Sanskrit names for girls are a reflection of ancient wisdom, spirituality, and cultural richness. These names often carry deep meanings, rooted in mythology, nature, and the divine. If you’re in search of a name that is both timeless and spiritually significant, our collection of Sanskrit names for girl offers a variety of beautiful and meaningful options for your daughter.
Best Sanskrit Girl Names
Sanskrit names are rich in history and meaning, often derived from ancient texts. They frequently reflect qualities like beauty, wisdom, and divinity.

Sanskrit Unique Names
Unique Sanskrit names stand out for their distinctiveness and profound meanings. These names are often chosen for their rarity and connection to spiritual concepts.
Sanskrit Names for Girl
Sanskrit names for girls are traditionally inspired by nature, deities, and virtues. These names often carry deep spiritual and cultural significance.
Unique Sanskrit Names Girl
Unique Sanskrit names for girls are carefully selected for their individuality and special meanings. They provide a fresh yet timeless choice for modern parents.
Vedic Names for Baby Girl
Vedic names for baby girls are rooted in ancient scriptures and carry powerful meanings. These names often reflect spiritual qualities and are associated with Hindu goddesses.
Sanskrit Warrior Names
Sanskrit warrior names embody strength, bravery, and leadership. These names often have historical and mythological significance, representing fierce and heroic traits.
Sanskrit Girl Names with Meanings
Sanskrit girls names with meanings are chosen for their deep symbolism and cultural resonance. These names often convey virtues, divine qualities, and positive attributes.
Sanskrit Names Start With A
Sanskrit names starting with A are abundant and meaningful, often associated with auspiciousness, strength, or purity. They offer a variety of choices rooted in tradition and spirituality.
Names | Meanings |
Aabha Aadea Aadie Aadrika Aagna Aahana Aahna Aanandini Aaratrika Aarja Aarna Aarti Aarvi Aarya Aasa Aashka Aashritha Aasmi Aasta Aatmaja Aayu Abhaya Abhi Abja Abra Adhita Adri Adva Adwitiya Adya Agila Agrata Ahia Ahilya Aira Aishani Aja Ajaa Ajju Aksa Akshata Akshita Aksi Akti Akula Alin Alka Alpa Alpana Amata Amba Ambeeka Ambu Ame Ameya Amithi Amla Amol Anala | Shine Child of the beginning First Mountain, celestial Permission Immortal, morning glory Exist Blissful, joyful Lamp beneath Thanks Ocean Form of worship First ray of sun Precious Hope Blessing Dependable Confident Faith Daughter Span of life Fearless Fearless Born in water Mother of multitude Learned person Mountain Ripple Unique, matchless, matchless Unparalleled Eagle, world Going in front, taking the lead Goat Wife of Gautama rishi Respectable Goddess Druga Goat Energy Mother Soul Rice, immortal, unscathed Permanent Abode Ointment Goddess Parvathi, transcendental To soothe Diamond Little Beautiful Deathlessness Goddess Druga Mother Water Loved Boundless Boundlessness The pure one Priceless Goddess of fire, perfect |
Sanskrit Names Start With B
Names | Meanings |
Baala Baalaa Baani Badari Badra Bahara Bahi Bahula Baidehi Bakka Bakthi Bakul Bakula Bakuli Balamani Balari Balika Balini Ballari Balya Banita Bansi Bansri Banu Barati Barkha Baruni Basant Basanti Bashpi Basu Bavany Bawri Beena Behula Bekuri Bela Bemala Bhaanu Bhadra Bhagirathi | A young girl Child Earth Jujube tree Full moon Brings the spring Beautiful A star Sita, wife of lord rama Crane Devotion String A flower Resembles a crane Young jewel One who walk softly Daughter Powerful Creeper, climbing grape plant Childhood Intelligent Flute of lord krishna Flute Princess Maintained Rain Of the ocean Spring alive Spring Steam Wealthy Creator Madness A musical instrument The perfect wife Playing a musical instrument Evening time One who is pure Sun Gentle The river ganga |
