Italian Girl Names
Italian girl names are popular and part of Italian culture. These names are given to the daughters of Italian parents. We all want the best for our daughters and so choosing the perfect name for them is a big deal
For example, we’d all love it if our daughter was named Lucia because this is a popular name in Italy. So if you’re looking for top Italian girl names, this blog post is for you.
Unique Italian Girl Names
Many parents are looking for names for their babies Some parents just want an Italian name, while others are looking for names that also have meaning. Here is a list of popular girl names in Italy and traditional Italian names.
Beautiful Italian Girl Names
Italian Girl Names a-z
Italian girl names start with A
Italian girl names start with B
Italian girl names start with C
Italian girl names start with D
Italian girl names start with E
Italian girl names start with F
Italian girl names start with G
Italian girl names start with I
Italian girl names start with J
Italian girl names start with L
Italian girl names start with M
Italian girl names start with N
Italian girl names start with O
Italian girl names start with P
Italian girl names start with R
Italian girl names start with S
Italian girl names start with T
Italian girl names start with V
Italian girl names start with Y
Italian girl names start with Z
Old-fashioned Italian Girl Names
Italian Girl Names With Nicknames
Badass Italian Girl’s Names
Italian Girl Names With Meaning
Name | Meaning |
Ada Adalgisa Adelaide Adele Adelina Adriana Aelda Agata Agnella Agnese Agnesina Agostina Agostino Aida Alba Alcina Aldina Alessa Alessandra Alessia Alice Alicia Allegra Allegro Alma Alonza Amadea Amalia Amanta Amaranta Amata Ambra Amedea Amelia Amidala Amore Analia Anete Angelica Angelita Aninata Anita Anji Anna Annabella Annachiara Annunziata Antonella Antonia Anzia Areanna Ariana Arianna Armani Armina Aryana Aryanna Asia Assisi Assunda Audenzia Aurora Avena Azzurra | Noble, Noble Noble Noble Nobility From Hadria Warrior Good Chaste Chaste Pure To Increase Venerated Return Dawn Strong-willed Old Friend Defender Helper Defending Warrior Noble Noble One Lively Cheerful Brisk, sprightly Giver Of Life Ready for battle Gods’ Beloved Fertile To Express Versatility Everlasting Flower Love Gemstone Love Active, Hard Working A Very Beautiful Flower Love Light, grace Pure, Holy, Pious Angelic Angles Of God Graceful Young Girl Grace Happy Sensitive Beautiful Grace Lovable Favor Grace, Announced Antonius Fighter Fem Antonius Fighter Fem One Armed Holy And Pure Holy and pure Chaste and pure Faith, and pure Army’S Man Utterly pure Most holy East An Italian Hill Town Italaian Version Of Susan One Who Dares Dawn One Who Grows Grain Sky’s Blue |
B, C
Name | Meaning |
Bambina Barbara Basilissa Battista Beatrice Belinda Belisencia Bella Belladonna Bellarosa Bellefleur Benedetta Berenice Beretta Betina Betony Bianca Bice Bina Bivatigirni Blaca Bobina Bobine Boh Bona Brandi Bria Brigida Bruna Byna Byni Cadenza Caelia Caerda Camilla Campana Carina Carla Carlotta Carmela Caterina Cecilia Celeste Celestina Cesarina Chiara Cinzia Clarissa Claudia Clelia Clio Cloe Concetta Concettina Corona Cosima Costanza Cristina | Baby Girl Foreign Queen Baptist She Who Makes Merriment Bright Serpent The Sense Of Purity Beautiful And Pure Beautiful Woman A Beautiful rose A Beautiful Flower Blessed Victorious Hat’s Maker A Woman Who Finds God Woundwort White Traveler For A Classic Music True, Honest Shining Woman A Little Flame Bright Flame I Don’t Know Good manner A Fiery Light Lively Strong, Firm, Healthy Brown-Haired A Name Means Sabine Cognomen Meaning Sabine Rhythm One Who Is Heavenly Italian surname from Venice Free-Born, Noble Bell-Ringer Love’s One Strong, Courageous Free man Garden Pure Blind The Sky Of The Sky Heavenly Hairy Clear, Light. Moon’s Goddess Bright, Clear Name Claudius Unknown Recount Blooming Pure Pure Crown or wealth Order Steadfastness Christ |
