Celtic names are derived from the ancient Celtic languages and cultures of the British Isles, which include Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany in France. These names often carry deep historical and cultural significance, reflecting the rich heritage of these regions.
These names are often rich in history and symbolism. these names can be divided into several categories based on their origin and language
Celtic Names With Meaning From A to Z
Celtic Names Start With A
Name | Meaning |
Acionna Aengus Ahearne Aidan Aidan Aine Aisling Aislinn Alan Alator Allen Alpin Alwyn Alys Amena Andrew Angus Ann Aodh Aodhan Aoibh Aoife Arran Art Artair Arthur Arthurine Arturs Arubianus Arzhur Atrus Auryn Avalon Avan Avon | Goddess of the river Essonne One strength Owner of horses One strength Small fire Radiance Dream Dream or vision Little rock, handsome Associated with the Roman war Handsome, cheerful White Friend Noble and dependable person Honest, utterly pure Brave man Fair hair Graceful Scottish Fire Little fire Beautiful, radiant Beauty High place Noble one, bear man Bear king, bear man Bear Bear strong as a bear Kingdom, Noricum Bear man A Bear man Gold Apple One who is a little abbot The one who is fertile |
Celtic Names Start With B
Name | Meaning |
Balfour Balor Barra Barry Bedelia Bedivere Bedwyr Beli Bellicent Berget Bernez Berry Binnie Birgit Blaine Bodicca Bodiccius Borvo Boudibiua Boudicca Bowen Braden Braedyn Brain Braith Bran Brandan Brann Branwen Bre Brea Breana Brenda Brendan Brett Brian Brianna Brice Bridget Brighid Brigit Brodie Bronwen Bronwyn Bryn | Farm Pasture, Balfer The flashing one Spear Unknown Form Of Bridget Birch man Yellow Shining One Brilliant, bright woman Form Of Bridget Brave as a bear Fair headed Crib, wicker basket The strong one Salmon A woman who is a great victor He who is a great victor God of healing springs A person who is born to win Victory Son of “Owen” High noble The heir The important part of the body Welsh Freckled Raven A weapon with a sharp blade Black bird that resembles a crow Blessed raven Power and strength Virtuous Honourable Blade of a sword King, prince From Brittany High noble Honorable and noble Speckled, freckled Of high status Exalted one Fire, cattle, and fertility Ditch, mire Fair and pure heart Fair breasted Hill |
Celtic Names Start With c
Name | Meaning |
Caden Cador Caedmon Cael Cahir Cai Cairbre Caitlin Caitlin Calum Caoimhe Caradoc Carlisle Cedric Celt Celtic Ceridwen Cerridwen Chad Chadd Cian Ciaran Ciarra Cinuchan Cinuedu Cissonia Cistumucus Clvtorigi Coinneach Colin Commius Con Conan Conn Connal Connell Connor Connor Conway Conwenna Cordelia Corentin Cormac Cormac Cowen Cuchulain Cuinn Culann Cullen Cunacenni Cunobelinus Cunopectus Cunotamus Cutha Cynwrig | Handsome one Battle king Dearly loved Slender Battle man To rejoice Charioteer Purity Purity Dove Beauty and gentleness Spirit of battle From the walled city Bounty A musical name An exotic name A shape-shifting goddess Poetry They protect and are defender A saint who protects others Ancient, enduring Little dark one Dark, not fair One who is a chief Person who is a leader A goddess of trade One who is chief A monument of Clutorrix Son of a charioteer Young dog A king of the Belgic nation Heroic and wise Little wolf A brave advisor High, respectful, ferocious One who is strong at battle Lover of hounds Lover of hounds The houn Fair and blessed Heart, daughter of the sea Hurricane Hound of Cluan Irish Destroying son Twins, Hillside indent One from South Munster A leader Mythical name Handsome boy A doer A Hound A diplomatic, pleasant person Son of Cunotamus Comical person A born hero |
Celtic Names Start With D
