Names are more than just labels they hold a profound significance in Hindu culture. They are believed to shape a person’s destiny and identity. When it comes to naming a baby boy in Hinduism, the options are as vast and diverse as the culture itself.
Whether you are looking for a popular, unique, traditional, or modern name, this comprehensive list of Hindu names for boys will inspire you. Each name carries its weight with cultural significance, historical relevance, and a beautiful meaning.
Hindu Baby Boy Names

Hindu Names for Boys
Hindu Unique Baby Boy Names
Modern Hindu Baby Boy Names
Strong Hindu Boy Names
Popular Hindu Boy Names
Hindu Traditional Baby Boy Names
Hindu Baby Boy Names with Meanings
lets strat from A to z
Hindu Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Aabir Aadavan Aadhavan Aadhish Aadi Aadidev Aadit Aadiv Aadvik Aadyant Aahan Aahil Aakav Aakesh Aakil Aanan Aanav Aanay Aarav Aarish Aariv Aaron Aarsh Aarunya Aarush Aaryash Aaryav Aashrith Aathrav Aatreya Aayansh Aayu Aayush Abhik Abhimanyu Abhinav Abhiram Achintya Adharv Adhija Adhiraj Adhrit Adhyan Aditya Adri Agraga Ahil Ainesh Aksaja Akshaj Akshat Akshit Amand Amaresh Amaris Amas Amava Amay Ambaka Ambhoja Amil Amish Amit Amod Amogh Amol Amrit Amritambu Amul Anaadi Anagh Anahath Anal Anamitra Anand Ananda Anang Anay Anek Anik Aniket Anil Anilaabh Anirudh Anirved Anish Anjik Ankal Ankur Anmay Ansh Anshin Anshuk Ansu Anu Anubhav Anudeep Anuh Anukash Anumana Anunay Anush Anutosh Anvay Anvit Apu Apure Apurva Aradhy Archis Archit Arhaan Arihaan Arihan Arin Arit Arjun Arjuna Arnesh Arochan Arpit Arsa Arun Aryan Aryana Aryash Aryaveer Asav Ashish Ashlesh Ashmik Ashok Ashrav Ashva Ashvik Aswad Aswathaama Atas Atharva Athikaya Athishay Atishay Atmadeep Atmakanth Atmanand Atri Atulya Avadhesh Avaneesh Avi Avighna Avik Avin Aviraj Avish Avishkar Avya Avyaan Avyaansh Avyan Avyukt Avyukta Ayaan Ayan Ayush Ayushman | Gulal Sun The sun Full of wisdom Adornment The lord of the lords Peak Delicate Unique Infinite from Adi to ant Dawn Prince Form or shape Lord of the sky Intelligent or smart, Appearance Ocean Consort of goddess Radha Peaceful First ray of sun King of wisdom Light bringer Bright Merciful First ray of the sun Brilliant; intelligent Noble person Somebody who gives shelter Auspicious Name of a sage The first ray of light Life span, Name of an ancient king Beloved and fearless Self-respect Innovative Lord shiva Unthinkable, Lord Ganesh Superior by birth, King Intelligent and born with poetry Name of a prophet Newly risen sun Rock, stone, mountain, Leader Prince, Suns glory Thunderbolt or diamond Lord Vishnu One who cannot be injured Permanent Active or bright Name of Indra Child of the moon Soft or tender Strong or impetuous, Lord Ganesh An eye or having three eyes Water born Invaluable Honest Infinite Pleasure, joy Unerring Faithful, king Nectar Moon Priceless precious valuable Without beginning Sinless Limitless infinite unbeaten Fire Lord Surya the sun Bliss Joy Cupid or Kamadeva Without a superior Lord Ganesh soldier many Soldier Lord of the world Wind Spirit of the wind Boundless Positive Close friend Collyrium colored blessed dusky Whole, one who has no illness Sprout offshoot sapling newborn One who cannot be broken Portion Sharer or heir Sunbeam gentle brilliant radiant Sun, ray of light Angel messenger of god Insight experience feeling Small Diya small light Calm without desire content Reflection of light reflection Inference Supplication Beautiful morning Light relief satisfaction Joined One who bridgesth gap Virtuous, divine, pure Unique, unmatched Novel or unmatched To be worshiped Ray of light Worship Ruler Destroyer of evil Destroyer of enemies Discussion One worthy of praise Fair White Lord of the sea Bright, radiant, or shining To dedicate or give in Sky, heaven Sun god Noble