Sanskrit Names Start With C
Names | Meanings |
Caitali Candika Candra Canisah Capala Chaarvi Chader Chaetra Chahana Chahnah Chaitra Chaitri Chakai Chakori Chakshu Chalama Chameli Chamely Chanda Chandanpreet Chander Chandi Chandie Chandni Chandrabhaga Chandrakala Chandrakin Chandrani Chandraprabha Chandravati Chapala Chara Charani Charini Charita Charna Charou Charumati Charvee Charvi Chatika Chatura Chaya | Sharp of memory Fierce goddess Luminescent One who is very much loved Swift Beautiful girl Moon shining Born during the first month Love Luster Aries sign Full moon day in the month of Circle of energy Alert Eyes Goddess Parvati Jasmine The jasmine flower Moon Sandalwood Shining Name of goddess kali Sincere Moonlight River Chenab Moonbeams, crescent Peacock, a peacock Consort of the moon Star, moon light, moonlight Lit by the moon Restless Quiet and frisky Goddess Saraswathi Follower Good character Dark Pretty Beautiful mind Lovely A beautiful woman Hen sparrow Clever Shadow |
Sanskrit Names Start With D
Names | Meanings |
Daeva Daevi Dakin Daksha Dakshayani Dama Damayanti Damya Damyanti Danti Danu Darma Darshwana Daruka Daya Deepa Deepali Deeptimoyee Desna Dev Devangana Devani Devasree Devika Devri Devya Dhani Dhanu Dharani Dharitri Dhatri Dhenu Dhita Dhiya Dhruvi Dhura Didda Diksa Diksha | Divine Goddess The sky dancer Lord shiva’s wife, earth The daughter of Daksh Control of the senses Soothing Tamed Nala’s wife, beautiful Patience Goddess earth Law Pure of heart Tree Sympathy Lamp Collection of lamps Lustrous Offering Deity Celestial maiden Shining, goddess Goddess Lakshmi, divine beauty Minor deity, goddess A bee Holy Rich A bow The earth, keeping, protecting The earth Earth, a son of Vishnu A cow Beloved daughter Lamp Firm Pole One of the celebrated queens Consecration Initiation, consecration |
Sanskrit Names Start With E
Names | Meanings |
Ecanta Eedita Eeha Eekshi Eenchara Eesani Eka Ekaagra Ekabhakti Ekacandra Ekacharini Ekadhana Ekaja Ekakini Ekaksha Ekamati Ekami Ekamukha Ekangika Ekanta Ekantika Ekata Ekavaktra Ekavali Ekavira Eki Ekisa Elavarasi Eleena Elei Ellama | A devoted woman Implored Desired Seeing Sweet voice Ruler Matchless One pointed The worship of one deity The only moon A woman devoted to a single man A portion of wealth The only child Lonely One who indestructible Concentrated Oneness Single faced rudraksha bead Made of sandalwood Solitude, peaceful One aim Unity Single faced Single string The brave A single string necklace One goddess Youthful Shining light Smart woman Mother goddess |
Sanskrit Names Start With F and G
Names | Meanings |
Fakhata Faladana Falan Faleesha Falguna Falguny Gadhya Gagan Gagana Gahana Gajra Gamati Gambhira Gana Ganavi Ganda Gandha Ganga Ganita Ganjan Gargi Garima Garuda Garyma Gatha Gati Gatita Gaura Gaurea Gaurey Gaurika Gavini Gaya Gaytri Gee Geeta Geetha Geeti Gemine Geya Giaan Gira | A good sparkle of dust Parrot Fruitful Indian tulip Month in the hindu calendar Born in the hindu month of falgun Storey Sky The sky Ornaments A string of flowers With a flexible mind Well-born, of great dignity Garden Knowledge Knot Fragrant Sacred river of india Regarded Exceeding An ancient scholar Warmth Eagle Significance Sublime songs Speed A river A fair woman Yellow Most beautiful Pretty young girl A herd of cows A holy city of India Goddess gayatri Song Song Peace A song Third sign of zodiac Singable One having exalted divine Language |
Sanskrit Names Start With H, I and J
Names | Meanings |
