Persian girl names are renowned for their beauty and deep meanings, reflecting rich cultural heritage and history. Whether you are looking for a name that is popular, unique, traditional, or perfect for a modern family, this comprehensive list will guide you in making a meaningful choice for your baby girl
Persian Names Girl
Persian Baby Names
Persian Muslim Girl Names
Persian Last Names
Ancient Persian Names
Old Persian Names
Persian Girl Names with Meaning A to Z
Explore names from A to Z with their meanings. I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck!
Persian Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Aan Aazam Aban Abandokht Abbaseh Abrisham Adel Adeleh Adiba Adileh Afagh Afareen Afhak Afrand Afrooz Afsan Afsar Afshan Afshid Aftab Aghdas Ahang Ahdiyeh Ahoo Akhtar Akram Alaleh Alish Aliyeh Allysiah Alma Almass Almira Alya Ameneh Amestris Amireh Amutiya Ana Anaram Anbar Andia Andisheh Anis Anita Anoosh Anosha Anusheh Anvar Ara Aram-banou Arasteh Arastu Arayeh Arezoo Arjumand Armaan Armaghan Arman Armindokht Armita Arousa Arousha Arshia Arta Artemis Arvaneh Aryan Arzin Asa Asal Asefeh Ashraf Ashtar Asia Asman Atanaz Atefeh Atessa Atoosa Aura Avizeh Azin | Glory, honor, type Greatest Name of an angel Name of Darius III’s wife Lioness Silk Noble, nobility Just Cultured, refined Alike, equal Horizons Praise Dew Bright Dazzling Fascinating Crown To sprinkle Splendor of the sun Sun Religious Harmony Covenant follower Deer, gazelle Star Honorable A flower Flame Noble Distinguished, kind Apple Diamond Of higher birth order Moonlight Truthful Friend A female ruler Damsel Mother Endless light Ambergris Name of ardeshir I’s Thought A friend The plant myrtle Immortal Joy Happy Brighter Ornament Quiet lady Adorned A swallow Adorn Wish Noble, honorable Soldier Famous bearer Gift Ideal Cheerful girl Righteous Indian plant White Throne, to build, highness Country Speaker of truth A wild violet Related Valuable Like Honey in Farsi Wise woman Nobler or noblest Weapon, sword Asia Sky Father’s sweetheart Affection Atoosa Name of kourosh’s daughter Cloud, rain A pendant Accessories |
Persian Names Start With B and C
Names | Meanings |
Baba Baber Babuk Badri Baha Bahak Bahamin Baharak Bahar-banoo Bahraman Baigum Bami Bamik Banaz Banoo Baranak Barsin Barsina Beena Beeta Beh-afarid Behara Behazar Behbaha Behdis Behdokht Beheshteh Behi Behin Behjat Behnoush Behrokh Behrou Behtan Bibinaz Bidokht Boubak Bouseh Camelia Chaka Chalipa Chaman Chamaneh Chameh Cheshmak | Father, old, cute baby Advisor, simple heart Chamomile flowers Full moon Price Name of a bird Spring Small spring The blooming princess Ruby A title for high officials Bright Radiant Coquettish Lady A tree Clover Name of a plant Seeing, clear sighted Unique Good creation Best ornament Best fire Best price Good color Best girl Paradise Goodness Best Joyful Pleasant Best face Friendly face Strong beauty Coy lady The planet Venus A kind of bird Kiss A flower A lark Cross An orchard A goblet of wine Melody Wink |
Persian Names Start With D and E
Names | Meanings |
Daana Daena Dalileh Dami Dana Daneh Daria Darien Daryanaz Davar Delafrouz Delara Delaram Delasa Delband Delnavaz Delnaz Delroba Dina Dinak Dineh Donyanaz Dordaneh Dorna Dornaz Dorreh Dorsa Effat Eftekhar Elham Elika Elmira Erica Esmat Etti | A knowledgeable person Divine knowledge Clear and bright way Creator, wisdom Wise Seed Sea Royal gift Glory of the sea Arbitrator Heart and soul illuminator Adorning the heart Quiet-hearted Soothing Beloved Kind Sweetheart A beloved object Dinah A just judge Yesterday Glory of the world Pearl A bird Precious Big pearl Pearl like A modest woman Glory Inspiration Mother earth Devoted to the tribe A plant Pure Myrtle or bride or star |