Name | Meaning |
Dagda Daire Dallas Davan Deedee Deidre Deirdre Delwyn Desmond Diarmaid Dillion Dinogad Diuma Diva Divona Doireann Dollin Domhnall Donald Donel Donnelly Dougal Douglas Drustan Duane Duncan Duncan Dunley Dwyn Dylan Dylan Dylynn Edern Eirin Eiriol Eislyn Eithne Eliseo Elouan Elspeth Emlyn Enda Endellion Enid Enide Enyd Eoghan Eoghan Eoin Eonan Epona Ereni Erian Erie Erin Erin Erna Ernaline Errigal Esca Ethylene Ewan | The good god Fruitful, fertile Dwelling place A fascinating name A beloved being Young girl One who has a broken heart Pretty fair, pretty blessed Ruler of the world Irish A faithful one, brightness of lord A highly inspirational person Who won truth Beloved and beautiful Springs and rivers Fruitful and fertile Ruler of the world Dark water A great chief Ruler of the world Dark brave one Dark Stranger Dark-skinned warrior Noise A beautiful song Great tide Dark warrior From the hill meadow The God of peace and love Born from the yew tree Son of the sea Immerged from the Sea Heavy, wonderful Dynamic and restless one Welsh Snowy A beautiful and prity rose Kernel, grain They are kind Light God is my oath Around the valley Bird-like Fire or soul Soul or life Fair or spirit Spirit or soul or life One who is brave, courageous Born into nobility Youth God is good or god’s gift Oath or little seal A horse goddess of fertility A peaceful woman Someone from Ireland Who belongs to Ireland Child of Ireland Child of Ireland Eagle Battle to the death The name of an Irish mountain Who feels strongly for nature Noble By the yew tree, or youth |
Celtic Names Start With F and G
Name | Meaning |
Faolan Farrel Farrell Fenella Fergus Ferguson Fiacre Finley Finn Finnegan Fiona Fiona Fionnula Flemyng Floyd Fynbar Gael Gallagher Gallia Garvey Garyth Gaven Gavin Gawaine Gawanna Genaine Genamarie Glema Glenys Glyn Glynn Gordon Goronwy Graham Grainne Grannus Gull Gwendolyn Gwyneth Gwythyr | Little wolf A brave and victorious man Strong, vigorous White-shouldered one Fair, blond The son of the rock He who is like an eagle White warrior Eager helper Fair, white, or pale White or fair Fair, white, or transparent White of shoulder Descendant from Flanders Gray-haired The one who has pale Gaelic Little hawk Irritation or wound Excruciating fortune Honest Refers to snowy aggressor Spacious fort A kind of bird hawk One who is like a hawk A tribal woman or a Queen A virgin tribal girl Glen, Valley Clean, pure, and holy Fair, Good Fair Gray or gravelly home Man God is gracious Grain A healing god Long-winged swimming birds White ring White, fair, blessed Victor, champion |
Celtic Names Start With H, I and J
Name | Meaning |
Haco Hamish Hashna Heilyn Heremon Herve Hywel Ian Ian Icauna Idris Igraine Illiam Immy Imogen Iona Isolde Jannon Jareth Jenevieve Jowan | Flame, fire Supplanter Happiness, Savior Wine bearer, dispenser Herman and Irving Battle worthy Eminent, prominent Ancient God is gracious Goddess of the river Yonne Ardent lord Unknown Desire protection Maiden Maiden Island Fair and lovely One with fair hair A gentle one Runner or competitor Yahweh is gracious |
Celtic Names Start With K and L
Name | Meaning |
