It’s pretty hard to find the perfect Dutch Names For Boys There are so many different names out there. And in the end, you will choose a name that sounds good to you and fits your family.
Some parents feel pressure to choose a name that will make their child stand out. And some parents just don’t like the name that is being proposed by the parents of their friends.
Unique Dutch Boy Names and Meanings A – Z
Here are Dutch Names with Meanings From A to Z so you can get from any chosen alphabet
Dutch Names Start With A, B and C
Names | Meanings |
Aart Abbe Abel Adrianus Albert Aldert Ambroos Ambrosius Andries Anton Arie Arne Arnoud Augustijn Aya Barend Bart Bartel Bartholomeus Bas Basilius Berend Berg Bleecker Boaz Bonifacius Boris Boudewijin Boudewijn Bram Cas Casper Cecilius Christoffel Claudios Clementius Coen Cort | Strong and powerful Nobleman Willing From hadria Noble, bright, famous Noble or resolute Ambrosios Divine Man Priceless, inestimable, praiseworthy Lion, lion of god Ruler, strong as an eagle Eagle ruler, eagle power Venerable, to increase Bird Bear Son of the earth Having many furrows Farmer Revered, royal, kingly Kingly Brave Mountain Bleacher of cloth Swiftness Does good To fight Brave Bold and brave friend Father of multitudes Imperial Bringer of treasure Blind Bearing christ Lame Merciful Bold advisor Able council |
Dutch Names Start With D, E and F
Names | Meanings |
Daan Daley Danique Dedrick Dehaan Deman Devisser Devoss Devries Dewitt Diederik Dion Dirk Duuk Dwight Eduart Egbert Egidius Elmo Espen Eugenius Eustatius Everhart Fabian Fedde Filip Finn Florian Floris | God is my judge Assembly, gathering Morning star Gifted ruler Cock or rooster Man Fisherman Fox Frisian Blond, white complexion Ruler of people Child of heaven and earth Ruler of the people British nobleman Blond Rich guard Bright edge of a sword Youthful To love, protector Bear of god Noble Peaceful Brave boar Bean grower Peace Lover of horses Fair, white, clear Flowering Prosperous |
Dutch Names Start With G and H
Names | Meanings |
Garritt GeldeFsman Gem Gerben Gerrit Gerritt Gervaas Godewyn Gottfried Gotthard Gregor Groot Guus Hank Hanson Hauke Hendrik Hennie Henrick Henrik Herold Hidde Hiddie Hugo | Rules by the spear From Guelders A jewel Spear bear Brave spearman Rules by the spear War eagerness Good friend Divinely peaceful Divinely firm Vigilant Large Staff of the goths Rules his household Variant of john Spirit, mind Home ruler Home ruler Rules the home Home ruler Strong fighter Battle Battle Mind, intellect |
Dutch Names Start With J and K
Names | Meanings |
Jaap Jack Jaco Jacob Jacobus Jakob Jan Jansen Jari Jasper Jelke Jelle Jen Jeremy Jesse Jilt Jip Joah Job Johan Johannes Joost Joris Jost Julian Jürgen Jurre Kaj Karel Kees Kilian Klaas Koen Koenraad Kornel Kort Krisoijn Kyler | Supplanter Man Following after, to follow Supplanter, may god protect Protector Supplanter God is gracious Jehovah has been gracious Helmet protector Treasurer, treasure keeper Jupiter’s child, downy Sacrifice Dutch form of john Medieval Gift, wealth Money Shining pledge Brother of god Persecuted God is gracious God is gracious Yoost Farmer Just Youth Farmer, earth-worker Brave spearman Earth Manly, free man Calm Little warrior, church Victor of the people Bold advisor Bold Kingly, like a horn Form of curt Curly haired Archer |
Dutch Names Start With L and M
Names | Meanings |
Lange Larry Lars Larz Laurens Lauritz Lenn Levi Lex Liam Lodewijk Luca Lucas Luuk Maarten Mads Markos Markus Mats Maxim Mees Meese Milan Mogens | Tall Laurel Crowned with laurel Laurel From the place of the laurel trees Laurel Brave lion Joining adhesion Defending men Resolute protector Famous warrior Man from lucania Light Man from lucania Fondness of war Gift of god Of mars Dedicated to mars Gift of god Greatest Son of talmai Farmer Gracious, dear Power |
Dutch Names Start With N, O, P and R
Names | Meanings |