and civilized Joyous cheerful happy Brilliant Brave man Nectar, exciting, stimulating Blessings To embrace Soham Without sadness Obedient or promise amenable Horse strong quick fortunate Blessed and victorious Relishing your food Son of drone The soul divine The first Vedas Of extra ordinary size Wonderful successful bright Wonderful, excellent Light of soul Lover of soul Blissful soul Voyager through life Incomparable, unequalled King Dasharatha Lord of the whole world The sun and air Remover of obstacles Brave Beauty To shine as bright as the sun King, earth Miracle god gift To arrive or to inform Without any imperfection Offering Eloquent Crystal clear or clear mind Inexpressible One who is religiously inclined The pathway to the sun Age Blessed with a long life |
Hindu Names Start With B and C
Names | Meanings |
Bhadrak Bhavatu Bhavesh Bhavik Bhavin Bhavish Bhavyansh Bhupesh Bhushan Bhushit Bhuvan Bhuvas Bhuvik Biipul Bilahari Bilva Bimal Birendra Bittu Bodhan Bodhi Bodhidharma Brahma Brahmabrata Brahmanandam Brahmaputhra Brahmdev Brajendra Brant Brihatbhasha Brihatjyothi Budhadev Budhil Chaayan Chaitanya Chaitya Chakshan Charith Charun Charvik Chaturbhuj Chetan Chetanaanand Chetas Chidaakaash Chidaatma Chidambar Chinmay Chinmayanand Chintamani Chintan Chintu Chitayu Chitraksh Chitran Chittin Chitvan | Handsome, brave, or good Amen or okay Lord of sentiment Devotee of god Living Future Bigger part King king of earth Ornament Decorated Palace Air atmosphere heaven Heaven Plenty abundance powerful Name of a raga A sacred leaf Pure white bright King of warriors Lovely baby Clever, wise, kindling Awakening or enlightenment Enlightenment teaching Creater of the universe Ascetic The supreme joy Name of a river Gods exalted angel Lord of braj land Sword burn nourished loved Son of sage agniras Son of agniras Lord sri buddha Learned Picking or collecting Energy or vitality, Perceivable Good looking Dear One with beautiful eyes Intelligent Strong, broad shouldered Intelligence Supreme joy Consciousness, mind Absolute brahma Supreme spirit One who has wide heart Full of knowledge Supreme consciousness Philosophers stone a jewel Meditation The small one Born of the intellect Beautiful eyes Clear-minded, light Intelligence, splendor Look or glance |
Hindu Names Start With D
Names | Meanings |
Daivey Daivik Daksh Daksha Dakshesh Dal Daman Danavendra Dandak Dandapaani Danish Darsh Darshan Darshit Darshwana Daruka Darun Dasarath Datta Dayaamay Dayaanidhi Dayakar Dayamay Deekshant Deekshin Deekshith Deenabandhu Deepak Deepan Deepankar Deependra Deependu Deepesh Deepit Deeptendu Deeptiman Deshad Deva Devadatt Devagya Devaj Devajith Devajyoti Devansh Devarishi Devarsh Devdan Devdas Devesh Devidas Devilal Devin Deviprasad Devkumar Devvrat Devvrata Devyan Dhadhichi Dhairya Dhanish Dhavak Dhavit Dhishan Dhrishnu Dhritil Dhrsita Dhruv Dhruvansh Dhven Dishaan Dishanth Divij Divit Divyam Divyansh Diyan Dravina Dugu Dwij | Dearly loved By the grace of god Capable The skilled one Able and dexterous Blind group petal particle The controlling one Granter of boons A forest An epithet for Yama To be clever Sight Vision Display Pure of heart Tree Hard male Hindu Father of lord Rama One who is given Kind Treasure house of mercy Compassionate Full of mercy Gift of god, Initiated consecrated prepared Prepared Friend of the poor Lamp, brightly shining Lighting up One who lights lamps Lord of lights Bright moon the moon Lord of light Passionate, illuminated Bright moon Lustrous Of the nation Angel, divine being Gift of the god Command of god Born of the gods One who conquered devas Brightness of the lord Part of god Rishi among the gods Gods gift The gift of the gods God’s servant King of the gods Servant devotee of goddess Son of goddess Resembling a god or poet Gift of goddess Son of god Bhishma Son of Shantanu & ganga Serving the gods Well known sage Patience Lord of wealth Forerunner Purified The intelligent one Son of Manu Man with patience Brave or bold Pole star A part of polar star Godly A species of gazelle Horizon Name of lord Datta Immortal Divine Part of the god Bright light Power, wealth, or strength Cute Saint |