Kaasi Kaca Kaelen Kaelin Kail Kaileigh Kaillie Kaily Kaleigh Kane Kanin Karling Karryghan Karstyn Karsyn Katell Keane Keeley Keely Keira Keith Kelvin Kevin Kevin Kiera Kieran Kylie Laisren Léan Lee Leofel Lerina Lesley Lez Liadain Lincoln Lincon Lir Litugenus Llyr Llywelyn Locklyn Logan Login Lonan Lorcan Loucetios Lugh Lugh Lugotorix Luighseach Lynch Lynet Lyolf | From the Holy City Descendant of the Vigilant One Slender Rejoicer The Mighty One Dance, Gathering Church, Monastary Social Celebration Laurel, Crown Fighter, Hero Little Ancient One Little Champion The Admired One Mossy Place From the Marsh Pure One who dwells in the forest Beautiful Slender Irish Dark Gentle, handsome Flame From near the river Gentle, kind, or handsome Black Little dark one Strait Clearing, pasture Torchbearer The sea Lion-like leader Patron goddess of Lerins Islands A fortress made from grey stone Garden of hollies Gray lady Settlement by the lake Name for a town near the lake Name of a mythical king A settlement one Light Strong, leader Land of the lakes Man from the hollow Little hollow Little blackbird Gaelic Little fierce one A god of thunder Benevolent A god of craftsmanship King of the light Bringer of light A seaman, a mariner A graceful and mild person A gray elderly man |
Celtic Names Start With M and N
Name | Meaning |
Mabon Macbeth Macklin Macklyn Maclain Maclovio Macsen Maddox Madoc Mael Maerin Maetta Maeve Malchom Malcolm Malo Malvynn Maponos Margaret Mariel Mariely Marlo Marmaduke Marvina Maslorius Maureen Mavis Mckenna Mckinley Mearna Mellyn Melor Melvina Merlin Mervin Mian Moira Morag Morgan Nara Nareena Nechtan Neely Neil Nevan Nevanthi Nevina Niall Niall Niamh Niamh Nil Nimue Nisien Nolen Nuada Nyles | A knight Son of life Flann’s son The son of Flann The son of John’s servant Gift of God Greatest One who serves St Columba A fortunate one Disciple, Chief, Prince One who is bitter One dedicated to God Mars Entrancing or intoxicating A servant Friend of the sea Bright pledge Leade, Chief A god of youth Pearl A sea-bright person One who is bright as a sea A seahill front Fortunate, Good A renowned friend A Celtic name given to Boys Star of the sea Resembling a small bird Son of Cionaodh Son of Finley A woman of tender character Ttiny pleasing one Iron man Chieftain Sea fort Champion or cloud Gift of god Star of the sea Princess Born of the sea Happy Refraining from acting Damp Champion of the nation Passionate, hero, cloud Spiritual person A spiritual lady, holy lady The one who prises the saint Young fighter Cloud Beauty and brightness Radiance and brilliance A born champion Remembrance A mythical son of Euroswydd Famous, celebrity God of healing The wins of the world |
Celtic Names Start With O and P
Name | Meaning |
Odhran Oisin Onora Oonagh Oscar Oscon Owen Owen Owin Padraig Patrick Pendragon Penn Percy Piran Pixie Price Puspamanjari | Tan Little deer Honorable, regal Malnutrition or spotlight Deer friend An admirer of deer Nobleman Young fighter A fearless fighter From the noble class Royal poet Cheif Dragon Enclosure Hard spears The patron saint of miners Fairy Son of Rhys A girl who is like the flower bud |
Celtic Names Start With Q and R
Name | Meaning |
Quade Quaid Quinn Ragan Reagan Regan Reghan Reily Reilynn Rhiannon Rhienne Rhona Rhys Rian Riann Rianne Riannon Rianorix Riona Riordan Roderick Roisin Ronald Ronan Ronan Ronat Ronin Rory Rosmerta Rosmerta Rowan Rowena Roy Ruadh Ruy | One who is born fourth A powerful ruler Intelligent man Little Ruler, Kingly Little ruler or king A little reagal one A regal baby Boy A valiant man A valiant woman Great queen A little Queen Rough island Enthusiasm Little king A Queenly one An excellent, skillful Queen A skillful, great Queen A great Queen of all Kings Queen Advisor to the ruler Famous ruler Little rose Red hair To make a promising oath Little Seal Resembling a Seal A little seal Red king A Goddess of fertility Goddess of fertility Red or red hair Slender and fair The one who comes after Red A ruddy, red-haired king |
Celtic Names Start With S and T
Name | Meaning |
