Gaelic names are rich in history and tradition, reflecting the deep cultural heritage of Ireland and Scotland. These names often carry meanings tied to nature, bravery, and ancient legends, making them a powerful choice for your child. Whether you’re looking for a name with strong ancestral roots or simply love the melodic sound of Gaelic, this list offers a variety of beautiful options that stand out for their uniqueness and depth.
Unique Gaelic Baby Names for Girl
Your presence over here shows that whether you are Gaels or you love history and want to have a Gaelic name for your future baby girl. Here is the list of Gaelic names for cuties and pretty baby girls

Gaelic Boy Names
The below Gaelic boy names list will catch the attention of all those who love the Irish or Scottish culture or who hail from these regions. Just look at this list and choose mind blowing attractive name
Gaelic Baby Names
Gaelic Last Names
Give a touch to the below list, where you are going to find a lot of perfect and cool last names for yourself and for newborn babies as well
Old Gaelic Names
Old Gaelic names are steeped in history, often dating back centuries to ancient Celtic times. These names offer a glimpse into the past, carrying with them the stories and traditions of their origins.
Irish Gaelic Names Boy
Below we have rounded up the best, most popular, and unique list of Irish and Gaelic names for boys. This list has been compiled after researching baby names hardly from different sources
Gaelic Names Meaning
Here is the detailed list of Gaelic names for your baby girls and baby boys along with meanings
Gaelic Names Start With A and B
Names | Meanings |
Adair Adaire Adare Aifric Ailbhe Ailean Ailen Ailfryd Ailis Ailiue Ainsley Alasdair Alastair Alastar Alby Allie Angis Angus Annag Aodh Aodhan Aodhán Aoibh Aoibhe Aoibheann Aoibhinn Apirka Arlen Arregaithel Art Artur Aselma Athdar Athdara Bacstair Bailefour Baillidh Bain Bainbrydge Bairre Banagher Bayrd Beagan Beathan Bebinn Blaire Boyd Braden Brenda Brendan Brendin Brexton Brigid Brody Brom Bronagh Brothaigh Brus Buadhachan Buchanan Buidhe | Ford at the oak tree Wealthy spear or oak grove From the oak tree ford Pleasant Noble, bright Rock Handsome Elf or magical counsel Noble Diminutive of Ailis From Ann’s meadow Defender of men Defender Defending men White Light A strong and masculine man Strength Graceful Fire Bringer of fire Little fire Beautiful, radiant Life, or beauty Beautiful sheen Beautiful sheen Pleasant Pledge From the land of the Gaels Rock Rock Fair From the oak tree ford From the oak tree ford Baker From the pasture land Steward Lives near the clear stream One who lives bear white water Fair-haired Pointed Hill One who Sings Ballads Little one Life, existence Fair woman Dweller on the plain One with yellow hair One who is as sleek as a salmon A sharp weapon; a sword Prince Prince Freckled Strength or exalted one Broad eye Raven Sorrow From Brodie From Bruys Victorious House of the canon Blond |
Gaelic Names Start With C and D
Names | Meanings |
Caci Cadhla Caillen Caireann Cairistiona Caitriona Callum Cameron Campbell Caoimhe Caolan Cara Carlin Carrig Casey Cassidy Cathal Catriona Caydran Caydren Chay Chevaune Ciaran Ciarran Cillian Clell Cliodhna Codie Conall Conan Connor Corey Corey Cori Coulter Cronan Cross Culkin Cullin Cully Cunningham Curra Curran Currin Curry Dace Dacia Daeg Daegan Dagen Daithi Dalas Dall Dallas Daly Daran Darce Dearbhla Desmond Diarmuid Donella Donn Donnacha Dooley Dorene Dorrin Douglas Drust Dubhglas Dughall Duncan Dympna | Brave Beautiful Child Little friend Follower of Christ Pure Dove Crooked nose Crooked mouth Beautiful Slender Friend Warrior Rock Brave in battle Curly-haired Ruler of battle Pure and chaste The spirit of the battle One having spirit of battle A fairy tale The gracious God Little dark one One who is dark and dusky War strife or church Descendant of the wolf family Shapely The son of Oda Brave wolf Little wolf Lover of wolves A boiling, foaming pool God’s peace, chosen one A turbulent Foal, Playful, Energetic Slightly dark one Cross or the Crucifix Oilcan’s son Good looking man Who dwells in the Wood Village with Milk, leader Spear; Hero Spear Variant of Curran A sharp dagger One from the South, noble The one from South First thing of the morning Hairy and black The one who is dark-haired Swiftness Meadow, house The wise one Meadow dwelling Together forever Great personality master The dark one Daughter of the poet Of the world Without enemy Ruler of the world Brown Brown-haired warrior Dark hero Ann Sullen, tempest Black stream Situation of riot Dark water Dark stranger Dark warrior A good natured person |