Persian Names Start With F and G
Names | Meanings |
Fa’ezeh Fahimeh Fakhteh Fardokht Farifteh Farima Farimah Farimehr Farinam Farinaz Farinoush Farmehr Farnia Farokhrou Farokhrouz Farrin Farsiris Farva Farvardin Farzana Farzaneh Farzeen Farzin Fataneh Feryal Fetneh Fila Finnegan Firuzeh Flora Fojan Forough Forouz Freema Gasperina Gelareh Gelavizh Ghamar Ghamzeh Ghashang Ghazal Ghodsi Ghoncheh Gilda Gisi Gisou Gita Gol Golab Golafsar Golafshan Golaleh Golandam Golara Golaviz Golazin Golbahar Golban Golbanu Golbarg Golbu Golchehr Goldar Goldooz Golgoon Goli Golmehr Golnam Golnoush Golpar Golrang Golrokh Golsa Golshahr Golshan Golshanak Gulfam Gulnaz | Victorious Learned A ring dove Beautiful girl Enamored Our beautiful and lovable one Glorious moon Glorious sun Glorious name Perfection Pleasant and sweet Splendor of the sun Noble family Beautiful face Splendid day Glorified A royal girl, a princess Crown, wealth One who protects the pure Intelligent Wise Wise and intelligent A queen who rules A woman queen A temptress Beautiful Seduction Lover Fair, white or pale Woman of triumph Flora A loud voice or sound Brightness Shining Refers to gorgeous or stunning Treasure Eyes Name of a star Moon Coquetry Pretty Gazelle Holy Bud of the flower Gold A fragrant rose Women’s hair A kind of song Flower Rose water Crown of flowers Scattering flowers A bunch of flowers Name of Persian queen Gracing flowers Name of a plant Decorating flowers Spring flower Keeper of flowers Delicate and beautiful lady Petal Fragrant Essence of a flower Possessing roses Embroidered with flowers Vermilion Rose colored Flower of kindness Beautiful name A song from old Iranian music Garden angelica Rose-colored Face like a flower One resembling a flower A character in shahnameh A flower garden A small flower garden Rose faced Flowers sparkly |
Persian Names Start With H, I and J
Names | Meanings |
Hadigheh Hadiss Haideh Halaleh Hamedeh Hami Hanah Hananeh Harireh Hastee Havva Heer Hester Hida Hila Hilda Homaira Hormat Horshid Houkameh Hour Houra Hourvash Hurdokht Ideh Ifra Iman Iranbanu Irandokht Irsa Jabeen Jahan Jahandokht Jahan-naz Jamak Jamileh Jasmina Jasmyne Jasperine Javaneh Javed Jazmine Jehan Jelveh | Garden New Repentant Tulip One who praises A protector The shrub henna Very kind Female cat Existence Eve Power, riches, pure Star Myrtle leaf Tranquil Name of a bird Strong Rosy cheek woman Honor Sunlight Kind hearted Fairy Nymph Fairy-like Daughter of the sun Idea Significantly, expert Faith An Iranian lady Daughter of Iran Rainbow A name of the ganga river A Persian word for the universe Daughter of the world Pride of the world A character in shahnameh Excellent talents Jasmine flower Name derived from jessamine A keeper of treasure Sprout Alive, living Jasmine The world Loveliness |
Persian Names Start With K and L
Names | Meanings |
Kaameh Kamand Kamineh Kamran Kayhan Kazhireh Kereshmeh Khandan Khandeh Khatereh Khatuna Khina Khojassteh Khorshid-banou Khorvash Khousheh Khwaja Kia Kiana Kiandokht Kimiya Kiya Kobra Kobrina Kokab Kolaleh Kyra Laila Larmina Latifeh Layliya Layly Leilia Lilupar Lina Lobat Loma | Goal, wish Lasso Desire Successful fortunate World Wild saffron A wink Smiling Laughter Memory Lady or woman Sweet voice Royal A lady as radiant as the sun Like the sun The constellation Virgo Mister A spiritual title King, protector, defender Elements of nature King’s daughter Alchemy Kiya means king in Persian Major The name means dominant Star, celestial body A handful of flowers Throne, sun Born at night or nightfall Blue sky Delicate Night in zand Nocturnal She who is born in the night The water-lily Tender Doll Luma |
