Names hold a profound significance in Danish culture, serving as more than mere labels they are integral to identity and heritage. Danish naming customs are deeply rooted in tradition and reflect the nation’s rich history. This article delves into the captivating world of Danish names for girls, exploring the cultural nuances, popularity, and unique stories behind each appellation.
Unique Danish Girl Names
Danish names often combine simplicity with elegance, reflecting the beauty of Scandinavian culture. These names are known for their classic yet modern appeal, making them timeless choices.

Best Danish Baby Names
The best Danish baby names are chosen for their cultural significance, ease of pronunciation, and positive meanings. These names often reflect Denmark’s rich history and modern trends.
Danish Last Names
Danish last names often have roots in patronymics, nature, or occupations, reflecting the country’s history and traditions. These names carry a strong sense of identity and heritage.
Danish Names Generator
A Danish names generator offers a wide range of name options, from traditional to contemporary, helping you discover the perfect Danish name. It’s a valuable tool for finding names with cultural depth and meaning.
Popular Danish Names
Popular Danish names are those currently trending in Denmark, often reflecting the country’s evolving culture and societal influences. These names are loved for their modern yet traditional feel.
Most Common Danish Names
The most common Danish names are those frequently used across Denmark, representing a blend of tradition and modernity. These names are popular for their familiarity and cultural resonance.
Top Danish Girl Names and Meanings
Top Danish names for girls and their meanings offer insight into the cultural and historical significance of these names. These names are often chosen for their beauty, simplicity, and meaningful associations. We have listed Danish baby girl’s names from A to Z for you so you do not need to waste your time.
Danish Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Aaliyah Aase Abbie Abby Abela Abellona Abelone Abi Ada Adda Addie Adela Adelaide Adele Adèle Adelf Adelia Adelina Adeline Adi Adia Adie Adina Adriana Adriane Adrianna Adrianne Agnes Agneta Agnete Aksel Alba Alberte Alexander Alfred Alma Almira Alvilda Amalie Amberson Amelia Andrea Andriette Ane Angelika Anika Anja Anna Anne Annegrete Annegrethe Anniken Aren Arne Arthur Arvada Ase Åse Asmund Asta Astrid August Aya | Rising Tree covered mountain Joy of the father My father is joyful Person crowned with laurels Relaxation, restful Unknown Strong Graceful and noble Adornment Noble Noble Noble kind or type Noble Nobility Judge, honest, upright, justice Noble kind or type Noble Noble First Gift Noble Noble, gentle, delicate Sea or water Dark A person from hydria Of the Adriatic Pure Pure Chaste The father is peace White, pearl or bright Noble and bright Defender of men Elfin counsellor Alums Princess Battle of the elves Work Power, vigor One who is hard working Manly Strong and brave Gracious, merciful Angel or messenger Gracious Anya Channah Grace God is gracious Grace pearl The graceful Eagle Eagle, ruler Courageous, noble Eagle God like Goddess Protection Strength Extremely beautiful Majestic dignity Design |
Danish Names Start With B and C
Names | Meanings |
Belinde Bendt Benedikte Bente Berde Bergitte Bergliot Berit Bertram Betina Birger Birgita Birte Birthe Bjørk Bjorn Blenda Bo Bodil Britt Caja Camilla Carl Caroline Carryn Caryne Carynn Casper Cathrine Catrine Cecilia Cecilie Cesilie Charlotte Christa Christen Christer Christian Christiansen Christine Cille Clara | Very beautiful The blessed one Blessed Blessed A glacier Power, strength Mountain ugly The exalted one Glorious raven Trustworthy One who helps Strength Powerful, strong Strength, saver, rescuer Birch Bear Dazzling bright Commanding Remedy and battle Powerful, strong Pure Unknown Strong man Strong Free woman Pure woman She of pure nature King of treasure Pure Pure Blind Blind Happy one Free woman,petite, feminine Follower of christ Christian man Christian man Carrier of the cross Son of the Christiaan Christian, follower of christ Blinded or blind Bright and clear |