Haasa Haimea Halima Hamsa Hanika Hansika Hanu Hanvi Hanyma Hanyta Har Harah Harena Hari Harika Harina Harini Hariny Harita Harmya Harra Harshada Ibhi Ida Ihina Ijya Iksa Ikshu Iksu Ilesha Ilika Ilina Ilisa Indhu India Indiya Indra Indrani Induja Indya Inia Inika Inkit Inrani Ipsa Ireshi Irika Irma Irya Jasvi Jatina Jatini Jauhar Javina Jay Jayana Jayanti Jeel Jeevika Jenah Jiera Jina Jinae Jinah Jiti Jitya Jiva Jivah Jivni Jiya Jnya Josa Josya Juhi Jui Juli Jumpa Jurni Jvala Jyoti Jyoty | Smile Golden Patient Bird Swan Small swan Happy and new Beauty of mind Of the waves Heavenly grace God like Seizer Devotee of lord Siva A color Lord Vishnu Deer Beautiful like deer Resembling a deer Green Palace Voice A person who brings happiness Female elephant Prosperous Enthusiasm Sacrifice Sight Sugarcane Sweet Goddess lord of the earth Small earth Queen Queen of the earth Lord Chandra moon River Knowledgeable God of the sky Lord Indira’s wife River Narmada From India Body of water Energetic To keep in mind Spouse of lord Indira Ambition Queen wife of king Little earth Universal Variant of Arya Determination Precious one Female ascetic Jewel Swift one Victory Bringer of victory Victorious Silent lake Water Lady of the people Beautiful one Name Tribal Victor Obtains triumph Victorious Living, existing A living being The one who gives life Piece of heart Life Woman Delightful Jasmine flower Flower Young Pet name Fire brand Blaze Divine light Celestial brilliance |
Sanskrit Names Start With K and L
Names | Meanings |
Kaaya Kadru Kaiya Kajal Kala Kalika Kalla Kalynda Kamal Kaman Kamla Kamma Kamu Kamya Kana Kanda Kania Kanta Kanya Kapila Kar Kara Karishma Karka Karni Kasi Kata Katha Katyayani Kavi Kavia Kavita Kavya Kaya Kayal Keera Keertana Laabha Laasya Labhya Labuki Lagvi Lahari Lajila Lajja Lakeya Laksha Lakshita Lakshya Lalika Lalli Lamba Lasa Lasaka Lasita Lasya Lata Lataa Latika Latva Lavali Lavana Lavani Laxmee Laxmi Laxmie Laxy Laya Leena Leena/lina Lekha Lekhya Leslin | Body Tawny Forgiving Black The fine arts Loud, bud of a flower Fairest The sun Lotus flower A joyful child Born of a lotus Loveable A woman Lucky An atom Darling Virgin Gorgeous Woman with youth Gentle woman Action Legend graceful Miracle Crab A good listener Holy city Chaste Distress Goddess parvati Wise poet Lotus Poetry Poem Body structure Name of a fish Lady Devotional song Profit Dance Accessible Musical instrument Delicate Waves Shy Modesty Found treasure Aim, object Distinguished Destination, aim A slender Blush Flame Birthmark Moves like a dancer Played Graceful Beautiful vine Divine wine Creeper, vine Safflower Close Lustrous Form of dance Good omen Good sign, good omen Wealth Target Musical rhythm A devoted one Devoted Writing Mathematician Independent person |
Sanskrit Names Start With M
Names | Meanings |
Madan Madhu Madri Magha Maghi Maha Mahak Mahari Mahesa Mahima Mahua Maina Maki Mala Malin Malli Mallika Malvika Mana Manasa Manasi Mandara Mandira Mani Manja Manji Manju Manku Mansi Manu Manvi Manya Mara Mari Mata Mathura Matta Matvi Mauly Mauna Mauni Maya Mayla Mayur Meenu Meghna Mehak Mehar Mehek Menda | God of love Honey Wife of Pandu Name of a month Giving gifts Gazelle Fragrance Divine maiden Lord shiva Glory An intoxicating flower A bird True record Pendant Woman from Magdala Jasmine flower Scent of jasmine Lived in malva Supernatural power Intelligence Lady Coral tree Temple, melody Gem diamond Cluster of blossoms Creeper Pleasant Precious gift of god to world Plucked flower Of the mind Humanly Rebellious Bitter Rebellious woman Injunctions Birthplace of Krishna The embodiment of happiness One who belongs to mother Crown of hair Silence Quiet Illusion Religious gathering Peacock One with beautiful eyes Cloud Sweet smell Good wishes Aroma Wisdom |