Persian Names Start With M
Names | Meanings |
Madineh Maedeh Mah Maha Mah-afarid Mahan Mahasti Mahbanoo Mahboubeh Mahdad Mahdis Mahdiyeh Mahfam Mahin Mahla Mahlagha Mahlegha Mahnaz Mah-naz Mahrokh Mahrosh Mahroz Mahsati Mahta Mahteab Mahvash Malisa Mana Mani Marjan Marmar Marzhan Marzieh Mastaneh Mastoureh Meg Meggie Meggy Mehlika Mehr Mehr-Afarin Mehrangiz Mehtab Mehvesh Mehvish Meladi Memona Milad Minu Miray Mirzeta Mishal Mishall Mohor Morvarid Mozhdeh | Name of a city One of the sura’s of the Koran Month, moon Crystal Characters in shahnameh Moons The moon’s being Moon lady Well loved Bestowed by the moon Like the moon A gift The color of the moon Related to the moon Friendly Face of the moon One whose face is lit by the moon Glory or beauty of the moon One who is glorious like the moon Whose face is like the moon She is bright like a moon Girl with the face of the moon One who is like the moon A moon-like individual She looks just like the moon Moon-like Honey bee Alike Father of Ketel Coral Marble Pearl or coral Satisfactory Drunken A vailed and chaste women She is the child of light A daughter of the light Child of the light Female beautiful like a moon Persian form of Mithra Creator of sun and kindness To cause affection The light of the moon A pleasant light of the moon A bright shining star A gift of happiness Happy successful Birth, Christmas A heavenly place Glowing like a moon Princess A religious governing Religious values from the god 12th day of a month A shining pearl Good news |
Persian Names Start With N
Names | Meanings |
Naadiya Naazneen Nabia Nadereh Naghmah Nagina Nagma Nahal Naheeda Nahida Nahidah Nahrin Nargis Narina Narmeen Narmin Naseem Nashah Nasreen Nasrine Nava Nazafarin Nazgol Nazhin Nazilla Nazish Nazli Nazy Neelam Negah Negina Nermana Nigar Nihada Nijaza Nika Nikdokht Nikoo Niloofar Niloufer Nira Nirupesh Nirush Nirut Nirvikalpa Nisreen Nisrin Nisrina Niusha Niyaz Nizha Nobar Nogol Noor Nora Noshad Nosheen Nousha Noushbar Novin Nozhan | The one who announce Stunning and fascinating lady Quitting Not widely known to others A melody or a song Gem Pearl The tune or the melody A young plant A delightful person Planet Venus A delightful and beautiful girl River The eye-shaped flower Fresh, pomegranate flower Pleasing to the senses, delicate Soft and gentle girl Breeze A judge, a fair or just person A white colored wild flower A beautiful white flower Tune Producing delight Cute flower Name of a particular tree A cute person, pleasing Something to proud, full of proud Nicety Cute Blue gem Precious stone Look The precious gemstone Hero Beloved image, picture Character, temper Wish or need Good Good girl The most dearly one A beautiful flower of lily Saintly, holy, heavenly Fire in zand Honeyed, sugary Initiator of joy and bliss Honeyed and sweet smelling The new or the recent one An plant full of aroma An aromatic plant A girl who is aromatic as a flower A listener Need A delightful, clean or cleanliness Fresh fruits newly ripe New flower Light Bright torch Happy, rejoice Sugary, sweet, delicious Honeyed, sugary, sweet flavored Honey The most excellent in anything A pine tree |
Persian Names Start With O and P
Names | Meanings |
