Sanskrit boy names are steeped in ancient wisdom and cultural heritage. These names often embody virtues, strength, and divine qualities, making them timeless choices for your son. Whether you’re looking for a name rooted in mythology or one that symbolizes spiritual values, our collection of Sanskrit boy names offers a rich variety of meaningful and powerful options.
Best Sanskrit Boy Names
Sanskrit boy names are strong and meaningful, often inspired by gods, heroes, and virtues. These names have a timeless appeal and are deeply rooted in tradition.

Short Sanskrit Boy Names
Short Sanskrit boy names are concise and powerful, offering simplicity while retaining profound meanings. These names are easy to pronounce and carry strong cultural significance.
Baby Boy Names Sanskrit
Baby boy names in Sanskrit for 2023 reflect modern trends while staying true to ancient roots. These names are chosen for their relevance and enduring appeal.
Sanskrit Warrior Names
Sanskrit warrior names represent strength, valor, and leadership, often drawn from mythology and history. These names evoke images of courage and heroism.
Stylish Sanskrit Baby Boy Names
Stylish Sanskrit baby boy names combine tradition with contemporary flair. These names are chosen for their elegance and modern appeal, while still carrying deep meanings.
Sanskrit Boy Names and Meanings
Sanskrit boy names with meanings are carefully selected to reflect desired qualities and virtues. Each name carries a story or symbolism rooted in ancient wisdom.
Sanskrit Names Start With A
Sanskrit names starting with A are popular and meaningful, often associated with strength, wisdom, or auspiciousness. They offer a variety of choices that resonate with tradition.
Names | Meanings |
Aabhat Aadi Aadit Aaditya Aagam Aagney Aahan Aahlad Aahvan Aakampan Aakashi Aakesh Aakrit Aalok Aamish Aamod Aanantya Aanjaneya Aarksh Aaryak Aaryan Aasav Aashish Aashu Aatmaj Aatreya Aavish Aayod Aayushmaan Aayushman Abdhi Abhaidev Abhay Abhinav Abhipuj Abhiraj Abhiram Abhirath Abhisyanta Abhra Abjit Acaryatanaya Achalesvara Achintya Achyut Adesh Adharsh Adheesh Adhie Adhrit Adikavi Adinath Adita Adrie Adripathi Advait Advaya Adyant Afzal Agarv Agneya Agni Agnibahu Agnihotra Agnimitra Agniprava Agniras Agraj Agrani Agrata Agrim Ahan Ahar Ahi Ahim Ahin Ahir Ailesh Aja Ajai Ajey Ajit Akroor Akshan Akshat Akshayakeerti Alok Amalesh Amaram Amaranaath Amardeep | Shining visible brilliant Superior one, firstborn Lord of the sun The sun Arrival Son of fire Morning Delight joy happy happiness An invitation call Unshaken calm determined The sky universal atmosphere Lord of the sky Art, design, form, shape Light brilliance vision Honest trustworthy pleasing Pleasure Endless eternal godly Name of hanuman Of the stars celestial Noble, wise Noble Liquor essence distilled wine Blessing Active quick fast Son, beloved to soul Name of a sage Ocean holy incarnation Giver of life With long life Blessed with long life Sea Free of fear Fearless New To adorn worship Fearless king regal bright Pleasing Great charioteer Splendid Cloud Conquering water Son of the teacher God of the immovable Inconceivable Imperishable, indestructible Command message counsel Ideal the sun King Kind, noble One worthy of respect First poet Lord Vishnu Sun Rock Master of the mountains Unique With no duplicate Beginning to the end Most excellent Balanced not arrogant Son of the fire Towards the fire Son of first Manu Sacrifice offered to Agni Friend of fire Bright as the fire One of the saptarshi Leader senior first born Always first Leadership Leader Dawn Defender Water, sun, cloud, fawn Cloud water traveler Whole complete snake Devotee, fearless Lord of everything To drive, propel Invincible, no defeat Unconquerable Invincible Gentle Eye Unharmed Eternal fame Light The pure one Heavenly Lord shiva Eternal light |
Sanskrit Names Start With B
Sanskrit names starting with B are rich in meaning, often symbolizing protection, growth, or divinity. These names are strong and culturally significant.