Sabrina Sabrina Sadb Sadbh Samus Saoirse Seamus Sean Sean Senan Shailey Shannon Shaunna Shaw Sheamus Sheehan Sheridan Shona Siobhan Siobhan Sirona Sloan Sloane Sucellus Sullivan Tadgh Tadhg Tahra Taliesin Tara Tarai Taranis Taranis Tarlock Tarmon Tarrah Tavin Tawnya Tchad Teagan Teague Tegan Tege Tenille Tennille Teobaldo Teranika Terin Tew Thames Thornleigh Thurl Tiernan Tierney Tincommius Tiona Torrin Trahern Trevet Trevor Tristan Tristana Trosta Tudor Tyrone | River goddess Goddess from mythology A sweet and goodly person A good and sweet woman A person who supplants Freedom, independence The grace of God Little lord God is gracious Little old one A woman who is admirable Old, ancient God’s gift Thicket, wolf One who supplants Peaceful child Searcher Fem, form of john The grace of God God is gracious Goddess of healing A fighter in heart He is a warrior in heart A god of agriculture Dark eyes A poet, Honored by God Irish Poet Planet where we live Shining brow Star The hill Thunder A god of thunder An instigator Land that belongs to Church The hill A hillslide A green field Defender and a protector Poet A handsome poet From teg meaning fair Pretty little thing She who brings light The light Prince of the people Victory of the Earth Ireland Warrior god The dark one, a riven in England A meadow with thorns A mighty fort Big village Lord, princely A big fish A fairy queen, a deity Who is from the craggy hills As strong as the iron One who is from the mouth Fair Noise or Sorrowful One who is sad or sorrowful A tumult or Knight Ruler of the people Land of Eoghan |
Celtic Names Start With U, V, W, and Z
Name | Meaning |
Ula Una Una Urien Vaughan Wynn Zayden Zenevieva | Gem of the sea Lamb Irish Famine or hunger Of privileged birth Little Blessed Little fire White wave |
Celtic Girl Names List From
If you are searching for antique and good Celtic names for your baby girl then you are in the right place. Below is the complete detailed list of Celtic girl names
Celtic Baby Names
Celtic Boy Names
Check out this surprising list of Celtic baby boy names list.
Celtic Last Names
Ancient Celtic Names
Celtic Names and Meanings
It always needs to keep something in consideration like, How it spells, its pronunciation, and most important thing its meaning. so here are the Celtic Names With Meanings
So keeping these all things in mind we have collected these Celtic baby names with meanings
Irish Names
These names are derived from the Irish Gaelic language and are commonly used in Ireland. Examples of Irish names include:
- Sean (meaning “John”)
- Aoife (meaning “beauty” or “radiance”)
- Cillian (meaning “church”)
- Saoirse (meaning “freedom”)
Scottish Names
Scotland has its own Celtic language, Scottish Gaelic, and a rich tradition of Celtic names. Examples of Scottish Gaelic names include:
- Eoin (meaning “John”)
- Isla (meaning “island”)
- Fiona (meaning “fair” or “white”)
- Lachlan (meaning “land of lakes”)
Welsh Names
The Welsh language, known as Cymraeg, has a unique set of Celtic names. Examples of Welsh names include:
- Dylan (meaning “son of the sea”)
- Gwendolyn (meaning “white ring” or “fair brow”)
- Owain (a variation of “Eugene,” meaning “well-born”)
- Ceridwen (a legendary figure in Welsh mythology)
Cornish Names
Cornwall, a region in southwest England, has its own Celtic heritage and names that reflect it. Examples of Cornish names include:
- Jory (meaning “lord”)
- Lowenna (meaning “joy”)
- Tegen (meaning “pretty” or “fair”)
Breton Names
In Brittany, France, the Breton language is spoken, and it has its own Celtic names. Examples of Breton names include:
- Yann (a Breton form of “John”)
- Maela (meaning “chief” or “prince”)
- Enora (meaning “honor” or “honorée”)
Unisex Names
Some Celtic names are unisex and can be given to both boys and girls. For example, names like Morgan and Riley can be used for individuals of any gender.