Gaelic Names Start With E and F
Names | Meanings |
Eabha Eachthighearn Ealadhach Ealuvig Eaman Eamon Eamonn Edin Edna Eibhlin Eilidh Eimear Eithne Enda Ennis Enya Erian Ernan Erv Ervin Etain Ethne Ethney Eurddolad Everd Fallon Faraday Farker Farrell Fergal Fergus Fiachna Fiadh Fidelma Fillan Fin Finbar Findlay Fineen Fingal Finley Finlo Fionnghuala Firas Flann Frangag Frannsaidh | Life Horse lord Genius Ruler of the home Earnest Rich protector Rich protector Rich friend Delicate Hazelnut Light Swift A kernel Freedom of spirit Island Little seed Someone from Ireland Iron High cliff or fresh water Fresh water or beautiful Jealous A Gaelic word for fire Fire A Gaelic word for justice Brave boar or strong boar Leader Wood man Beloved man Man of valor Brave, manly The strong one A raven-like woman Wild Beauty A little Wolf A person who is fair Fair-haired Small blond soldier A light-colored child A fair Stranger who is powerful Fair hero or Fair one Fair Lugh Flower Highly insightful and astute Red haired Free Frank |
Gaelic Names Start With G and H
Names | Meanings |
Gabhan Gaelan Gaelbhan Gair Gairbhith Galagars Galaway Galchobhar Galen Gall Gallgaidheal Galway Galyn Gannon Gaothaire Garbhach Garran Gaur Glenn Glenn Healy Heurle Holcombe Hormat Hurly | Gaelic form of Gavin Tranquil Sparrow or white Short Rough A helpful person who is glorious Of the strange Gauls Eager helper Calm Stranger Of the strange Gauls Of the strange Gauls Tranquil Fair skinned Free wind Rough Means castrated male horse Short A narrow valley Valley Ingenious A tide of the sea A Surname in old British Honour Tide |
Gaelic Names Start With I and K
Names | Meanings |
Iain Ide Innes Irving Iseabal Iseult Ita Kaelin Kailla Kaine Kale Kalene Kamren Karolus Kayne Kearn Keefe Keegan Keelan Keely Keenan Kelly Kennedy Kenneth Kerrie Kevina Kian Kilian Killian Kirwan Kyla Kyna | God’s gracious gift Thirst From the river island Handsome Devoted to God She who is gazed upon Thirsty Slender; fair Form of Caelan Kailla means Narrow Tribute Affectionate, Calm Feminine of Kyle Crooked Nose ChampionStrong Tribute Little dark Lovable and handsome Little fierce one Slender; fair Beautiful Ancient one, old soul Bright-headed Helmeted leader Handsome Ciar’s people Lively, beloved Ancient Little church Little church Dark one Slender Goose |
Gaelic Names Start With L and M
Names | Meanings |
Laisren Laoise Lee Leslee Leslie Lesly Liadain Liadan Liadawn Liam Liban Liusaidh Loch Loghan Loman lomar Lonn Lorcan Lucas Luthais Mab Mac a’bhaird Mac a’bhiadhtaiche Mac Adhaimh Mac Ailean Mac Alasdair Mac an Aba Mac an Bharain Mac an Bhreatannai Mac Artuir Mac Asgaill Mac Bhriain Mac Ghille Bhuidhe Mac Ghille Dhuibh Mac Ghille Dhuinn Mac Ghille Easpuig Mac Nair MacAdam Macarthur Mael Maille Maioc Mairead Mairghread Mairi Malise Malvina Marcaeus Marcus Marsaili Marsali Matherson Mckenna Meabh Meara Monahan Mor Morag Muir Muireall Muireann Muirenn Mungan Mungo Murchadh Murthuile | Flame Light Poem A tree found in the gardens Holly-garden A religious, sacred garden A lady of grey hair A woman of grey hair A grey lady from Irish folklore Strong protector Paragon of women Warrior A Gaelic word for a Lake From the hollow A bare and empty place Archer Fierce Little, fierce Light Famous in battle Joy Son of Baird Son of Bhaid taches Son of Adam Son of the handsome man Son of Alasdair Son of the Father Son of the noble warrior Son of the Briton Son of Arthur Son of Asgaill Son of the strong One who serves the blond one Who serves the dark man Who serves Brown Who serves the sacred one Son of an heir Son of Adam Son of Arthur Disciple, Chief, Prince Pearl A name given to the good god Pearl Gaelic name for a pearl Beloved Follower of Jesus Smooth brow A man who is like the hammer A shining hammer A dame that is as beautiful as a pearl A maiden who is like a pearl The some of the one who is like a bear Beloved of Aodh She who intoxicates Sea A servant of the monastery Great Great Moorland Bitter Sea white, sea fair Beloved Gaelic form of Mungo Amiable, beloved Protector of the sea Sea tide |
