battle Well-known fighter Bringer of light Famous warrior Fame or war Legendary warrior Snow Wolf A flower |
Name Starting with M and N
Name | Meaning |
Magnhild Magnus Maja Majbritt Makaiden Malin Manning Margit Marie Marius Markus Marte Marten Mathias Mathilde Matilda Mette Mikael Mimir Mímir Mist Mjolnir Mohammad Moja Mona Monica Morten Moya Munin Nanna Nanne Nansen Neci Nerthus Nessa Nessarose Niel Nielsson Niets Nikolai Nils Nilsson Nina Njal Njord Noah Nora Norell Nott Nysse | Strong Great Splendid Loved one Famous warrior High tower Son of the hero Pearl Rebellious woman Male Dedicated to mars Lady A soldier Gift of god Strength or might Powerful in battle Pearl Who is like god The wise person Norse god of Cloud Thor’s hammer Praised in Arabic Great Noble Advisor Moor town Mother Memory Daring Mercy or caring The son of nan Fiery Norse goddess of Peninsulas The rose of the peninsula Champion Conquerer of the people Champion Victory of the Champion Son of nell Grace or mercy Giant Strong, vigorous Rest in Hebrew Light in french From the northern land Norse goddess of The graceful of all |
Name Starting with O and P
Name | Meaning |
Odda Oddlaug Oddmund Oddrun Oddvar Oddveig Odin Olaug Olav Olen Oletha Olga Oliver Olov Olsen Olva Onnika Osborn Oscar Oskar Osman Oswin Oswinn Oswy Ottilie Oula Ove Øystein Øyvind Paavo Pål Paley Paulsen Pedar Peer Pernilla Petronella Petter Poul Prima | Perfect person Derived of water Protector sword Preferred one Cautious sword Salvation or to be relieved Lord of frenzy Ancestor Relic, ancestral heritage Relic Simple person The holy light Elf warrior The fruits of the olive tree The born son of Olaf Downhill of the families Light reflection of nimble Bear god The elegant of Ali Spear of god Godly protection God’s friend Friend of god A gods friend Riches Resolve Protected by god Island stone Island or good Little Humble Pale eyes one Little Stone A rock Rock, stone Rock, stone Uncle Little Battle |
Name Starting with Q and R
Name | Meaning |
Quenby Quinby Quinnie Quirinus Rafer Ragnarok Ragnhild Rainer Ralph Randgrid Randi Randolph Rangvald Rasmus Raul Rayner Real, Reginleif Reidar Reidun Rikki Rita Roald Roar Rolo Ronald Roscoe Róta Rüdiger, Runa Rune | Womanly Queen’s estate Living like royalty Spear Wolf counsel End of days Advising in battle Strong counselor Wolf counsel Shield demolisher God-lovable Wolf and shield Judgment or powerful Beloved The counsel of the wolves Strong counselor Genuine Daughter of the Home and warrior Lovely in the Complete ruler Pearl Famous ruler Fighter of praise Wolf Wise ruler Near a forest Hail and tempest Famous spear Secret tradition Secret |
Name Starting with S and T
Name | Meaning |
Saga Sandy Sebastian Selby Serrilda Shelby Siegrun Sigmundr Signe Signy Sigrdrífa Sigrid Sigrún Sigurd Silje Sindre Sissel Siv Sjofn Skadi Skeet Skögul Skoll Skuld Sofia Solveig Sondre Soren Ståle Stefan Sten Stian Stig Storm Svana Sven Sverre Svipul Sylvi Sylvie Synnøve Tait Tate Terese Terje Theodor Thorin Thorsen Thorsten Thurmond Thyra Tobias Tore Toril Torkel Torrey Torvald Tove Trine Trond Trygve Turid Tuva Tyr Tyra | Epic story Protector of humanity Revered in Latin Willow settlement Armed warrior woman Farm of willows Victory rune Protector One who is Latest victory Triumph inciter Victory, beautiful Symbol of triumph Victorious advisor Blind Mythical dwarf Without sight Norse goddess of Woman Damage Swift High soaring Good health Norse goddess of Wisdom Daughter of the sun South Strict Steel or strong Crown; wreath Stone Wanderer Voyager To storm Like a swan Youth Wild Varying Strength Wood spirit in Gift of the Mirth Cheerful Harvest Thor’s spear Gift from god Brave, daring one Thor’s son Thor’s stone Thor’s protector Helpful God is good Thunder warrior Thor’s battle Thor’s cauldron Winner, conqueror Thor’s ruler Beautiful Pure Grow and thrive Trustworthy Beautiful or peace Beautiful God of war Like thunder |
Name Starting with U and V
Name | Meaning |
Uffi Uhtred Ulf Ulfhild Ulka Ulla Ulli Ullr Ulrik Unnr Urd Urszula Valdemar Vali Valkyrie Var Vegard Vera Verdandi Victor Vidar Vigdis Viggo Viggo Vili Vinga Viola Viveka Vondell Vor | Wolf Counsel before dawn Wolf Wolf or battle The home’s authority Will or determination Wealthy Norse god of Rich and noble heritage To love Norse goddess of Small female bear Powerful or famous Son of Odin Female Viking Covenant Protection Faith Becoming or happening Conqueror Quiet god War goddess War Battle or war Norse god of Wing Violet flower Life Hope Cautious one |
Name Starting with W and Y
Name | Meaning |
Wanda Wencke Werna Weth Wibeke Willa William Yggdrasil Ylva Yrsa Yulla | Wanderer Friend Defender Norse goddess of Warrior Will or helmet Strong-willed warrior Tree of life Female wolf She-bear Affluent |
Ancient Scandinavian Names
What’s a cool Viking name?
What is a strong Viking name?
Strong Viking names include Dordi, Erikka, Ertha, Jonas, Kaia, Karlie, Nilsson, Odin, Quirinus, Randgrid, Terese, Toril, and Wibeke
What are the most popular Scandinavian names?
For boys, we recommend you these names
The most popular Scandinavian names for Girls
What is a strong Viking name?
Strong Viking names include Dordi, Erikka, Ertha, Jonas, Kaia, Karlie, Nilsson, Odin, Quirinus, Randgrid, Terese, Toril, and Wibeke
What are the most popular Scandinavian names?
For boys, we recommend you these names
the most popular Scandinavian names
Scandinavian names have a rich history and cultural significance. They often have unique spellings and pronunciations that reflect the region’s distinct linguistic traditions. These names are frequently derived from nature, mythology, and historical figures.
Scandinavian names have gained popularity worldwide, with parents seeking names that are distinctive and meaningful for their children.
Additionally, the use of patronymic and matronymic naming practices in Scandinavian cultures has contributed to the diversity and individuality of names within families.
Scandinavian family name etymology