Names | Meanings |
Baalaaditya Baalagopaal Baalaraju Badrinath Bahula Baku Bakul Bala Balaaditya Balabhadra Balachandra Balachandran Balagovind Balakrishna Balar Balashankar Balraj Bandan Bandhu Bandish Bankim Bankimchandra Banshik Baru Bater Bel Bhaanuj Bhaasin Bhadrak Bhadraksh Bhadran Bhagavaan Bhajan Bhakt Bhanu Bharadwaj Bharat Bharu Bhasvan Bhaswar Bhaumik Bhavad Bhavesh Bhavin Bhavya Bheeshma Bhim Bhima Bhoj Bhramar Bhrigu Bhudev Bhumat Bhumi Bhupendra | Risen sun Baby Krishna Strong Lord of mount Badri A star, abundant War horn lightning brilliant A kind of tree Young one Young sun Another name of Balarama Young moon crescent moon Moon crested lord Infant Krishna Lord Krishna in his youth Strength power army Young lord shiva Powerful king Salutation worship praise Friend Binding attach together Not straight Crescent moon King of forest lion Brave Gray quail Sacred wood Born of the sun The sun brilliant Handsome One with beautiful eyes Fortunate man The lord Prayer devotional song Devotee disciple loyal Bright, sunrise, light A mythical bird India, universal monarch Gold leader responsible ocean Full of brightness Luminous Lord of earth Life giving real Lord of the world To exist, to live Large and elegant Son of king Fearful The mighty one Name of a poet king Black bee Name of a saint Lord of the earth Possessing the earth ruler Earth, land King of the earth |
Sanskrit Names Start With C
Sanskrit names starting with C are unique and often carry meanings related to the mind, spirit, or nature. These names offer a distinctive and meaningful choice.
Names | Meanings |
Caru Casa Chahel Chaitanya Chakor Chakradhar Chakravartee Chakrik Chaman Chanakya Chand Chandak Chandan Chandra Chandraanan Chandrabha Chandradev Chandrakant Chandraketu Chandramani Chandramohan Chandranath Chandranshu Chapal Charak Charuchandra Charuvrat Chatur Chatura Chaturaanan | Charming, beloved Blue jay Happiness The universal soul or spirit A bird that loves the moon Name of lord Vishnu A sovereign king One with a discus Garden Bright Moon, shining moon The moon Sandalwood Moon, to shine Moon like face Luster of moon light Moon god, a king Beloved by the moon Moon banner Moonstone, jewel Attractive like the moon The moon, king of the moon Ray of moon Clever, restless An ancient physician Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna Of good character Clever Four With four faces |
Sanskrit Names Start With D, E and F
Names | Meanings |
Dhairya Dhana Dhanadeepa Dhananjay Dhaneshvar Dhanpal Dhanu Dhanus Dhanush Dharma Dharmaraj Dheemat Dhiraj Dhritil Dhrupad Dhruv Dhruva Dhyaneshwar Dhyani Digambar Dilip Disht Divit Divjot Divyatha Diyan Druhyu Dulal Dushyant Dwaipayan Eashan Edhit Eekalabya Eeswar Ehan Ehimay Ekaj Ekaksh Ekaling Ekaveer Ekdant Ekram Faneesh Forum | Patience patient courage Money, wealth Lord of wealth One who wins wealth God of wealth Preserver of wealth The bow A bow in hand Bow Religion law religious King of religion Wise learned prudent Patient Man with patience A king firm footed The polar star Faithful Lord of meditation One who does contemplation Sky-clad An ancestor of rami Settled ordered Heaven, reaching for the sky Divine light Divine lights white Judge, leader, captain One who loves nature Loved one Destroyer of evil Another name of Veda vasa A name for lord shiva Grown developed strengthened Student of guru dronnachaarya Powerful the supreme god Expected All pervasive The only child One with an excellent eye Name of lord shiva A unique hero Another name of lord Ganesh Honor Cosmic serpent shish Fragrant |
Sanskrit Names Start With G and H
Names | Meanings |
Gagan Gaj Gajaadhar Gajaanan Gambhir Ganak Ganapati Gandharaj Gandharv Ganesh Gangaj Gariman Garud Gati Gatik Gaurang Gauranga Gaurish Gautam Gayan Geet Ghanaanand Giri Girik Girilal Giriraaj Giriraj Girish Git Gobind Gomethak Gopal Gopi Gorakhnath Goswamee Gotum Harshad Harshit Hastin Hemant Himadri Himanjay Himesh Hiral Hiranmay Hiranya Hiranyagarbha Hiren Hithaishin Hridayanshu Hrishikesh Hrithik | Heaven, the sky Polish origin aim elephant Elephant tamer Lord Ganesh Serious, deep Mathematician Lord Ganesh King of fragrance Master in music Son of lord Shiva Son of ganga Heaviness weighty profound Falcon Fast Progressive Husband of Parvathi Golden-limbed Lofty mountain peak Buddha Sky, song Song Happy like cloud Mountain Heart of the gods Son of mountain King of mountains Lord of the mountains God of mountain Song poem chant The cow finder Well known gem Cowherd Protector of cows Name of a saint Master of cows Lord Buddha Bringer of joy Filled with happiness Elephant The best season Himalaya Winner of snow land Snow king Bright, full of luster Made of gold A precious metal The all powerful creator Lord of the diamonds One who wishes good Light from the heart Lord of sound From the heart |