Hindu Names Start With E, G, and H
Names | Meanings |
Edhas Ehit Ekansh Elil Galav Gaman Gana Garvik Gaurav Gia Govind Gudakesh Gudakesha Guhan Gulzar Guna Gunj Guptak Gurdeep Gurdev Gurmeet Gurnam Gursharan Guru Gyaanav Haardik Hanan Hans Hansraj Hardik Hari Haridas Harilal Harit Harith Harman Harsha Harshil Harshith Harshu Hayaan Hetansh Himaksh Hiresh Hitarth Hridaan Hridhaan Hridyansh Hrihaan Hritvik | Happiness Ever-smiling Whole Handsome Bark of lotus tree Undergoing, attaining Tribe or group Proud Honor Heart Cowherd lord krishna Possessing thick beautiful hair The archer arjuna Name of lord murugan Rose garden Bestowed with qualities The sound cohesive wellwoven Protected guarded defended Lamp of the guru Almighty god Friend of the guru Name of the guru Refuge at the guru Teacher master priest Wise learned knowledgeable Affectionate heartfelt cordial Compassion God’s gift, swan King of swans Affectionate Name of vishnu Servant of lord krishna Son of hari Greenery Green color Lords heart Joy, delight Joyful Joyous Deer Life Rising sun Him aksh King of gems Distribute love Gift of heart One with a great heart Piece of heart Gods chosen one Desire |
Hindu Names Start With I and J
Names | Meanings |
Iddham Idhayan Ihit Iishim Ikroop Illesh Ilush Inder Indivar Ishank Ishin Ishir Ishivatva Ishna Ivaan Jainil Jaivik Jaksh Jatin Jay Jayaram Jayesh Jeet Jeevansh Jeevant Jenish Jihan Jishnu Jishu Jitendra Jithesh Jiyaan Jogesha Joginder Johar Juhit Jushk Jyanshu Jyothiranjan Jyothishkar Jyotik | Shining brilliant sunshine Joy of heart Prize or honor Unknown Oneness with god Lord of the earth Saffron a traveler Lord of the devas Blue lotus Peak of the Himalaya Commanding Powerful or refreshing Superior or supreme Lord Krishna Gods gracious and glorious gift Victorious god swami Narayan Pure & divine Lord kuber A name of lord shiva Conqueror Victory to lord ram Victor Mastery victory success win Jeeva ka ansh Medicine alive long-lived Gods gracious butterfly Leaping Triumphant God Lord of conqueror God of victory winner Near heart The lord of yoga Establishing union with god Jewel Brightness jasmine flower Lover religious worthy Name of lord hanuman Happy joyous flame A kind of flower With a flame brilliant |
Hindu Names Start With K and L
Names | Meanings |
Kaamaj Kaanha Kachap Kahaan Kahan Kailash Kairav Kaivalya Kalicharan Kalida Kalita Kalkin Kama Kamada Kamadev Kamalasanan Kamesh Kanai Kanak Kanan Kanav Kanch Kanha Kanish Kanishk Kanishkan Kanjak Kannan Kapileshwar Karan Karthik Kartik Kavan Kaveer Kavindu Kavish Keshav Kevin Kiaan Kishen Kiyaan Kiyansh Krishav Krithik Krithikesh Krithvik Kunal Kunsh Kush Kushagra Kushal Kushank Laksh Lakshit Lalit Lavyansh Lekhit Lishan Lohithaksh Lokesh Luxman | Born of love Young lord Krishna Cloud drinker leaf World World lord Krishna universe Abode of lord shiva White lotus Perfect isolation salvation bliss Devotee of goddess kali Servant of kali Made or formed Last incarnation of Vishnu The golden one, love Giving what is wished God of love The lord brahma Lord of love Lord Krishna contentment Gold Forest An old yet wise sage To shine brilliant glass Dark or black Caring An ancient king Lord brahma gold thing Water and earth born A form of Krishna One who has a white horse Karna Lord murunga Name of one of the months Water A famous historical prince The moon of poets King of poets Name of lord Krishna Comely Grace of god Black or dark Kings Person having all qualities Lord Krishna and lord shiva Son of lord shiva Name of lord Kartikeya Always happy Lotus Shining Sacred grass A king Clever One piece of grass Aim Distinguished Beautiful and attractive Ansh part of love Written Tongue Lord Vishnu redeye King of the world Loyal and sincere |