Sanskrit Names Start With N
Names | Meanings |
Nabha Nabhi Nada Naima Naiti Nala Nalah Namah Naman Nami Namrata Namya Nanda Nandi Nani Nari Nata Nati Naveen Navi Navy Navya Nayan Nayna Neena Neeta Neeva Neha Nehah Nehha Neta Neti Netri Nibha Nidhi Nidi Niesha Nija Nijta Nilam Nilay Nili Nilja Nilla Nima Nimi Nimna Nina | Nobel high Central Generosity Calm Incessant Successful Stem I bow Bow to god Wave Modesty To be bowed to Born to achieve One who pleases others Pupil of the eye Lily flower Snake Bowing New Kind to people Giving knowledge to follow the Novel Eye Snowflakes New With in rules Blue Beautiful eyes Loving Eyesight Little seed Eternal One with beautiful eyes Resembling Treasure Shine upon Alive and well, night Truth Combination of love Blue sapphire Home Success Blue coloured Enchanting moon Renowned Friend of fire Deep Love hope |
Sanskrit Names Start With O and P
Names | Meanings |
Oba Odati Oja Ojal Ojashri Ojashwi Ojasvati Ojayita Ojmana Okya Olikodi Om Oma Omaja Omisa Omisha Omissa Omkara Omkaram Omna Omyaa Omyawati Parna Paro Parul Parva Pasu Patam Pati Patni Patra Patri Pauri Pavan Pavi Pavni Payal Pihu Pila Pinal Pinga Pival Piyu Pooja Poonam Posha Prahi Prama Prana Prita Priti Priyana Priyanka Puja Puna Punam Purna Purya Pusha | Cluster Refreshing Vitality Vision Owner of brightness Splendid Full of brightness One who behaves courageously Speedy Vision Brilliant The sound of universe Leader Baby from spiritual union Goddess of birth Goddess of birth death Goddess of life birth An auspicious beginning Mantra of lord shiva Pious Help Helping Feather Master Name of a flower Festival Being a goddess City Lord Sovereign ruler A leaf Vessel Filler Breeze Lightning True Foot ornament Sound Stopping God of children The one who is up on high A feeling Beloved Prayer Full moon Nurture Wellness Knowledge of truth The life Dear one Love Ideal Everyone’s favorited Prayer, worship Again Full moon night Complete Worthy of fulfilment Nourishing |
Sanskrit Names Start With R and S
Names | Meanings |
Raaga Raati Rachana Ragni Raima Rajal Rajan Rajas Rajju Rajul Rakhi Rakta Rakti Rama Rambha Ramya Rania Ranit Ranjana Rano Rasa Rashi Rasmi Rathi Rati Ratna Raty Reanu Reava Rebha Reema Reena Reeti Reeya Rekah Reth Rev Reva Rhea Richa Riju Sarni Saroj Satee Sati Satta Satvi Satwi Saumya Savarna Savita Saya Seema Sejal Sethu Seva Sevti Shaleena Shantae Shanti Sheetal Sher Shila Shreya Shri Sima Sita Siva Smita Sneha Soha Soma Somatra | Belongs to music terms Bestowing Creation Melody Pleasing Queen of water Best of the king One of the three expression in Angel of softness Innocent Bond of protection Painted Redness Pleaser of the lord Fairy, nymph Enchanting Contented Lovely tune Entertaining, fun Early Dew Cute Beam of moon A ray of light Most beautiful lady Jewelers Relax Universe The sacred Narmada Singer of praise White antelope Artistic Culture Gem Line Sand The sacred Narmada river Sweat heart To flow Hymn Helpful Straight line Unique Faithful Chaste virtuous woman Pure being or existence Strong Existence Soft, faithful, mild, beautiful Like god Best in the universe Close of day Limit River water Bridge Service Resembling the white rose Modest Stone, peaceful Peace Cool A lion Thunder, rock Prosperity, auspicious Respect Border Furrow The supreme spirit Lady who is always smiling Affectionate, friendly, loving Sunrise Moon rays Greater than the moon |
Sanskrit Names Start With T and U
Names | Meanings |
