French word names are renowned for their elegance, beauty, and deep meanings. Using a French word as a name can set your identity apart, adding a touch of sophistication and charm. Explore our comprehensive list to find the perfect French word name that resonates with your personality and style.
Girl French Names
Are you searching for French names for your newborn baby, we appreciate your choice as French names are more popular among European countries. In fact, most USA names are European. In this list, we have compiled all the best, unique, and classy French names for your baby girl
French Names Male
French names like François, Étienne, and Stéphane are popular and classic names among Europeans, Especially in the French region. Here we have listed all popular and attractive French male names
Unique French Names
Old French Names
Catchy Names in French
French girl names are extremely catchy because of a French actress named “Brigitte Bardot”. Our list has a lot of catchy and popular names for your baby girl
French Names with Meanings
French names have deep and splendid meanings as well, here is a list of baby names with their significant meanings
Names | Meanings |
Abigail | Father’S Joy |
Abrielle | Woman Of God |
Aceline | Noblewoman |
Adalaide | Noble Person |
Adalene | Person Of Aristocracy |
Adaline | Kind-Hearted Person |
Adel | Noble Or Elite |
Adélaïde | Noble |
Adrienne | From The City Of Hadria |
Agathe | Kind |
Agnès | Pure |
Albertine | Noble And Bright |
Alexandrine | Defending Men |
Alice | Truth |
Alodie | Wealthy |
Alouette | Lark |
Alphosine | Noble And Ready |
Amalie | Hardworking And Curious |
Amandine | Much Loved |
Amaranthe | Flower |
Ambre | Jewel |
Amelie | Hardworking |
Amory | Love |
Amy | Beloved |
Anaïs | Gracious, Merciful |
Anaïs | Grace |
Anastasie | Resurrection |
Andrée | Brave |
Anelise | Devoted To God |
Angeline | Angelic |
Angélique | Messenger |
Annabelle | Loving |
Anne | Gracious |
Anneau | A Ring |
Antoinette | Praiseworthy |
Aramis | From France |
Argent | Silver |
Arielle | Lion Of God |
Armande | Army Man |
Armistice | Truce, Ceasefire |
Aubrey | Elf Ruler |
Audette | Bird |
Audrey | Noble Strength |
Augustine | Venerable |
Aurelie | Golden |
Aurore | Goddess Of Dawn |
Aveline | Little Hazelnut Tree |
Avice | Refuge In Battle |
Avriel | Spring |
Axel | My Father Is Peace |
Baptiste | Baptist |
Barbe | Foreigner |
Basile | Regal |
Beau | Handsome |
Bechette | Little Spade |
Belle | Beautiful |
Bernadette | Brave As A Bear |
Berthe | Bright |
Bichette | Little Doe |
Blanche | White |
Bleu | Blue |
Blisse | Delight |
Brielle | Hunting Grounds |
Brigitte | Magnificent And Great |
Bistro | Relatively Simple Restaurant |
Cadeau | Gift |
Camille | Young Ceremonial Attendant |
Capucine | Cape |
Carole | Strong Woman |
Carolina | Free Man |
Caroline | Strong |
Catherine | Pure And Clear |
Cécile | Blind |
Celeste | Heavenly |
Celine | Heaven |
Cerise | Cherry |
Cezanne | Big Flower |
Chandler | Maker Of Candles |
Chanel | From The Canal |
Chantae | Sweet Song |
Chantal | Stone For Building |
Charlotte | Strong And Free |
Charnell | Burial Place |
Cherie | Darling |
Cherie | Loved One |
Chloe | Green Shoot |
Chloé | Flourishing |
Christine | Follower Of Christ |
Ciel | Sky |
Clarette | Clear And Bright |
Claudine | Lame |
Clémence | Merciful |
Cléore | Glory |
Clotilde | Famous In Battle |
Colette | People Of Victory |
Constance | Constancy |
Coralie | Coral |
Corinne | Maiden |
Cosette | Something Small And Tiny |
Danielle | God Is The Judge |
Darel | One Who Is Tenderly Loved |
Delphine | Dolphin |
Denise | Devoted To The Wine God |
Desiree | Desired And Longed For |
Dimanche | Sunday |
Dior | A Beautiful Present |
Dominique | Belonging To The Lord |
Doré | Gilded |
Édelie | Having High Principles |
Édith | Blessed With Riches |
Eglantine | Wild Rose |
Elaina | Bright, Shining Light |
Elaine | Shining Light |
Elayne | Ray Of Light |
Elie | The Lord Is My God |