Sanskrit Names Start With I and J
Names | Meanings |
Indra Indraneel Indranuj Indushekhar Ipsit Iravan Ishan Islet Itish Jaapak Jagadeep Jagadish Jagath Jagathi Jagav Jagdeep Jagish Jagjeet Jagmeet Jagrav Jahan Jahnu Jaiman Jaimini Jain Jaishankar Jaitra Jaivant Jalesh Janesh Janyuh Jaskirit Jasleen Jatasya Javan Javana Javas Jawahar Jay Jayadeep Jayadev Jayagopal Jayaprakash Jayaraj | God of the skies Emerald Younger brother of lord Indra Like a moon Desired King of the ocean The sun as a form of lord shiva Arrow light brilliant A name for lord shiva Meditative muttering prayers Light of the world Master of the universe World people the earth The earth Born to the world Light of the universe Lord of the universe Winner of the world Friend of the world Awakened The world A rishi Victorious one An ancient philosopher Ancient Indian religion Victory of lord shiva Triumphant, superior Victorious Lord of water Leader of the people Skilled in war Praises of the lord Absorbed in good reputation One that has taken birth Greece racer quick Young man Quick, swift Jewel or gem Victory Victory to the light God of victory Victorious lord Krishna Light of victory Lord of victory brilliant |
Sanskrit Names Start With K and L
Names | Meanings |
Karan Karma Karnajeet Kartaar Karthik Kartikeya Karunanidhi Karunesh Kashyap Kasie Kaushtubh Keshin Ketan Kevalin Keyurin Kiran Kirti Kishan Knish Kokil Koushik Kram Kripal Kripasagar Krishak Krishna Krishnadas Kshapan Kshitij Kuchela Kuldeep Kumar Kunala Kunjit Kuruvilla Kush Kushal Kusumesh Kusumit Kuval Lai Lajjit Laksh Lakshay Lakshit Lakshmikanth Lakshya | Instrument Fate Conqueror of Karna Master of all creation Courage and pleasure Elder son of lord shiva Kind hearted Lord of mercy Name of a Vedic sage Shining Legendary gem Lion long haired Home Seeker of the absolute With an armlet Ray of light Fame Black dark-skinned Thin divine sage A cuckoo bird Love and affection Fate order method custom Merciful kind generous Ocean of mercy A sage farmer Cousin of Kunti One who serves Krishna Disciplined religious fasting Horizon Friend of lord Krishna Family heir Prince, a boy or son A bird with beautiful eyes Hidden in the forest Unconquerable, invincible Son of lord Rama Happy, clever, good, perfect Lord of flowers A flower blooming Water lily Beloved one Bashful modest shy blushing Aim target goal sign One who’s always on target Recognized, characterized Vishnu Lakshmi’s husband Aim |
Sanskrit Names Start With M and N
Names | Meanings |
Manik Maniram Manish Manjav Manjit Manjughosh Manmohan Manoj Manorit Mansukh Markhandeyan Marsh Martand Masar Mati Matsendra Mayoor Meeth Meghdutt Meghnad Meghraj Milaan Mit Mitali Mohajit Mohan Mojil Mokshit Mridul Mrig Mrigad Mukesh Muktanand Mukul Mukund Naabhak Naagpal Naagpathi Nagabhushanam Nidan Nihant Nihar Nikam Nikhel Nilay Nimal Nimit Nimmit Niramay Niranjan Nirmal Nirogi Nirosh Nishakant Nishakar Nishath Nitesh Nitin Nityasundar Nripendra | Jewel, gem Jewel of a person Lord of the mind Swift as thought Light of the mind Sweet sounding recitation Pleasing lord Krishna Born of mind Desire of the mind Pleasure of mind Devotee of lord shiva Steward patience The sun sun god Sapphire jewel emerald Gift from god King of the fishes Peacock Friend, love Gift of clouds Roar of clouds thunder King of clouds To meet Friendly, warm Friendship Charming Fascinating Happy Free, liberated Soft, calm Rain or deer Animal devourer tiger An epithet for shiva Happiness of freedom A bud Precious stone Belonging to the sky Savior of serpents King of serpents God Shankar lord shiva Treasure wealth receptacle Never ending boy Mist Desire wish joy Whole, all Resting place, refuge Pure blameless brilliant Destiny, fixed, determined Destiny fixed determined Without blemish pure Night of the full moon Pure brilliant clean Without illness Without anger cairn Husband of night moon Moon lord of night A tree sincere Follower of the correct way Double art Ever good looking King of kings |