Danish Names Start With D and E
Names | Meanings |
Dag Dagmar Dana Dania Danika Denesha Denisha Ditte Dorete Dorothea Dorte Dorthe Dotta Dottir Ebba Edda Edith Edvard Edvin Einar Elegant Eleonora Elias Elin Elina Elise Ella Ellen Ellie Ellinor Elliot Elna Else Elva Embla Emil Emilie Emily Emma Erika Erling Esther Estrid Eva | Day Day maid Generosity God is my judge Morning star God of the day, the sun Devotee of Dionysus Wealth, gift of god She who traps and baits people Gift of god God’s gift it can also mean Gift of god Daughter Daughter Strong Great grandmother Riches, blessed Wealthy guard Rich or wealthy friend One who fights alone Lark God is my light Yahweh is my god Torch of light Torch Promise of god Queen of the fairies Ellen Eleanor Sympathy, compassion God is high Ray of sunlight Promise of god Elf, rivers Elm Industrious Rival Emulous Whole Ever or eternal ruler Nobleman’s offspring Hide God and beautiful Life |
Danish Names Start With F and G
Names | Meanings |
Felix Filippa Frans Franz Frederik Frederikke Freja Freydis Frida Fritha Frode Fylla Gelsomina Georg Gera Gerd Gertrud Gitte Gregers Gregos Grete Grethe Gro Gry Gudrun Gull Gunda Gunhild | The lucky one Friend of horses, horse lover Free Free Peaceful ruler Peaceful ruler Noblewoman Goddess, priestess Frid Protection Wise and clever To fill Jasmine Farming man Spear Enclosed Spear The exalted one Awake or watchful Watchful Pearl Pearl Grow Gry God’s secret lore Goddess War like War and battle |
Danish Names Start With H and I
Names | Meanings |
Hagen Hannah Hanne Harald Hedda Hedvig Hege Heidi Helena Helene Helga Hella Helle Hemming Henriette Hilda Hjørdis Hulda Ida Idun Inga Inge Ingebjørg Isabella Isabelle | The highest son Grace Grace Army leader Refuge in battle Contention, strife Holy Nobility Light, bright, clear Shining light Holy Divine woman Holy, torch Changing shapes Home ruler Battle Sword spirit Pleasant Hard worker Youthful, forever young Guarded by Ing Ancestor Ing’s protection God is my oath Devoted to god |
Danish Names Start With J and K
Names | Meanings |
Janni Jensine Jerrik Jesper Jetta Jette Johan Jorality Joren Josefine Josephine Judit Julia Julie Jutta Jytte Kai Karan Karen Karina Karla Karna Karren Karyn Katharina Katja Katrine Keersten Kerda Kirsta Kirsten Kirstine Klara Klarika Knud Kresten | Janne God is gracious King forever King of treasure Home ruler Jotun God is gracious God has been gracious Farmer May jehovah add Joseph Praised Young Downy-bearded, sky father Woman from judea Women or judea Earth Helper, companion Pure, innocent Pure Womanly Ear’ or ‘helper Occupational name for a carter Pure Pure, chaste Pure Pure Christian Loyal Follower of christ Christian Christian woman Light, clear Bright, illustrious Knot Christian man |
Danish Names Start With L and M
Names | Meanings |
Lærke Lars Laura Lea Lena Lene Lilli Lily Line Linnea Lisbet Lise Liv Liva Lone Lotte Louise Lovise Lucas Lulla Luna Lykke Madsen Magnus Maiken Maja Majken Malena Malene Malthe Manisha Maren Margareta Mari Marial Marie Marieke Marika Mathilde Merethe Merle Mette Mie Mikaela Mikkel Milas Mille Molly Mynte | Lark Victory Laurus Weary Generous and kind Woman from magdala My god is my oath Lilium Unknown Lime or linden tree, flower Promise of god God’s promise Life Life Unknown Masculine Famous battle Well Bright, shining A legendary female warrior Luna Luck Gift of god Great one Rebellious woman Maria Dearly wished for Woman from magdala Of magdala Powerful warrior Goddess of the mind Winna by the sea Pearl Rebellious woman Drop of the sea, beloved Stella marris Rebellious woman Of Marie, star of the sea Strength in battle Pearl Blackbird Pearl Beloved, wished for child Gift from god Gift of god Soldier Mille Miriam Mint |
Danish Names Start With N, O, and P
Names | Meanings |
Naja Nanna Natasja Nicoline Nielsine Nikolai Nilsa Noah Nohr Nora Odin Olga Oline Oliver Olivia Oluf Orn Oscar Palle Paula Pedrine Pernille Peter Pia Pil | His younger sister Darling Birthday Victory of the people Champion, horn People’s triumph Champ or winner Rest, comfort Narrow Light Wealthy Blessed Olina Of the olive tree Olive tree Descendant of An eagle Divine spear Tiny, petite Little or small Rock, stone Stone Stone, rock Pious Arrow |