Name | Meaning |
Dafne Dania Debora Diletta Donata Donatella Edda Elena Eleonora Elettra Elisa Elisabetta Eloisa Elvia Elvira Emanuela Emilia Emily Emma Enrica Erica Ermina Ernesta Eugenia Eulalia Eva Evelina Fabia Fabiana Fabrizia Fausta Federica Felicita Fernanda Fia Fiammetta Filomena Fina Fioralba Fiore Fiorella Fiorentina Fiorenza Fioretta Flavia Fortunata Franca Francesca | Laurel God Is My Judge Bee Beloved Given, Gifted Given, Gifted War Bright’S Light Merciful Bright, Splendent God’S Is A Promise God Is An Oath Healthy Honey-Yellow Blond Temple And Pure God Is With Us Ancient Roman Family Name Rival Universal. Estate’S Ruler Heather Uknown Serious Born Well Sweetly-Speaking Life Desired Bean From Roman Name Fabius Craftsman Lucky King, Sovereign Good Luck Fortune Brave, Daring Journey Flickering’S Fire Little fiery one Friend Lover For Serafina Means Fiery One Flower And Dawn Flower Flower Flourishing Prosperous Flourishing Flower Flavia Means Golden Or Happy, Blessed Free Free One |
Name | Meaning |
Gabriela Gabriella Gaetana Gaia Gelsomina Gemma Gia Giacinta Giacomo Giada Gianetta Gianna Gilda Ginevra Gioia Giorgia Giovanna Giuditta Giulia Giuliana Graziana Greta Ilaria Ilina Iole Irene Isabel Isabella Izabella Jacobella Jaquetta Laura Lavinia Leontina Lia Liliana Livia Lorenza Lucia Luciana Lucrezia Ludovica Luisa Luna | God Is My Strength God Is My Strength From’S Gaeta Earth Jasmine Jewel; Precious Stone; Gem God’S Gracious Gift. Hyacinth Supplanter Jade God’S Gracious Gift. Female Value, Sacrifice Fair One Jewel Farmer Gift From God Praised Youthful Devout And Pure Grace Pearl Cheerful Yahweh’S Is Violet Peace God’S Is My Oath God Is My Abundance Pledged To God Beautiful’S Supplanter Supplanter Bay Laurel Plant Pure Lioness A Weary Mistress Pure And Innocent Ancient Place Bright Light, Illumination Profit Orwealth Famous Battle Illustrious Moon’S Goddess |
Name | Meaning |
Mabilia Margherita Maria Marta Martina Marzia Massima Matilde Mattea Maxima Melissa Mia Mirabella Miriam Miuccia Monica Nicole Nicoletta Nives Noemi Ortensia Ottavia Palmira Paola Pasquelina Pazienza Petronilla Piera Pierina Placida Primavera Pudentiana | Loved Daisy Of’S The Sea Lady Mars Sacred And Mars Greatest Strenght And Battle Gift’S From God Greatest Lemon’S Balm Mine Wondrous’S Beauty Princess Of’S The Sea Solitary Victory Of The People Who Brings Victory Snow Pleasantness Of’S The Garden Eight Pilgrim Small Easter Patient Yokel Rock Rock Serene Spring Friend’s To Apostles |
Name | Meaning |
Raffaella Ravenna Rebecca Rialta Ricciarda Rina Rita Roberta Rosa Rossana Sabina Sancia Sara Serafina Serena Sergio Sienna Silvia Simona Sofia Stefania Stella Susanna Tatiana Teodora Terina Terza Tullia | Healed By God Raven Join Or Tie Together Deep’s Brook Powerup’s Ruler Queen Pearl Of Splendid Glory Rose Bright, Splendent Place Holy Princess Fiery Tranquil, Serene Attendant Orange-Red Woods Wild That Who Listens Wisdom And Skill Crown or wealth Star Lily Titan Gift’s From God Smooth Third Roman Family Name |
Name | Meaning |
Valentina Valeria Vallea Venezia Verdiana Viola Violante Vittoria Viviana Zeta | Healthy Roman Family Name Valley Venice Young Purple Flower Purple Flower Victory Alive Lost |
Traditional Italian Girl Names 1920s
Have you been looking for an Italian Girl’s Name in 2022 20233? We hope you enjoyed our blog post about Italian Girl Names. If you are thinking of naming your future daughter, we hope this article helped you to find the perfect Italian Girl Name.
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