Sanskrit Names Start With O and P
Names | Meanings |
Occhave Ojas Ojayit Om Oman Pradeesh Pradyut Pragyan Prahlav Prakam Prakatitha Pralamb Pran Pranamya Pranav Pranay Prasad Prasang Pratap Pratham Prathith Pratibodh Pravar Pravish Prayag Pritam Priyatar Pujit Puneet Purohith Purushottam | Festive occasion Brilliance, bountiful energy Courageous The sacred syllable Protector Expectation the sweetest Shining, illuminated Wisdom, supreme intelligence With a beautiful body Joy desire achievement Has appeared Garland of flowers Vital breath, life Offering obeisance’s Sacred syllable (om) Love, friendship Proprietary offering or boon Union devotion affection Majesty First, foremost Manifested confident Knowledge Chief To enter Place of sacrifice Lover Dearer Worshipped Pure A Brahmin priest Best among men |
Sanskrit Names Start With R and S
Names | Meanings |
Ranvir Ratan Rathin Ratin Rishi Rishim Ritesh Roane Rohan Rohit Ronit Rudra Saatvik Sachet Saket Samarth Sambhav Sameer Samir Samraj Sankara Sarthak Sarvajit Sarvin Sashwat Satish Satya Satyen Shakti Shashi Shaurya Sher Shiv Shivansh Siddarth Siddhran Sohan Sthir | Hero of battle Precious stone A charioteer Love, happiness Ray of light, sage Sage Lord of truth Red-haired, red One who takes the higher path Red Song, chant Form of lord shiva Pious, pure Pure existence, thought A place of pilgrimage Able , efficient Born, existence Breeze Good friend Supreme Shiva Meaningful, significant He who has conquered all Best archer, god of love Eternal, a name for lord shiva Husband of sati, shiva Truth Lord of the truth Power Moonbeam Bravery The beloved one or a lion Lord shiva, , lucky Part of lord shiva A name of the buddha Perfection Good-looking, handsome Everlasting |
Sanskrit Names Start With T, U, and V
Names | Meanings |
Tavasya Tejas Toril Trilok Trinabh Tushar Udai Uddhav Udit Udyat Ugra Ujjawal Umang Umed Vadin Vajra Valin Varoun Vasdev Vasudev Vasudeva Vayu Veda Vedang Veejay Vibhu Vibhuti Vibodh Vidur Vidyot Vikas Vikram Vinay | Strength Luster Temper Three worlds A name for lord Vishnu Winter The rising, to rise Festival, sacrificial fire Grown, shining, awakened Star, rising Fierce, powerful Clear Enthusiasm Desire, goal Of unknown meaning Thunderbolt Monkey king Water god Father of Krishna God of the universe, Krishna’s father Goddess of wealth God of wind and air Ancient scriptures of knowledge Part of the sacred knowledge Conquering Great, excellent Holy ash, prosperity, glory Intelligence, awakening Expert A flash of light Expanding, progress Stride Modest, humble |
Sanskrit Names Start With Y
Names | Meanings |
Yogaj Yogendra Yogesh Yogeshwar Yoshan Yoshit Yotak Yug Yugap Yupaksh Yuv Yuvana Yuvanath Yuvanav Yuvraj | Born of meditation Another name for lord shiva Lord shiva, god of yogh Yogi raj Young Young boy quiet A constellation An era Best of the era The eye of victory Vigorous young Young healthy Lord prince of youthfulness Youth Young king |
Sanskrit boy names offer a profound connection to ancient wisdom and cultural heritage. We hope our curated list has helped you discover a name that embodies the virtues and strength you wish to impart to your son.
Did one of these Sanskrit names stand out to you? We’d love to hear which name you chose and what it means to you. If you found this list helpful, consider sharing it with friends and family who are also on the search for a meaningful name. Your feedback and recommendations can help others in their naming journey.
Additionally, if you’re still looking for more ideas, we encourage you to explore our other articles. We have a wide range of lists and guides covering different naming themes, origins, and meanings.
What are some popular Sanskrit boy names?
Popular Sanskrit boy names include Aryan, Arjun, Rohan, Krishna, and Kiran.
Can you suggest unique Sanskrit boy names?
Unique Sanskrit boy names include Devansh, Ishaan, Rudra, Yashas, and Vyom.
What are some traditional Sanskrit boy names?
Traditional Sanskrit boy names include Bhaskar, Dinesh, Gautam, Harish, and Surya.
Are there modern Sanskrit boy names?
Modern Sanskrit boy names include Advait, Aarav, Dhruv, Ved, and Vivaan.