Gaelic Names Start With N and O
Names | Meanings |
Naoise Nara Neacal Neal Neall Neely Neil Nessa Nevin Nialla Nigel Nigella Niniane Nola Nolan Nora Nuala Odhran Onora Oonagh Orlagh Orlaith Owen | One who is a King Happy People’s victory Champion Champion Champion Cloak, little cape Not-gentle one Little bone Supporter, winner Victor, winner, dark The name of the flower One who always rises up Who has fair complexion Noble Honor, light Shoulder Little green one Honor Lamb The feelings of great warmth Golden princess Of noble descent |
Gaelic Names Start With P and Q
Names | Meanings |
Padraig Padruig Parlan Parthalan Peadar Peigi Pharrell Phelan Piaras Pol Proinsias Quin Quinlee Quinley Quinna Quinnell Quinney | Patrician, noble Gaelic form of Patrick Ploughman, farmer Son of the furrows Gaelic form of Peter Peg A superior and heroic man Little wolf Rock Little Frank Counsel Variant of Quinn Woman of wisdom She who is intelligent A reasonable person Counsel Variant of Quinn Son of Crafty |
Gaelic Names Start With R and S
Names | Meanings |
Raghallach Raghnailt Raghnall Ragnall Raibeart Raonaid Raonaild Ray Reagan Regan Renny Rhoswen Riane Riley Rioghbhardan Rionach Risteard Roane Roisin Rona Ronan Ronell Ronelle Ronn Ronny Rosina Ross Rowan Royan Ruadhan Ruairi Ry Ryesen Sadhbh Samaire Saorla Saorlaith Sayre Scully Seamus Sean Sean Seath Seersha Senan Seoras Shauna Shavon Shaw Sheehan Shena Sherey Sherrod Shona Sinead Siobhan Sloane Sorley Stiabhan Sully Sweeny | Valiant Battle counsel Mighty power Powerful gods Gaelic form of Robert Ewe Ewe Son of grace The king’s child Little king Small but mighty White rose Little king From a rye meadow Royal bard Queen Gaelic form of Richard Red-haired; red Little rose Might Little seal To rule people by advise One whose advices give power Counsel ruler Who owns the legendary lands Woman who is like a little rose Highland Red-one Those whose hair is red Red-haired Oak tree A little king She who is courageous Lovely The drowning Sun A princess Free-born woman Occupational name A town crier Replacement, bonus Gift from God Gracious god Wolfish One who is free Old Farmer God is gracious One who is open-minded Wolf The peaceful one God is gracious Foal A wild man God is merciful God forgives God is gracious Raider Summer wanderer Gaelic form of Stephen To stain Little hero |
Gaelic Names Start With T and U
Names | Meanings |
Tadhg Taggart Taithleach Teaghan Tearly Teasagh Teimhnean Tenille Tennille Tera Teranika Terrence Tiernan Tierney Tioboid Tiree Tomas Torian Tormod Torphin Torrance Torri Tosh Trevor Triona Tristin Triston Tully Tynan Uilleam Uisdean Una | Poet Son of a prelate Quiet Little poet Manly God is gracious Dark She who brings light The light Crag, hill Victory of the Earth From the knolls Little lord Lord Bold Land of corn Twin The chief, or the head From the north A male descendant of Thor From the knolls A form of tori A chief or a leader Prudent A pure, unpolluted Tumult Tumult Peaceful Dark Helmeted Intelligent Gaelic forms of Agnes |
Gaelic Names Start With V, W, and Z
Names | Meanings |
Vevila Whelan Zayden | A woman with a melodious voice Young wolf Little fire |
The allure of Gaelic baby names lies in their timeless appeal and cultural depth. We hope this selection has inspired you to choose a name that carries both tradition and individuality for your little one.
Have you found the perfect Gaelic name for your baby? We’d love to hear which one and why. Please share this list with others who might be searching for a name with rich cultural significance, and stay connected with us for more naming ideas and inspiration.
What are some popular Gaelic kids names?
Popular Gaelic kids names include Liam, Siobhan, Ronan, Maeve, and Declan.
Can you suggest unique Gaelic kids names?
Unique Gaelic names include Nuala, Cormac, Aisling, Fintan, and Orlaith.
What are some traditional Gaelic kids names?
Traditional Gaelic kids names include Tadhg, Grainne, Eithne, Donnacha, and Colm.
Are there modern Gaelic names?
Modern Gaelic names include Quinn, Erin, Keegan, Fallon, and Sloane.
Irish Baby Girl Names with Pronunciation