Taani Taanya Tadaka Taija Taksha Tala Talima Talisa Tamas Tami Tana Tanika Tannvi Tantra Tapa Tapi Tara Tarachand Taram Taru Tasha Tatsa Tatsu Tavya Taza Tej Teja Tejah Tena Tera Tithi Tithy Titli Tochi Umaya Ummi Unidra Unma Unmila Upada Upala Upama Upasti Upaya Upexa Urjani Urjita Urmika Urmila Urna Urvara Urvasi Urviya Usa Usher Ushi Ushma Usra Utsa Uttam | Encouragement Fairy princess Beater Crown Eyes like a pigeon Bottom Education My god is a vow Fast Palm tree Issue Rope Young lady Treatises on ritual Penance Name of a river in India Hill, star Star The star Tree Young girl Goddess of ultimate truth Philosophy Yours Fresh A strong ray of sun Radiant A crown Follower of christ Crag Date Auspicious date Butterfly Praise god A goddess My mother Awake Joy Opening A gift Sandy shore Example Adoration Achieve enlightenment Expected Belonging to energy Gained Small wave God s bird Cover Fertile earth Most beautiful of apsaras Princess of earth Dawn From the mouth of the river A plant Heat First light Spring Excellent |
Sanskrit Names Start With V, W and X
Names | Meanings |
Vaak Vachya Vacya Vada Vagmi Vaidya Vajada Vakini Valga Valin Valini Vamana Vandana Vanhi Vanida Vanya Varsh Varsha Vasa Vasvi Vati Vatsa Vaya Veda Vedah Vedas Vedi Warhi Waydika Wrushali Xailaja Xama Xeena | Speech Blamed Sentence Wise Name of god Vishnu or good Healer Bestowing vigor One who recites Bridle Courage Stars Short Prayer Fire Wife, beloved woman Goddess belonging to the forest Year Rain Obedient Divine night Nature Calf A branch Knowledge, wisdom Sacred understanding Ancient literature Altar Name of Durga Variant of Vaidik One who give happiness Crossing the daughter of the Forgiveness Woman of hospitality |
Sanskrit Names Start With Y and Z
Names | Meanings |
Yamika Yamini Yamuna Yashi Yashna Yashti Yasmin Yasoda Yati Yatna Yauvani Yodha Yoella Yog Yoga Yogesh Yogi Yogini Yogita Yogna Yogya Yojana Yomita Yukta Yuktha Yukthi Yukti Yutha Zaffarien Zarna Zeel Zishya Zivaa Zora Zorana Zordena Zudora | Moonlit night Light in the dark Quick action Glory One with fame Twinkling star Sweet smelling Conferring fame Restraint Effort Full of youth Soldier God is supreme Concentration An art of achieving happiness Lord krishna shiva Of the yoga practice One who can control senses One who can concentrate Ceremonial rites to god Ideal Planning Well behaved Idea Absorbed Trick Strategy Multitude To have will power A small stream of sweet water Waterfall Scholar A glow Daybreak Dawn s light To give strength Explore |
We hope our list of Sanskrit girl names has helped you find a name that is as beautiful and meaningful as your daughter’s. Sanskrit names are steeped in ancient wisdom and spirituality, often reflecting deep cultural significance. Whether you’ve chosen a name that embodies grace, strength, or divine qualities, it will be a timeless treasure for your child, connecting her to a rich heritage.
Know a beautiful Sanskrit girl’s name that we didn’t include? We’d love to hear your suggestions and expand our list. Your input could inspire other parents in their journey.
If you’re curious about other options, don’t stop here! Dive into our other articles on baby names and nicknames to continue your search. There’s a world of names out there waiting to be discovered!
What are some popular Sanskrit girl’s names?
Popular Sanskrit girls’ names include Ananya, Sita, Lakshmi, Kavya, and Meera.
Can you suggest unique Sanskrit girl’s names?
Unique Sanskrit girls’ names include Arpita, Nandini, Vasudha, Shravya, and Mridula.
What are some traditional Sanskrit girl names?
Traditional names for Sanskrit girls include Radha, Savitri, Gauri, Saraswati, and Parvati.
Are there modern Sanskrit girl’s names?
Modern names for Sanskrit girls include Aishwarya, Ishani, Saanvi, Tanvi, and Vedika.
Can you give examples of short Sanskrit girl’s names?
Short names for Sanskrit girls include Tara, Riya, Uma, Jaya, and Mira.
30 Sanskrit Baby Girl Names with Meanings