Danish Names Start With R and S
Names | Meanings |
Ragna Ragnhild Rakel Randi Rasmus Rebekka Regina Regitze Reidun Renata Reno Renske Revna Ria Rigmor Rikke Rolf Rosa Røskva Ruben Runa Saffi Saga Salomon Sanne Sara Sif Sif/Siv Sigfrid Sighni Signe Sigrid Sigrun Sigrunn Silje Silla Sille Siri Sisse Sissel Siv Snefrid Sofia Sofie Solvej Solvey Soren Sorena Stefan Stine Susanne Svanhild Svante | Ancient Scandinavian Goddess, warrior Sheep’s friend Fair, wise judge Dear or dearest One who ties and joins Queen, lady Mighty, distinguished One who bestows Reborn The one who was reborn Reborn Raven Mouth of a river Rich, powerful, ruler Alone Legendary wolf Rose Healthy and bold See my son Secret tradition Sophie Storytelling Peace Susanna Lady, princess Bride Bride A beautiful, fair victory New victory New victory Victory and beautiful New victory The secret victories Blind Blind Blind Beautiful victory She who has no sight A girl who is blind Bride Beautiful snow Pure Sofia From the house of strength She is as strong as the sun Stern A stern person Man with crown A Christiaan Lily Swan and battle Celebrating people |
Danish Names Start With T, U, and V
Names | Meanings |
Tanja Tatiana Tea Telma Tenna Teresa Terese Thea Therese Thor Thora Thorun Thrya Thyra Tilde Tina Tore Tove Trine Tue Tynisha Ulla Ulrica Una Urd Ursula | Fairy queen Honorable Gift of god Will, volition, desire Garden To harvest Summer harvest Gift of god Summer, to harvest God of thunder Thunder goddess Loved by thor Like thunder Thunder warrior Strength in battle Pure, male, a christian Fighter of thor Tova Pure Peaceful man Alive and well Powerful and prosperous Noble ruler Happy The past Little bear |
Danish Names Start With W, Y, and Z
Names | Meanings |
Valdemar Van Vibeke Victor Victoria Vidar Vigga Villads Vilma Vilmar Viola Virginia Vita Vivi Wilhelmine Willamar William Ylva Yrsa Zabina | Renowned ruler Of Rapid-moving Victorious Victor Fighter in the woods Battle or war Ready for battle Vilhelmina Known for strong will Violet flower Virgin, pure Filled with life Olive Determined warrior Known for strong will Resolute protector She-wolf She-bear Of the sabine tribe |
As we conclude our journey through the captivating world of Danish girl names, we find ourselves on the shores of tradition and the open seas of modernity. The stories behind each name, backed by statistical insights, showcase the evolving nature of Danish naming practices.
From the echoes of ancient sagas to the whispers of contemporary trends, Danish names remain a testament to the cultural richness and diversity that define this Nordic nation.
In the end, whether you find inspiration in the timeless classics or the vibrant newcomers, the names of Denmark weave a narrative that transcends generations, inviting us to appreciate the beauty of language, culture, and the ever-evolving tales told through names.
What is the most popular Danish girl name?
Based on recent newborn statistics in 2024 from Statistics Denmark, the most popular girl name in Denmark is Frida. It’s followed closely by Olivia, Alma, Ella, and Agnes.
What are the naming laws in Denmark?
There are very few restrictions on naming babies in Denmark. Parents are free to choose any name they like, as long as it doesn’t offend public decency or cause discomfort to the child.
However, if the chosen name is deemed inappropriate by the Civil Registration Office, they can suggest alternatives or ask the parents to justify their choice.
Additionally, names cannot be used if they could lead to confusion with existing titles or trademarks.
What is the most common name in Denmark?
This depends on whether you’re looking at first names or surnames: First name: Across the entire population, the most common name in Denmark for men is Peter, and for women is Anne.
Surname: The most common surname in Denmark is Jensen, followed by Hansen, Nielsen, Pedersen, and Christiansen.
Are short names popular in Denmark?
Yes, many Danish names are short and elegant, reflecting a cultural preference for brevity.
Popular and Traditional Danish Girl Names/ Pronunciation and Meaning