Princesses are known for their beauty, elegance, and charm. And when it comes to naming your baby Girl, you want to pick a name that reflects that. If you’re not sure which names to consider, then check out the names of the princesses who have inspired your favorite Disney movies
Beautiful Disney Princess Names
Check out the names of the princesses who have inspired your favorite Disney movies
I decided to do a Top list of Disney Princesses because I think it’s a fun topic. I’m sure that there are plenty of you who want to know more about these characters, but also have a hard time choosing which ones to watch. I will try my best to give you a list of the top ten Disney Princesses
The list of princesses from Disney is going on.
Princess Meaning Names From A to Z
Names Start With A and B
Name | Meaning |
Aadya Abigail Adela Adelaide Adeliza Adira Aeryn Agnes Aida Aiko Aimee Aine Alessia Alexa Alexandra Alia Alice Alise Alix Alta Alvilda Alysa Amalthea Ameerah Ameerha Amelia Amiera Amina Amira Anastasia Angela Anna Anneliese Annika Arete Ariane Ariel Arrietty Arwen Arya Asma Astrid Athena Augusta Aurora Auryn Autumn Barbara Bella Belle Blanche Buppha | Earth Father’s Joy Noble Noble one Noble Strong Farscape Pure, holy Reward, present Little loved one Beloved Radiance Defender Protector of the people Defender of man Dune Of nobility Noble Noble High Battle of elves Noble To soothe, soften Princess Princess, Work Princess, leader Truthful one Princess Resurrection Messenger of God Grace, Grace, favor Gracious, merciful Virtue Most holy; silver Lion of God Ruler of the house Muse Noble, High status Fair, beautiful goddess Wise Great, magnificent Goddess of dawn Golden Fall Foreign woman Beautiful Beautiful White, pure Flower |
Names Start With C and D
Name | Meaning |
Calliope Carme Caroline Catania Catherine Cecilia Cecily Charlene Charlotte Chilonis Chimi Christina Cinderella Cleopatra Clotilde Corina Cristina Cybele Danae Daphne Daria Dauphine Demeter Diana Dike Don Dot | Beautiful voice Harvest Free woman Greater Pure Blinded one Blind; sixth Free man Free man Warrior A parrot A follower of Jesus Christ Little ashes Father’s glory Renowned battle Maiden Anointed, Christian A mother goddess Princess River God Wealthy Heir Apparent The Goddess of harvest Heavenly and divine Goddess of Justice A mother Goddess Gift of God |
Names Start With E, F and G
Name | Meaning |
Eilonwy Eirene Elena Elizabeth Ella Emma Esperanza Estelle Eugenie Europa Evelyn Faline Fiona Franziska Frederica Gabriela Gisela Giselle Grace | Deer The personification of peace Shining light God is my oath Goddess Universal, Hope Star, Well-born, noble Princess Desired one Catlike White, From France Peaceful ruler God is my strength Pledge; hostage Pledge Gracious one |
Names Start With H, I and J
Name | Meaning |
Hasna Haya Hedwig Helen Helena Henrietta Inanna Inara Ingrid Irene Irina Isabeau Isabella Isadora Isla Ithaca Jahzara Jane Jasmine Jetsun Joan Julia | Beauty Life Contention, strife Sun ray, shining light Bright Home ruler Love Firefly Fair Peace Peace Ladyhawke Devoted to God Gift of Isis Island, Home of Ulysses Blessed princess God Jasmine flower Venerable God is gracious Youthful and downy |
Names Start With K and L
Name | Meaning |
Kaguya Kalina Kamala Kara Keisha Kennedy Kiana Kiara Kyra Laetitia Laila Leia Leta Letizia Lily Louisa Louise Lucia Lucienne | Radiant light Viburnum tree Ms Marvel Supergirl Favorite One Princess, Divine Dark Lord Joy Dark Weary one Pure-blooded Joy Purity Famous warrior Famous warrior Light, Light |
Names Start With M, N and O
Name | Meaning |
Mabel Mako Malia Margarita Margrethe Maria Marie Marina Mary Matilda Maxima Meera Meghan Melanie Merida Merliah Mia Mila Mira Moana Mulan Nala Natalia Natasha Nina Nona Nox Nyx Odette Oriaku | Lovable Sincerity, Queen Pearl Pearl Of the sea A French form of Mary From the sea Of the sea Mighty in battle Greatest Prosperous Pearl Black Victory of Augustus Sea, beauty Dear Gracious, dear Admirable Ocean, sea Wood orchid Successful, queen Christmas Day Christmas Day Little girl Ninth Midnight Goddess of night Wealth Princess |
Names Start With P and R
Name | Meaning |
Pauline Pax Petra Phillipa Pocahontas Rania Raniesha Rapunzel Regina Rosalina Rosalind Rosette Rosmerta | Small Goddess of peace Stone Horse lover Playful Delightful Princess Plant A Queenly Woman Gentle horse; rose Pretty Rose Fertility |
Names Start With S, T and U
Name | Meaning |
Sága Saina San Sarah Sariah Savannah Serita Sikhanyiso Siri Snow Sofia Soraya Stella Stephanie Suiko Suri Taki Tallulah Tamar Theodora Tiana Toshi Umatilla | The Goddess of wisdom Princess Mountain Princess Princess of the Lord Flat, Princess Light Beautiful victory Frozen rain Wisdom Princess Star Crown Water child Princess Falling water Leaping water’s gift Date palm God Fairy queen Year of plenty Princess |
Names Start With V, X, Y and Z
Name | Meaning |
Vanellope Venus Vera Veritas Victoria Xavieria Xena Yolande Ysabell Yukiko Zara Zarita Zazie Zhao Zoe Zyla | Weaver Goddess of love Truth and faith The Goddess of truth Victory Like a Princess Guest, Purple; violet flower Mort Snow; child Blooming flower Princess In the Metro The Army of the Lady Life Blood Elf |
Warrior Princess Names
There are traditional warrior names, such as the names of the warriors in the Bible, such as David and Joshua. There are also the names of famous warriors, such as Christopher and Alexander but in this article, we will discuss worrier princess names for your little princess.
Royal Princess Names
Princess Names for Dogs
Princess Names Fantasy
What are some of the most popular princess names?
Some of the most popular are Aurora, Cinderella, Ariel, and Elsa.
Why is Cinderella’s name so popular?
Cinderella is a very popular name because she was the first Disney princess.
Why do people like to name their babies after Disney princesses?
Some people like to name their babies after Disney princesses because they are cute and sweet. Also, a lot of people think that having a princess name will make them more popular or special.
Names For Babies Conclusion
I hope this will be a super fun post for you because I’m sharing with you the baby names I decided to name my baby after my favorite princess names disney. if you are looking for a creative way to give your child a unique name that fits their personality and helps them grow into a confident, successful adult, then consider choosing a name inspired by a princess.