Hindu Names Start With M and N
Names | Meanings |
Maandhan Maanik Maansik Maargit Madhav Madhuj Madhukesh Madir Mahabali Maharath Mahari Mahatma Mahavir Mahesh Maheshwar Mahir Mahit Mairav Malin Manan Manas Manavendra Manayu Mandar Manendra Mani Manich Manish Manoj Manvik Manvith Mayank Medhansh Meer Mehul Milan Miransh Mitansh Mithil Mivaan Mohit Moksh Monish Nadin Nagendra Naitik Nakin Nakul Naman Namat Nana Nanda Nandan Nandighosh Nandikesh Naren Narendra Natwar Nav Navneet Navraj Nawal Nayaj Nayak Nayat Neel Neelaj Neerad Neeraj Neerav Neev Neil Nek Nevaan Nidhish Nihal Nihant Nihit Nikesh Nikshit Nimay Niraj Nirved Nishaan Nived Nrpati | Rich in honor Ruby valued honored gem Intellectual fanciful psychic Pearl desired needed Another name of lord Krishna Wax, beeswax Hair of lord Vishnu Nectar wine intoxicating One with great strength A great charioteer Divine maiden Great soul Great hero Supreme god, name of shiva Lord shiva god Shankar Expert Esteemed or honored Friendly Little warrior, strong Thoughtful Mind King among men Desirous, devoted Coral tree King of mind Gem Pearl flower hand Lord of the mind Love One who is conscious Human The moon Who born with intelligence Chief Rain Union Small part of the ocean Male friend Kingdom Sunrays of god Ensnarled by beauty Mukti Lord of mind Lord of rivers Serpent chief, mountain chief Good in nature Dwells in heaven Name of one of the Pandeva’s Salutations To pay homage bowing Different Happiness, a daughter Pleasing Music of joy Lord shiva happy joyful Superior man King of men Lord Krishna dancing lord Name new praised One who is ever new in Sanskrit Tune new rule Wonder Born of wisdom Guide Leading or guiding Champion The lotus flower Cloud given by water Water born Silent Basic Acquirer Noble person virtuous lucky Holy Lord of treasure New Never ending God gift Sri maha Vishnu Sharpness Change, barter Born in water or illuminate Gift by god Mark Best wishes Lord of men, or prince |
Hindu Names Start With O and P
Names | Meanings |
Ojasvat Omprakash Omswaroop Oorjit Paarth Paavan Padmaroop Pandu Param Paramarth Paramartha Paramesh Paras Pariman Parin Parinut Parityaj Petuel Piyush Poornamrith Poornendu Poshit Praachik Prabhath Pragyan Pranava Pranay Pranit Pranjal Pranshu Pranshul Prathit Pratik Priansh Prish Priyank Priyansh Priyanshu Priyom Punit Purav Purnit | Strong or energetic Om light Manifestation of divinity Power, strong Arjun Sacred, pure Lotus hued Pandeva’s’ father Perfect, ultimate Highest divine truth Highest truth Lord supreme Touchstone Quality abundant Another name of lord Ganesh Famous praised To sacrifice Vision of the lord Milk Full of nectar Full moon Nourished Long-legged driving Dawn morning brilliant Greater knowledge The sacred syllable om Romance Humble boy Honest or soft Tall Name of lord shiva Manifested Symbol or image Beloved Loving Very dear husband Lovable part of someone First ray of the sunlight Assamese version of Priam Cleaned or purified East direction Complete |
Hindu Names Start With R
Names | Meanings |
Rachit Raghav Rahasya Rahul Raj Rajeev Rajesh Rajinder Rajiv Raju Rakesh Rakshit Raktim Raman Ramesh Rameshwar Ransh Rayaan Reeyansh Rehaan Reyaan Rian Ridan Ridansh Ridit Rijul Rishaank Rishabh Rishit Rithav Rithvik Rivaan Rohan Rohit Romir Romit Ronit Rudr Rudraksh | Invention, fashioned Lord rama Mystery Son of buddha Royalty, kingdom, king Blue colour lotus King’s god, the emperor Spontaneous Lotus flower Prosperity Lord of the night, sun Protected Vibrant or red Merriment, amour Lord of ramadevi, vishnu Lord of rama Aparajit Flow or sated with drink First ray of sunlight Fragrant one Fame Little king Searcher They are the shadow of lord shiva World known Innocent and honest Devotee of lord shiva Morality The best Person who work hard Priest Horse rider A river in paradise Red Interesting or pleasant Enjoying Embellishment Fearsome Fierce eyed |