Elise | Pledged To God |
Elle | She |
Elloise | Famous In War |
Elodie | Foreign Riches |
Eloise | Healthy |
Ember | Amber |
Émilie | Excelling In All Things |
Emma | Whole |
Épiphanie | Realization |
Esmée | Esteemed |
Estee | Estelle |
Estelle | Star |
Étiennette | Woman With Crown |
Eugénie | Well-Born |
Eulalie | Sweetly Speaking |
Fabrique | Factory |
Fayette | Little Fairy |
Félice | Lucky |
Fernande | Traveller |
Fille | Baby Girl |
Fleurine | To Flow |
Florentine | Blossoming |
Fosette | Dimpled |
Frederique | Peaceful Ruler |
Gabrielle | God Is My Strength |
Gail | Lively |
Galette | Pancake |
Gene | Born To Nobility |
Geneve | Of The Race Of Women |
Genevieve | Tribe Woman |
Georgette | Farmer |
Gertrude | Strength |
Giselle | Promise |
Hélène | Bright And Shining |
Héloïse | Famous Warrior |
Henriette | Home Ruler |
Honorine | Woman Of Honor |
Hortense | Gardener |
Hughette | Bright In Mind And Spirit |
Illuminée | Illuminated |
Inaya | Care |
Inés | Chaste And Pure |
Jacqueline | Supplanter |
Jade | Jade Stone |
Janvier | January |
Jeanne | God Is Gracious |
Jeryn | The Chosen One |
Jeton | Token |
Jeune | Young |
Jewel | Pretty |
Jocelin | Little Goth |
Joie | Joy |
Josephine | Jehovah Increases |
Jules | Youthful |
Jumelle | Twin Or Binoculars |
Léa | Weary |
Leon | Lion |
Lexique | Lexicon |
Liana | Climb Like A Vine |
Lille | Lily |
Lizette | Consecrated In God |
Lorraine | From The Province Of Lorraine |
Louise | Brave Warrior |
Lourdes | From The Town Of Lourdes |
Lucie | Illuminating And Light |
Lucienne | Light |
Luna | Moon |
Lunette | Little Moon |
Lydie | Maiden From Lydia, Greece |
Madeleine | Woman From Magdala |
Maëlle | Princess |
Maëlys | Chief |
Magalie | Pearl |
Mai | Coyote |
Maison | House |
Mallory | Unfortunate |
Manette | Sea Of Bitterness |
Manon | Bitter |
Mardi | Tuesday |
Marie | Star From The Sea Of Bitterness |
Marin | Of The Sea |
Marlène | Graceful Star Of The Sea |
Mathilde | Strength In Battle |
Mauve | Violet-Colored |
Mavie | My Life |
Mélanie | Little Dark-Haired Girl |
Meline | Little Honey |
Mia | Beauty |
Michelle | Who Is Like God |
Miel | Honey |
Miette | Crumb |
Mirabelle | Marvelous |
Mirabelle | Plum |
Mirielle | To Admire |
Monet | To Be Heard |
Monique | Wise Counselor And Advisor |
Nadine | Hope |
Natalie | Birthday Of The Lord |
Nathalie | Born On Christmas Day |
Neige | Snow |
Nicolette | Victory Of The People |
Ninette | God’S Valuable Talent |
Noelle | Christmas |
Noémie | Pleasant and Lovely |
Océane | Ocean |
Octavie | Eighth |
Odette | Praise God |
Ottilie | Prosperous In Battle |
Parc | Park |
Paris | A Name That Refers To The City |
Patrice | Born Into Nobility |
Pauline | Petite And Small |
Philomène | Loved |
Pierrette | Rock |
Plaire | To Please |
Pomme | Apple |
Quay | Wharf |
Reine | Queen |
Renard | Fox |
Renée | Reborn |
Risette | Pleasant Little Laugh |
Rivage | Shore |
Rivera | River |
Rochelle | Woman Who Is Like A Rock |
Romilly | From Rome |
Rosalee | Garden Full Of Roses |
Rosalie | Rose |
Rose | After The Flower Of Love. |
Roux | Russet |
Rue | Herb; Regret |
Rusti | Red Head |
Sabine | Woman |
Sage | Mature Man Of Sound Judgment |
Saison | Season |
Salomé | Peace |
Severine | Stern Person |
Seychelle | Island |
Sidonie | Follower Of Saint Denys |
Simone | She Heard |
Sofiane | One Who Walks Fast |
Solange | Solemn |
Soleil | Sun |
Soline | Religious |
Sophie | Wisdom |
Stella | Estella |
Stéphane | Crown Of Glory |
Suzette | Graceful Like A Lily |
Sydney | Saint-Denis |
Sylvie | From The Forest |
Talon | Large Claw Of A Bird Of Prey |
Terre | Earth |
Thérèse | To Reap |
Triolet | Short Verse Poem |
Velouté | Velvety |
Véronique | True Image |
Victoire | Victory |
Violette | Purple |
Violette | Violet |
Virginie | Pure Maiden |
Vivienne | Life |
Vrai | True |
Yvette | Yew |
Yvonne | Yew Wood |
Popular French Word Names
Popular French word names are widely recognized and loved. These names are timeless and carry beautiful meanings.