Popular Celtic Names
Aiden – Meaning “little fire,” a popular choice with a strong and fiery connotation.
Brigid – Named after the Celtic goddess of healing and poetry, symbolizing strength and wisdom.
Conor – Meaning “lover of hounds,” a traditional and beloved Celtic name.
Fiona – Meaning “fair” or “white,” a name that has grown in popularity in recent years.
Unique Celtic Names
Eisley – A unique name meaning “promise of God,” perfect for someone special.
Kaelan – Meaning “mighty warrior,” a strong and uncommon name.
Sorcha – Meaning “bright” or “radiant,” a distinctive and beautiful name.
Tiernan – Meaning “lord,” a unique name with a regal touch.
Traditional Celtic Names
Cormac – An ancient name meaning “charioteer,” rich in history and tradition.
Maeve – Meaning “she who intoxicates,” a traditional name with a royal background.
Niamh – Meaning “bright” or “radiant,” a name steeped in mythology.
Tadhg – Meaning “poet” or “philosopher,” a name with deep cultural roots.
Celtic Names for Boys
Declan – Meaning “full of goodness,” a strong and timeless name.
Rory – Meaning “red king,” a name of noble heritage.
Keegan – Meaning “small and fiery,” a spirited name for a lively boy.
Caradoc – Meaning “beloved,” a name that conveys deep affection and connection.
Celtic Names for Girls
Aislinn – Meaning “dream” or “vision,” a poetic and enchanting name.
Siobhan – Meaning “God is gracious,” a classic and elegant name.
Orla – Meaning “golden princess,” a name fit for royalty.
Eilis – Meaning “pledged to God,” a traditional and serene name.
Celtic Names for Pets
Finn – Meaning “fair” or “white,” a cute name for a pet.
Bran – Meaning “raven,” ideal for a dark or mysterious pet.
Luna – While not traditionally Celtic, it complements many Celtic names.
Murphy – Meaning “sea warrior,” a strong name for a playful pet.
Mythological and Historical Names
Many Celtic names are inspired by mythology, folklore, and historical figures from Celtic culture. Names like Cuchulainn, Brigid, and Merlin fall into this category.
Celtic names often have unique spellings and pronunciations that may differ from English names, so it’s important to be mindful of this when using or pronouncing them. Additionally, Celtic names frequently carry deep cultural and historical significance, making them a meaningful choice for many families with Celtic heritage or an appreciation for Celtic culture.
What are some Celtic names for girls?
Celtic names for girls include “Aislinn,” “Siobhan,” “Orla,” and “Eilis,” all elegant and culturally significant.
What are some Celtic names for boys?
Celtic names for boys include “Declan,” “Rory,” “Keegan,” and “Caradoc,” each with strong and meaningful backgrounds.
Are there any unique and traditional Celtic names?
Yes, unique names like “Eisley,” “Sorcha,” and “Tiernan” offer distinct choices, while traditional names like “Maeve,” “Niamh,” and “Tadhg” are steeped in history.
Can Celtic names be used for pets?
Absolutely! Names like “Finn,” “Bran,” “Murphy,” and “Luna” are perfect for pets and add a unique touch to their identity.
What are some popular Celtic names?
Popular Celtic names include “Aiden,” “Brigid,” “Conor,” and “Fiona,” all carrying rich meanings and cultural significance.
Celtic names offer a rich tapestry of tradition, beauty, and meaning, making them an excellent choice for babies, pets, or characters. Whether you prefer something popular, unique, traditional, or tailored to a specific gender, this guide provides a diverse selection to suit every preference.
Embrace the cultural heritage and timeless elegance of Celtic names, and find the perfect name that resonates with your vision and brings charm and significance to your choice
We’d love to hear your thoughts on Celtic names. Share your favorite names and the reasons behind your choices in the comments section below!