Hindu Names Start With S and T
Names | Meanings |
Saathvik Saatvik Saharsh Samarth Samyak Sanay Sankalp Sanvith Saphal Saransh Sarin Sarth Sarthak Sarva Sarvagya Sharvin Shaurya Shivaansh Shivank Shlok Shreeyansh Shreyas Shreyash Shriyukt Shrut Shrutarshi Shrutasena Shrutva Siddh Sriansh Srinish Sriyansh Subhash Subodh Sudeva Sujay Suman Sumit Summit Sunishchith Sunray Suparana Supralap Suputhru Suresh Suryakant Suryansh Sushil Sushok Svasthik Svojas Swabhav Swadesh Swadharm Swadhyay Swami Swapnil Swaransh Swarit Syon Taksh Tanav Tanay Tanish Tanmay Tarachand Tarakshya Taral Taroun Taru Tarun Tarush Tejasvat Tiyash Trishan | Calm Virtuous With joy Powerful Enough Ancient Determination Maher Successful or productive Summary Helpful Autumn Well done All or everything All knowing Victory Bravery A portion of lord shiv Mark of lord shiva Hymns of lord Fame giver and lucky Superior Good fortune Fortunate or famous Known or glorious A knowledgeable person Famous army The one who is being heard Fact or proven He who is born with ansh He who is an abode of wealth Kavya’s Soft spoken Sound advice Good deva Good triumph Flower A good friend Balanced Definitely Wise Garuda Good speech Good son Ruler of gods Glowing Part of the sun Well-behaved Shining or beautiful Doing well Strong or powerful Characteristics Ones own country Ones prescribed duties Study of Vedic literature Lord Seen in a dream Half Towards heaven Followed by good luck King bhagats son Flute Son Ambition Engrossed Star Gold, bird, horse, or snake Liquid To be young Small plant Connection Conqueror Bright, glorious, and energy The thirst of something A king of the Suraya dynasty |
Hindu Names Start With U, V, and Y
Names | Meanings |
Ujesh Upendra Utkarsh Uttam Vaibhav Vansh Varad Vardhan Varenya Varun Vasud Ved Vedansh Vedant Veer Viaan Vidit Vidyot Vihaan Vijna Vineet Vinod Vipin Viraj Viraja Viral Viransh Viren Virendra Virya Vishnu Vishrut Vishwamitra Vivek Viyaan Vyan Vyas Vyom Yagnesh Yajan Yajin Yaju Yajur Yajus Yajvan Yajvin Yaksh Yakshin Yakshit Yamit Yamraj Yashodhan Yashus Yashvir Yatharth Yatin Yatnik Yodhin Yuvaan Yuvansh | Conquering Lord vishnu, an element Superior, attractive Best Richness Cane God of fire Blessing Deemed highest Lord of the waters Granting wealth Sacred knowledge Part of veda The scriptures Courageous Full of life and energy Lord indra Flash of light or lightning Morning Wise or intelligent Polite Delight Sharp and talented Biggest in universe Ruling, sovereign Precious Just like strong Lord of warriors Warrior king Valour strength energy An important hindu god Celebrated or renowned Friend of the universe Judicious, wise Artist Air circulating in the body The arranger Sky Religious leader Worship sacrifice Sacrifice religious Yajur veda A vedic text A worshipper sacrifice Calm or peaceful Religious Representative of god Living alive Who is made forever Restrained God of death Rich in fame Glory Glorious and brave Proper Religious devotion Making efforts Warrior victor Youthful Young generation |
Names have a special place in Hindu culture. They are not just identifiers but carry a spiritual and cultural weight. The choice of a name for a child is a momentous decision that reflects not only the parents’ preferences but also their beliefs and aspirations for their child.
Popular Hindu Boy Names
Popular Hindu names are often chosen for their beautiful meanings and significant cultural relevance. These names resonate well across different communities and are widely loved.