Olfat Oliya Omeed Oranous Orchideh Ozra Padideh Pakiza Paksima Paniz Panteha Papoli Parandin Parandis Paras Parastan Parasteh Parastoo Pareechehr Pareesa Pareevash Pargol Parichehr Paridokht Parinaz Parisima Parivash Parnian Paro Parsoon Parto Parvanah Parvin Peymaneh Peyvand Poupak Pouri | Friendship Friends Hope One of the 9 solar planets Orchid A virgin A phenomenon Virtuous Innocent face Persian – sugar Name of the wife of Kourosh ‘s Butterfly Silky Silk-like Touchstone A bird resembling a peacock Any object of worship Name of a bird called swallow Having a face like a fairy Like a fairy Fairy-faced Soft as a petal of a flower Essence of a fairy Daughter of a fairy Good virtues Face like a fairy Fairy-faced Fine painted silk Elderly woman Halo of the moon One who is the ray of light A rare and majestic butterfly The Pleiades Wine cup A joint A bird kind One who is a heir, a successor |
Persian Names Start With R and S
Names | Meanings |
Rabab Raha Rahele Ramesh Rana Rasa Ravan Rehana Roghayyeh Roja Rokhsareh Rokhshad Ronagh Roohangiz Roshaneh Rouya Roxane Roxani Roxine Roxolana Roxy Rozhin Rozina Ruja Rukhsana Rukhsara Rumina Saba Sabereh Sadaf Sadie Sadira Safa Safiyeh Safoura Saghi Saharnaz Sahba Sahel Sahereh Sahi Sala Salimeh Salomeh Sama Samaneh Samireh Sanam Sarwar Sayeh Sedigheh Sehrish Seriyah Shad Shadee Shadman Shah Shahan Shaheen Shahla Shahlah Shahram Shahrbano Shahrbanou Shahrukh Shahryar Shahrzad Shahrzadi Shakufa Sharareh Shawdi Shayan Shayana Sheeva Shehnaz Shideh Shiraz Shohreh Shokoufeh Shokouh Shouka Shydi Sita Sitara Sogand Somaieh Sooria Souri Souzan Star Suraya Sury | White cloud Free Traveler Rest Elegant Expressive Soul Perfume Gentle Hopeful Face Happy face Beauty Pleasing to the spirit Roxanna Growing She who shines like a dawn A bright light of the dawn She is like a dawn A dawn-like girl She glows like a dawn Dawn Daily pay Morning star A woman with beautiful cheeks A girl whose cheeks are pretty Polished Zephyr Patient Sea shell A princess, noble woman Lotus tree Purity True friend Name of the wife of mosses Wine bearer Glory of dawn One who is like a wine Beach Awake Fresh Song Perfect Salome To listen Name of a bird Evening entertainments Idol Chief Leader Shade A sincere friend The sunrise, glamorous, magical A princess or a daughter of a king Happy, gratified Happiness A happy woman Shah King Profit maker Falcon A dark-eyed woman One who blushes King ram She is the king’s wife She is the lady of the town Concerning, monarchy The king City-born She was born from the city The opening bud Single spark One who feels deep joy Worthy, deserving, meriting She deserves nice things in life A charming woman Bride, music car The bright one The city of poets and roses Famous in Farsi Blossom Splendor A kind of a deer One who brings happiness The track of a ploughshare Screen, star Oath One who is high above others To be like a red rose A girl who is like a red rose Burning Esther A woman precious as a jewel She is like the red rose |
Persian Names Start With T, U and V
Names | Meanings |
Tabinda Tabish Tahirih Talayeh Taravat Tarja Tarsa Tavous Tawana Tayyebeh Teena Tiba Tina Tiram Torang Touba Touca Toufan Touska Toutak Turkessa Ursiya Vajiheh Valeh Vanizheh Vard Vardo Varta Vashta Vazheh Veeda Vesal Vesta Vida Vina Vira Vishka | Bright and shining Warmth Brilliance Morally good or excellent Golden ray of sun Freshness Upholder of good A worshipper of fire Peacock A capable woman A good deed Clay A doe Clay Great lady A pheasant Name of a tree in paradise Out of a birds name toucan Storm Name of a tree A money-chest The one who comes from Turkey Roots of the iris or white lily Of a noble presence A lover Pure frankincense A rose Rose A rose Alive A word Found, or evident Being united Knowledge Visible in Persian Color A learner Name of a village |
