Australian names showcase a rich diversity influenced by cultural heritage, family traditions, and personal preferences. The list features unique names for both boys and girls, as well as names from A to Z along with their meanings.
Australian Girl Names
Here are our unique Australian names girl side
Australian Boy Names
Australian baby names Australian names male unique Australian names boy
Australian Names with Meaning A to Z
Australian Names Start With A
Names | Meanings |
Aabroo Aaina Aaishah Aakifah Aalaa Aalia Aara Aarani Aari Aarzoo Aase Aashif Aasimah Aasiya Aayla Abaigael Abeba Abena Abi Abigael Abilene Abla Achraf Adalet Adaliya Adalyn Adam Adami Adamo Adamson Adanne Addi Adeeba Adina Aimo Akuna Alexander Alinta Alirah Alisah Alkawari Alkina Alkira Allambee Alle Allira Allirea Alyne Amelia Anatjari Anele Anthony Anzac Araluen Archie Arika Arlo Ash Auton Ava Avgoustinos | Fame Mirror Lively person Devoted Highest Exalted Adoring Beautiful Mountain of Strength Wish Tree-covered mountain Having a confident character Protector Precious Mountain peak Gives joy Flower Born on Tuesday Goddess Leads a monastery A plain Perfectly formed Most Honorable One Justice Rainbow serpent spirit Noble Man My Man Son of Red Earth Son of Adam Mother’s daughter A Variant of Adde She loves to read Pleasant Finnish – Generous Amount Flowing water or Defender of men Fire The Quartz stone Great happiness Covenant Moon Sky Quiet place Defender Translucent quartz Quartz Ray of the sun The one who is industrious Sacred rock hole Enough Highly praiseworthy Australian and New Zealand Army Water lilies Truly Brave Blue water lily Fortified hill From the ash tree, happy An Oak settlement A bird One who has broad visions |
Australian Names Start With B and C
Names | Meanings |
Badia Badiha Badra Bahia Bambam Baraa Basima Bassett Bastiaan Bayan Baylen Bayram Bayu Billy Binda Bindi Biralee Birrani Bodhi Bouddi Brak Brindabella Bunji Calen Callagun Cardinia Celyse Centaine Ces Charlie Charlotte Chloe Ciji Coen Colebee Cooper Cra Cuma | Unprecedented Insight Full moon Nice Swelling Purity Smiling Small Venerable Eloquence Auburn-haired Celebration The Wind Determined protector Green place Little girl Baby Boy Awakening, enlightenment Heart One who is covered with freckles Two hopping mice Friend Pure Blue fig Look to the sunrise Heavenly Individual Natural teacher Free-man Feminine form of Charles Fresh blooming Cute Bold counsel, advisor, thunder Coal town Barrel maker Elegance Rascal |
Australian Names Start With D and E
Names | Meanings |
Dainen Daku Danian Darcy Daryllyn Daymion Daynan Denbeigh Dennis Dimity Djalu Dural Dylan Eden Edwin Elanora Ella Elsea Ethan Euroa Ezra | Kindhearted Sandhill Famous warrior Dark one Beautiful one Clever Kindhearted being Master of honesty Servant of Dionysus Cotton cloth Lightning Valley Son of the sea Place of pleasure, delight Wealthy friend Home by the sea One who is a beautiful fairy One who is pledged to god. Gift of the island Old English – Harp player Help or helper |
Australian Names Start With F, G, and H
Names | Meanings |
Felix Finn Frankie Gabriel Gah Gelar Gelisa Geneth George Ghy Gie Gon Gordon Grace Grayson Gurumarra Halena Hamish Harper Harrison Harry Harvey Harwell Harwill Hastie Hba Henry Himar Himyar Hudson Hunter Huon | Happy, fortunate Fair, Man of force Truthful, free God is my strength Sword Brother Girl with golden color hair. A person who is very close to God. Farmer, one who works the earth Pond Clever person Friendly Great hill Grace Son of the steward Lightning with no thunder Light Supplanter Who are independent Son of Harry Home ruler Iron, blazing, battle-worthy Well for stags Well for males dear Son of an austere man The glowing one or radiant one Estate ruler Male Ass The ancestor Bani Saba tribe Son of Hudd, mind, heart, spirit One who hunts Pine tree |
Australian Names Start With I and J
Names | Meanings |
Iggy Ilina Iluka Inala Irabinna Isla Jabiru Jack James Jandamarra Jarli Jarra Jarrah Jedda Jerome Jiemba Jimi Jimm Jimmi Jinadath Jindalee Jinelle Jokull Jomana Jomarie Jomon Jonathen Jonda Jondi Jondy Jonette Jonila Jonnelle Jono Joo Joozhar Joshua Joyanne Joyelle Joylyn Jozefa Juancarlos Juin Juke Jula Julian Juliano Julij Juliusz | Fiery My God is Yahweh By the sea Night-time Warrior From Islay or Aileach Black-necked stork God is gracious One who undermines Young warrior Barn owl Rock-rose, earthen water jug Red eucalyptus tree Small wild goose Sacred name Venus Communicative A person of strong attitude Responsible Curious to learn things Bare hill One having cool nature Joyful Noble and most admired They always share the knowledge Natural and joy Gift From God They are joyful They are loyal and sincere friends They are nice and joyous attitude Happiness Rejoicing To rejoice or rejoice Young and noble attitude God will increase his blessings Friends enjoy their company The Lord is my salvation It means happiness To keep ambitions really high They do cherish their past. They get success in their life. Serious thinkers and full of energy Spark in their personality They enjoy with full excitement young Youthful, sky father Such people are pleasant ones Youthful Relaxation |