- Aarav – Peaceful
- Vivaan – Full of life
- Ayaan – Gift of God
- Dhruv – Pole star
- Rohan – Ascending
- Aryan – Noble
- Ayaan – Path
- Rudra – Name of Lord Shiva
- Vihaan – Dawn
- Krishna – Black, name of Lord Krishna
- Aarush – First ray of sun
- Ishaan – Sun, Lord Shiva
- Aditya – Sun God
- Rudra – Crying, storm, howl
- Laksh – Target, aim
- Rishabh – Superior, excellent
- Kabir – The Great, name of a famous poet-saint
- Nakul – Name of one of Pandavas
Unique Hindu Boy Names
Unique names stand out for their originality and distinctiveness. These names are not only unique but also carry meaningful interpretations that make them special.
- Darsh – Sight
- Ishaan – Sun
- Kiaan – Ancient, king
- Navin – New
- Rishit – The best
- Sarvin – Best archer
- Tanish – Ambition
- Vyan – Breath of life
- Yug – Era
- Zeeshan – Peaceful
- Aayansh – First rays of the sun
- Divyank – Pantheon
- Eshaan – Desiring and wishing
- Prayan – Supreme intelligence
- Raayan – Little prince, gates of paradise
- Zian – Self-peace; peace of one’s mind
- Veeransh – Part of the brave
- Aariv – King of wisdom
Traditional Hindu Boy Names
Traditional names often have historical significance and deep cultural roots. These names are timeless and carry the essence of Hindu mythology and history.
- Arjun – Bright, shining, white, character from Mahabharata
- Keshav – Name of Lord Krishna
- Lakshman – Prosperous, brother of Lord Rama
- Bhavesh – Lord of the world
- Chaitanya – Consciousness
- Devesh – Lord Shiva
- Girish – Lord of the mountains
- Harish – Lord Shiva
- Indra – King of gods
- Jagannath – Lord Vishnu
- Manoj – Born of the mind
- Mukesh – Lord Shiva
- Nataraj – King of dance (Lord Shiva)
- Pradeep – Light, lamp
- Raghav – Descendant of Raghu, Lord Rama
- Suresh – Ruler of gods, Lord Indra
- Vikram – Valor, prowess
- Yash – Success, victory
Modern Hindu Boy Names
Modern names blend cultural heritage with contemporary appeal. These names are stylish, easy to pronounce, and carry modern interpretations.
- Rian – Little king
- Advik – Unique
- Ivaan – God’s gracious gift
- Kavin – Handsome
- Mayan – Pure, godly
- Nirvaan – Salvation
- Reyansh – A part of Lord Vishnu
- Shaan – Pride
- Tushar – Snow
- Vedant – Hindu philosophy
- Aarush – First ray of sun
- Aarvin – Refreshing
- Aayush – Long life
- Vihaan – Morning, dawn
- Yuvaan – Youthful
- Agrim – Leader, first
- Aadvik – Unique, unparalleled
- Aarish – First ray of sun, kind-hearted
Hindu Baby Boy Names
These names are particularly suited for newborns, combining gentle sounds with beautiful meanings. They are specially chosen to reflect purity, blessing, and auspicious beginnings.
- Atharv – The first Veda
- Nishith – Midnight
- Parth – King
- Arnav – Ocean
- Sahas – Valor
- Rachit – Invention
- Anay – Leader
- Hriday – Heart
- Eshan – Desiring and wishing
- Ishan – Lord Shiva
- Krish – Modern form of Lord Krishna
- Moksh – Salvation, freedom
- Sai – Divine
- Tirth – Holy place
- Vivaan – Full of life
- Yatin – Ascetic
- Vivan – Full of life
- Deven – God
- Aryan – Noble
- Bhavin – Illustrious
What is the importance of naming ceremonies in Hindu culture?
Naming ceremonies hold great significance in Hindu culture as they mark the introduction of a child to family, community, and the world. They are considered auspicious and are accompanied by rituals and prayers.
Can I choose any name for my child in Hindu culture?
While there is a wide range of choices, it’s important to consider the cultural and spiritual significance of names in Hinduism. Names should have positive meanings and align with family traditions.
Are there any naming restrictions in Hinduism?
Hinduism does not have strict naming restrictions, but names with negative connotations or those associated with harmful aspects are generally avoided.
Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy is a meaningful journey deeply rooted in cultural significance and personal preference. We hope this extensive list has provided you with the inspiration you need to find a name that resonates with you and your family.
What are your favorite Hindu boy names? Share them in the comments below! If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it with friends and family who might also be searching for the perfect name. For more unique and meaningful names, check out our other articles at NameIdeas.net.
Hindu Baby Boy Names With Meanings From A to Z