Persian Names Start With W, Y and Z
Names | Meanings |
Wasifah Wejah Wish Yara Yasaman Yegane Zainab Zarasa Zarbanu Zari Zarin Zarrin Zarrin-dokht Zarrin-taj Zeba Zeka Zhamak Zhaveh Zhavia Zohreh Zoobia | One who describes She who practices purdah Like, citation, unique Courage Variant of Yasmin Incomparable beauty Ali’s daughter Like gold Golden woman Brocaded silk Made of gold Golden Golden girl Golden crown Power of Zeus Wind Small poem Name of plant Perspective Venus God bless |
Popular Persian Girl Names
Popular Persian names for girls often reflect a blending of elegance, depth, and cultural significance. These names are widely recognized and cherished among Persian communities worldwide.
- Ariana – Pure
- Layla – Night
- Darya – Sea
- Farah – Joy
- Nava – Melody
- Zahra – Blossom
- Parisa – Like a fairy
- Sahar – Dawn
- Tara – Star
- Yasmin – Jasmine flower
Unique Persian Girl Names
These unique names set your child apart while embodying the distinct character and beauty of Persian culture.
- Katayoun – Queen of women
- Nava – Melody
- Setareh – Star
- Shabnam – Dew
- Golnar – Pomegranate flower
- Mahrokh – Beautiful face
- Roxana – Dawn
- Fereshteh – Angel
- Negin – Jewel
- Soraya – Princess
Traditional Persian Girl Names
These traditional names are rooted in Persian history and culture, carrying with them stories of the past and virtues admired by the ancestors.
- Roxana – Dawn, historically significant as the name of Alexander the Great’s wife.
- Shirin – Sweet, famed for being a beloved figure in Persian literature.
- Parvin – The Pleiades
- Leila – Night
- Shahla – Dark eyes
- Golnar – Pomegranate flower
- Anahita – Immaculate, linked to ancient Persian goddess
- Darya – Sea
- Farideh – Unique, precious
- Nasrin – Wild rose
Persian Names for Baby Girls
These names are especially suited for baby girls, bringing together gentle sounds and beautiful meanings that are endearing and culturally rich.
- Yasmin – Jasmine flower, gentle and aromatic.
- Anahita – Immaculate, linked to purity and divine aspects.
- Niloufar – Water lily
- Shadi – Joy
- Ladan – Flower
- Aram – Calm
- Delara – Adorning the heart
- Asia – Lively with great health
- Bita – Unique
- Laleh – Tulip
Are Persian names only used in Iran?
Persian names are used not only in Iran but also in Persian-speaking communities around the world, including Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Are there any specific rituals associated with naming in Persian culture?
Yes, naming ceremonies in Persian culture often involve the consultation of elders and astrologers to select a name that aligns with the child’s destiny.
What do Persian names typically signify?
Persian names often carry meanings related to nature, virtues, historical figures, or cultural values.
In the world of names, Persian names are a testament to the enduring beauty of culture and tradition. These names are steeped in history and meaning, giving them a timeless appeal. This journey goes beyond mere aesthetics and delves deep into cultural heritage and personal significance. We hope this list provides you with inspiration and insight. What are your favorite Persian names? Share them in the comments below! If you found this article helpful, please share it with friends and family