Nerve Nicolaas Noach Noah Noud Olaf Olivier Olric Omer Oscar Pascal Pauel Paulsen Pepijn Pieter Pim Raf Ravi Rayan Rik Rikke Riley Roan Robbert Roosevelt Ruben Rutger Ruud | Strong Victor of the people Comfort Rest, comfort Ruler; strong as an eagle Ancestor’s descendent Olive tree Wolf ruler, ruler of all Sheaf of corn Deer friend, champion warrior Relating to easter Little Son of paul Awe-inspiring Rock Resolute protection God’s heals Sun, conferring Land that is lush and rich in water Rich, powerful Variant of Richard Rye clearing Little redhead Famously famous Field of roses Behold, a son Renowned spearman Famous wolf, clearing |
Dutch Names Start With S, T and V
Names | Meanings |
Saar Sander Schuyler Schylar Schyler Sebastiaan Sef Sem Sepp Siem Simon Sjef Sjors Sky Smedt Smid Smit Stijn Stille Sven Sverre TenEyck TerHeide Theodorus Thijs Tiebout Ties Timo Tycho Tygo Valentijn VanAken Vanderbilt Vanderpool VanNess Verbnigge Vic Viggo Vigo Vik Vogel Vromme Vsnderveer Vsndyke VsnEych | Storm Zander Shelter; scholar Scholar Scholar Venerable one Jehovah increases Name, renown He will add, god increases The listener Listen, hearing Addition Farmer Atmosphere seen from earth Smith Smith Smith Exalted, venerable Silent Young man, young warrior Wild swinging, troublemaker Lives at the oak Lives at the heath Gift from god Gift of god Bold Gift of god Honoring god Hitting the mark Luck, fortune Strength, health From aachen From the hill From the pool Of the headland From the bridge Conqueror Warrior Settlement Conqueror Bird Wise From the ferry From the dike From the osk |
Dutch Names Start With W, X, Y and Z
Names | Meanings |
Wagner Wevers Willem Wit Wolter Woudman Wout Xander Xavi Yannick Zeeman | Wagon driver Weaver Guardian, resolute protector White Powerful warrior Forester Army ruler Defender of man The new house God is gracious Sea man |
Dutch Boy Names 1800s
There are many other Dutch Boy names that were popular in the 1800s. Some of the most popular Dutch Boy names are Pieter Jan, Jacob, and Willem. The following are some of the most popular Dutch baby names
Traditional Dutch Names
if you want to choose a name that means something nice to your baby, choose a name from this list.
Old Dutch Names Male
Rare Dutch Boy Names
There are a lot of Common Dutch baby boy names that are unique and hard to find. Here are some of the most popular strong Dutch boy names of the past 100 years.
Black Dutch Boy Names
If your baby’s name is coming from a culture that has a different naming system, you may want to consider the language’s naming convention. For example, if your baby’s name is coming from the Dutch language, you would want to consider the names of boys in the Dutch language.
Here you will find a list of the most popular names for boys in the Dutch language.
The Dutch have a long tradition of naming their children after religious figures. Many of these names are not found in other countries, such as “Jodocus” or “Hendrik”. The Dutch are fond of giving their children Dutch surnames as well as first names.
This is because they have a strong sense of personal identity. This means that it is not uncommon for Dutch people to use two names, one as a first name and the other as a surname.
Netherland Male Names
what are common Dutch names?
The most common Dutch name is Jan, which is short for Johannes. Other Dutch names include Hans, Pieter, Marinus, Joep, and Kees.
what does the name Dutch mean?
from the Netherlands
What are the most common Dutch last names?
The most common Dutch last names are de Jong, de Vries, van den Berg, van der Berg, van den Berg, and de Vries.
what is the Dutch name for Santa claus??
The Dutch name for Santa Claus is Sinterklaas
Dutch Names For Boys
In this article, I’m going to share with you names that are really popular for boys and will make your son stand out from the crowd. So if you want to name your son something cool and different and have a fun time doing it, read on for Name Ideas
I’m not sure about you, but when it comes to naming your children, I think that it’s important to pick names that are meaningful and memorable. The name of your child should be something that you can cherish and that your child will grow up with.
There are lots of ways to choose a name for your child. You could choose a name based on a popular celebrity or you could choose a name that you like the sound of, or a name that you think will have a good meaning.