Australian Names Start With K and L
Names | Meanings |
Kai Kaiya Kalina Kareela Karri Karro Kaurna Keily Keira Killara Kirra Koa Kudnarto Kuparr Kurraki Kylie Laniyah Lenah Leon Leonard Leueua Leueue Leuieua Leumeah Levi Lewis Liam Lincoln Lionel Lorenzo Lowan Lowanna Lucas Lue Luka Luke Luu | The victory of the people Spear Love and affection Grass near a waterhole Eucalyptus tree Blood Crow Boomerang Large lagoon Always there Beautiful woman Warrior, brave one Third child Red earth White cockatoo Boomerang A light that is found within Kangaroo Lion Brave lion A volcano matter Magma From Marie Here I rest Joined, attached Renowned warrior Strong-willed warrior Settlement by water Young lion, little lion From Laurentium Malleefowl Girl One who gives light Chain of waterhole Light, bringer of light Man from Lucania Combine forces |
Australian Names Start With M and N
Names | Meanings |
Maali Mandawuy Manmarra Marcus Marretje Mason Maya Merri Mia Miao Michael Minjarra Mirri Mitch Mitchell Monaro Moona Myaree Nama Nansy Narelle Nate Nathra Natnael Nedd Neil Ngan Ngarra Nihit Noah Norin Nullah Numo | Black swan From clay Moonshine Warlike One has emotional admiration. A person who works hard Home Very rocky The Archangel Delightful Who is like God Fruit in the bush The sun The dear messenger of God Who gives or provides light High plain God has forgiven me. Foliage A tree that produces tea leaves. Lake Little River Gift of God One who is closer to the olive tree The skills from God. The nimble of the faith. Champion, cloud Range of the rainbow. Together with you The precious talent from God. Rest Great Hunting stick Eldest child |
Australian Names Start With O, P, and R
Names | Meanings |
Occa Oliver Olivia Olja Omeo Owen Parker Pengana Raleine Rashtin Raymond Rianna Riley Robert Rogan Ryan | From the motherland Olive tree. Sacred or sanctified Modern combination name Mountains Young warrior, well-born Park keeper Hawk Lamb of God Truthful Advisor, protector Caterpillar Rye clearing, courageous Bright frame Red-headed Little king |
Australian Names Start With S, T, and V
Names | Meanings |
Sammy Samuel Sharbel Skyler Surreal Tahnee Talei Taleigha Tarka Tasman Tau Thomas Tidam Tinny Toby Troy Truman Tumai Tyler Vincent | His name is god God has heard God’s story Scholar He enjoys surfing Sound of the surf Precious one A place in Australia. Eggshell Person from Tasmania Twilight Twin Star The medals of non-precious metals God is good The City of Troy Trusty man, loyal one Trustworthy or upright. Maker of tiles To conquer, Winning |
Australian Names Start With W, X, Y, and Z
Names | Meanings |
Walken Warragul Warrin’ Warriya Watorea William Wojciech Xavier Yannathan Yarraman Yarran Yileen Yindi Zachary | Rainbow Dingo Winter Second-born son Sunset Will or Desire to Protect He who is happy in battle New house, bright Walk Horse Acacia tree Dream Child The Lord remembers |
Australian Names with Surnames
Australian Last Names
Traditional Australian Names
Australian Names for Dogs
Australian names Policy
The Australian government’s name policy is a controversial one. There are a few things that you need to know about names in Australia.
First, the Australian government has a policy that you cannot have a name that is culturally or racially offensive. So, if you decide to name your child after a culturally or racially offensive name, you’ll need to change it. Second, you cannot have a name that is too long.
Names are to be no longer than forty characters. If you have a longer name, you’ll need to shorten it. Lastly, you need to make sure that you have your name registered with the Australian government. If you don’t register your name, you’ll need to wait to have it officially registered.
It’s important to note that Australian names, like names in any country, can vary widely, and there are no strict rules governing what names can or cannot be used. People in Australia have the freedom to choose names for their children based on their preferences and cultural backgrounds.