- Amour (Love): Represents love and affection.
- Beau (Beautiful): Indicates beauty.
- Clair (Clear, Light): Represents clarity and light.
- Cher (Dear): A term of endearment.
- Roux (Red): Typically used to describe someone with red hair.
- Soleil (Sun): Brings light and warmth.
- Paix (Peace): Symbolizes tranquility.
- Gai (Gay, Happy): Represents happiness and joy.
- Roi (King): Symbolizes royalty.
- Éclair (Lightning): Represents speed and brightness.
Elegant French Word Names
Elegant French word names exude sophistication and charm. These names are perfect for those who want a name that is refined and stylish.
- Chérie (Dear): Expresses tenderness and affection.
- Jolie (Pretty): Indicates prettiness and charm.
- Belle (Beautiful): Classic representation of beauty.
- Noble (Noble): Symbolizes dignity and grace.
- Adoré (Adored): Indicates love and admiration.
- Magnifique (Magnificent): Represents grandeur and splendor.
- Gracieuse (Graceful): Denotes elegance and poise.
- Divine (Divine): Symbolizes heavenly beauty.
- Charmant (Charming): Indicates attractiveness and allure.
- Harmonieuse (Harmonious): Represents balance and beauty.
Beautiful French Word Names
Beautiful French word names are aesthetically pleasing and carry lovely meanings. These names evoke positive emotions and are charming to both hear and say.
- Charmant (Charming): Denotes charm and allure.
- Douce (Sweet): Represents sweetness and kindness.
- Lumière (Light): Symbolizes enlightenment and brilliance.
- Sérénité (Serenity): Denotes calmness and peace.
- Élégant (Elegant): Represents sophistication and grace.
- Aimable (Friendly): Indicates friendliness and affability.
- Parfait (Perfect): Symbolizes flawlessness.
- Bonté (Goodness): Represents kindness and virtue.
- Volupté (Delight): Symbolizes pleasure and indulgence.
- Jouissance (Joy): Represents joy and happiness.
French Word Names with Deep Meanings
French word names with deep meanings offer profound symbolism and cultural significance. These names often carry historical, philosophical, or emotional weight.
- Espoir (Hope): Represents hope and optimism.
- Liberté (Freedom): Symbolizes freedom and independence.
- Révélation (Revelation): Indicates enlightenment and discovery.
- Éternité (Eternity): Denotes timelessness.
- Victoire (Victory): Symbolizes triumph and success.
- Sagesse (Wisdom): Represents knowledge and prudence.
- Courageux (Courageous): Indicates bravery and strength.
- Honneur (Honor): Represents dignity and respect.
- Félicité (Happiness): Denotes bliss and joy.
- Héritage (Heritage): Symbolizes legacy and ancestry
In the world of branding, a French word name can be a powerful asset. It’s a choice that can infuse elegance, evoke emotions, and open doors to international markets. However, it comes with its challenges, from cultural sensitivity to pronunciation issues.
By carefully selecting and protecting your French word name, you can harness its unique allure to elevate your brand to new heights.